The Manhattan Method

That could be helpful if you would share the name in that regard. It might save other forum friends your pain.


Oh my pain was huuuge haha I ended up practically paying the full amount and got myself a nice $5 discount lol

Yeah I wanted to but I didnā€™t wanna derail the thread, and really just wanted to celebrate it more :slight_smile:

Itā€™s the virtual cards! Once again the crypto website saved me big time with the exchanges and transfer! But the website, godd!


The more listening days go by, the greater the feeling that the Imaginarium field is also included in this.

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Aside from the cognitive improvement, thereā€™s something deeper going on here. It feels as if Iā€™m perceiving the world more passively like Iā€™m slightly dissociated.

Thereā€™s also been an instance where Iā€™ve stumbled upon information that I didnā€™t know I needed, but really helped me gain a better insight into the world.

I see the number 111 quite regularly now too which is interesting.

If I had to guess, thereā€™s an aspect of this field that helps to bridge the conscious and subconscious?


It helps make things more conscious through new brain wiring, but itā€™s doesnā€™t involve imaginarium divine or the subconscious directly.

It enhances your perception.


@Dr_Manhattan how this field can help trading, business or programming related field?

Hi, Matt1!


I notice this, when talking to friends and my brothers
my brother can play with my mind in a way to make me seem like am always defending myself, but today it was different. I could recongize themmore, understand what to say before replying to his provoking questions,
It was like i was always on the ropes, but today it was different lol, sounds like am crazy but u had to be their to fully understand what i mean.



Thatā€™s one of the consequences of the Manhattan Method


At work today there was this person I met a few months ago, very nice who also speaks French;
all of a sudden in my mind this somewhat ironic phrase, which in my language also acquires rhyme:

ā€œcomment Ƨa va monsieur Sā€¦ien, ca va bien?ā€

I caught myself pronouncing these few words in French as when I was young and spoke French reasonably well, then over the years I had lost this ability, sometimes resulting in awkwardness.
The other surprising aspect was the total confidence and trust with which I spoke in French, which
I also perceived from the tone of voice.


Amazing bro, Iā€™m learning a language and this is excellent. @TF_CAD

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Iā€™m trying to decide if I should get this because I already have the omniscience NFT which allows me to gain access to all knowledge in my favor and was wondering if this is not needed but I always want to learn learn learn. :thinking:

In my situation, however, it is a question of recovering skills that I had lost.


Even better, if recovery is done at fast length, thatā€™s awesome. @TF_CAD

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Apologies if this is a redundant question, but is there a simple to understand cheat sheet on what is the difference between the various new Brain fields?

  • Manhattan Method
  • Wholistic Thinking
  • Advantageous Brain Plan
  • Crystalline Mind

Iā€™ll work on it

Iā€™ll write an information thread and post links to it in the fieldā€™s thread


Include Plasma Brain of Youth in it.

Forgot to make an update on this one. Whenever I listen to this I never really notice a shift unless I loop it like x5 or use ego dissolution before it. But I noticed I can literally auto pilot for short windows now. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a good enough word of whatā€™s happening but itā€™ll have to do.

If Iā€™m doing something and I am thinking about something else I will literally go into full deep thinking mode about said thing as if Iā€™m not doing anything else WHILE Iā€™m doing something that requires focus like playing a fighting game or dancing or anything of that nature.

Itā€™s cool but so weird because I have discovered answers and solutions to computer tech problems that I need without focusing on it. But when I come back to full focus on the said thing Iā€™m at the end conclusion of it

An example would be like today when I was playing Tekken 7 with a friend and he mentioned something about some computer hardware and I went into deep thought not even paying attention to the screen and I look back realizing heā€™s nearly KOā€™d and I donā€™t even know what went on. Pretty neat.

Now if I can just get to the point where I can use this at will itā€™ll be pretty cool. Feels like an ultra instinct type of thing in a way. Iā€™m sorry if my explanations sucks itā€™s just the best way I can make it make sense lol.


Nooo, thatā€™s what we want, your own word and experience :slight_smile:
It was good, keep up the good work :muscle:


Got a really neat update on this field. Well recently I have been trying to increase my visualization and itā€™s really been getting better. Sometimes when Iā€™m at work I like to pray in my mind instead of just having useless chatter run through my mind when Iā€™m bored.

I am not entirely sure if itā€™s from this field or another brain related field but, over the last 3 days I healed myself with visualization of feet pain, stomach pain and a stubborn toothache from something inflaming my gums. What I did was whenever I was testing it I would mentally replicate the same setting that Iā€™m actually in in my mind and then I would say a prayer or command the pain to leave.

I would hold that mental image of me praying for myself for atleast 5 seconds before I let it disappear and when I open my eyes itā€™s like I felt the changes taking place immediately and the pain just removed itself. The last time was with the toothache and when I did it went from throbbing to a faint pain. Thatā€™s what really had me thinking that I might need to practice this more because itā€™s actually working.

So yeah another update concerning this brain audio. Iā€™m really glad I grabbed it. School has been a breeze so far as well and studying for tests for other things as well. Thanks again @Dr_Manhattan and Dream for this field.