The Manhattan Method

God damn right bro. Change the world.


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Thank to you, it seems I just need to check some nervous system issues apparently didn’t even know it was damaged but the lost of sensations… mobility too was real.

Also good luck for your journey too with this gem.

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Ok after playing MM for 3 days for 12 hours (may go up to 24 hours in the next 5 days) I can confirm this helps you easily be energetically attuned to energy or other things in general.

This has amped my focus and precision to such a degree that when I look at my mandalas, and I place my awareness naturally the effects are amplified. Let me tell you this, I have never been able to connect well with energetic mandalas no matter how hard I tried, the only time I did felt energetic output was extreme awareness like meditating alot which was too much. Now it is so natural for me to be attuned to energy, I suspect it is because the tension and anxiety that usually hinders strong awareness are melting away.

As for other things, mental operations are starting to become natural for me. Memorization is strongly built upon strong understanding and well I can connect everything together easily…

I have been practicing a skill for awhile and it seems to be effortless, my dad seemed to be impressed.

Next update in the future.


The stimulation from 12+ hours of listening was not worth it in my opinion. I tested my threshold limit multiple times and ended up breaking down. I have experienced intense headaches, lethargy, not thinking straight, depression and anxiety. I played Plasma Brain of Youth, smart stem cells, Blueprint of life, Plasma Flaunt, brain and spine field, and autism to ground myself but the effects still remain strong.

I also played MM during multiple nights while sleeping and got too cocky thinking the stimulation wasn’t too bad until it caught up to me. I may have to take a day or two while grounding myself to pick myself back up. On the plus side, the growth I gotten from this is amazing because of the circuiting wiring process, but it is important to not overwork your brain, take due rest needed.

I learned my lesson, but I will come back stronger and exceed my threshold limit. It is insane despite having this field for a long period of time, there is still room for wiring the circuits and becoming the 1% thinker.


If you’d like to share, could you indicate the threshold limit you’ve noticed with these long listens?
Thank you.

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Well when I have reached the threshold limit, I would begin to experience autism symptoms. Blurry vision, agitated, perception of things feel too much, etc.

After the symptoms have calmed down, i clearly noticed the substantial growth that has taken place after the wiring process. It’s like after you let your muscles rest, you feel much better and experience the gains you have made.

When you reach the threshold, it sucks at the moment, but if you rest and come back again, it is worth it. For me personally, I have experimented different ways to listen to brain fields. This specific approach which led me to breakdown was constantly “working out” meaning not allowing any adequate rest. I have also included boosters such as superhuman genius and acetylcholine so you would imagine how badly my brain was throbbing. Anyways, I know I have gained new growth, not like if I rest, it will go away. I will come back stronger and test the threshold once again, but maybe this time slowly.

I’ll answer simply since I didn’t really answer your question lol. I reached my threshold around the 2-3 hour mark. My brain is going to sue me in court for the constant abuse :pensive:


Looped this for 40 minutes for the first time ever (usually play it like 5 times max) n then even after looping pboy for 40 mins I experienced massive autism effects lmao my vision got all blurry and I felt kind of socially awkward at work which rarely happens, idk my brain just felt kinda dull but it subsided after a few hours, i felt proper stimulated at the same time tho idk it was weird

my thoughts have been gradually changing though to more deeper and complex thoughts. ive noticed for the past 2 months ive been using this field and i just have a massive thirst to learn things constantly and ive been progressing steadily in my target language. Im reading more books and I find I dont waste time watching tv shows anymore which used to just kill my brain cells man.

still a long way to go ofc but when I look back to how retarded I used to be im pretty happy. Im excited to experience this field more and im planning on buying a couple more. sooo grateful man holy shit thank you dream and every1 who contributes and every1 who answers all my questions lmao


How is it possible to have these effects, or maybe you played too much Plasma Brain when just listening to it a few times was enough?

Im one of those lucky people who feel fields quiet strongly also im pretty sure Im on the higher end on the spectrum but I was never diagnosed but I do display a lot of autistic tendecies


guys i been looping this again and i feel it, its in my brainnnn. Just a reminder to everyone how OP this field is


Can never get tired of this one :slightly_smiling_face:.


I got this two days ago, I looped it first day… big mistake. Since I had previous energy work and because I’m really not a “newbie” I thought it would be alright, jumping from Brain Growth Work to this is really, really not the same type of stimulation in the brain.

So I reduced to 3-4 listening instead of 10-15 and I still have the same side effects. Blurry vision, sore eyes, some kind of “burning” as if there is onions right below my eyes but ALL THE DAY and my eyes are red 24/24. (it might be detoxing because my vision is still getting better. It did the same to me while listening to Brain Growth Work at the beginning.

I bought because of this Plasma Brain of Youth, it’s better but eyes detoxing is still there but it’ll cease soon surely, apart from that there is no other side effect, no strong autism symptom, no brain frog, nothing.

When listening to this first, it was like my brain was refreshing, I felt very calm, I wasn’t agitated anymore. I feel every time listening to this field my brain being “cool down”, I exercise my brain usually on puzzle games and now it seems that some skills are growing, it’s the same as when I started Brain Growth Work and Conceptual Realization but on steroid.

What I thought being hard is now, very, very easy and it seems effortless. I like to play Sudoku and Minesweeper on hardcore mode. I win what I would NEVER win before this field but faster too, No need to concentrate, it’s as if I am on automatic pilot and I close my eyes, the game is clear.

Also something very interesting, I believed about forgetting / not being able to remember a LOT of things but through last two days, flashes of things are appearing (images, informations, videos, memories of events) coming randomly in my mind while doing random things through the day.

Things I thought not remembering them at all but are still there. When some classmates today were talking to me, I stopped talking in the middle of a sentence all of a sudden, because I couldn’t understand how the f*ck do I know what I am currently saying, where did these informations come ?

When I talk to people the conversation is flawless and it’s really important to me because I am autistic with ADHD, so yeah being socially at ease wasn’t natural to me at all to begin with, it was a lot of work through all my life, it’s a skill I polished with experiences.

So obviously, memory was a problem to me, I have a very selective memory and I honestly couldn’t concentrate (on) or memorize things that didn’t interest me even when forcing myself to do it, it was useless.

I can mobilize things I heard, read or watched only one time and associate things that don’t seem to have any point like a mind mapping skill (skill that I already had but it’s way more efficient now).

Today a lot of people were praising me at school, they asked me how do I know so much things and how can I remember anything even “useless” informations, like details, things that no one would remember.

I was always bad to remember names of people but now I can naturally associate a thing with something else to help me remember something, like a certain sound = green, a name of someone = Nordic Mythology, a personality trait of someone = a character of a movie, whatever that reminds me something so the name.

I was always forgetting the name of people or I needed a lot of time to remember them but today I tested this and all I remembered 30 names with this techniques, it would be 0 without the field I know this for sure, I would still ask them their names at least 10 times. :joy:

I had a difficult class today and while understanding all the teacher was saying my brain was literally melting but at the same time I had no effort to do, I was the only one participating and the teacher noticed that. It’s the first time in my life I can concentrate ALL DAY and not being tired or just shutdown in the middle of the day and not being there but on saving mode.

I feel like I have now all the benefits of Autism and ADHD but without the flaws (my personal flaws). My memory seems to come back, it’s really a mystery, where do the memories come ? Are they coming from a part of my brain that I couldn’t use “properly” because of Autism and/or ADHD and now they are unlocked because of this field ?

Also last things, it seems I have better results (more sensitive to energy or just good mental health) with other fields and I detach more from results now. I stopped doing things that were useless in my life.


For many collaterals aspects involved in ADHD, there is Brain Game

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I’ll get that as soon as possible, thanks !

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Lol you have very similar results to me. I’m happy another ADHDer found some freedom. :slight_smile:

What would happen if i looped mm on all 3 devices

Lol professor why do you troll like this :joy:


My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor


A sesquipedalian’s sesquipedalian :+1: