The Manhattan Method

Ok today I will buy this field. With proactive brain I studied hours and hours everyday. My hips hurt because of all the time I spent on a chair and when I stand up I limp. All this shit in order to do the exam with the professor that gets angry with the student before me and than destroys my ass in one minute. I read that to see results with this field we have to push ourself to our limits. I’m already doing it so why not just using this too right? Hope this helps me, because all this effort (and not just for this exam but in general with university) in order to see nothing or low grades is really making my liver explode (in Italy we say “farsi scoppiare il fegato/avere il fegato scoppiato” ahhahaha)


I bought it and I’d like to create a playlist for my brain and my mindset in general to listen to while I sleep. I already listened to some of the audios in the playlist and I added now MM, superhuman genius and enpp6

Here the playlist (I use malleable ego like a booster idk if it’s right or not but it shouldnt be bad I guess)

Energy blockage removal X3
Malleable ego x8
SLR 3 x8
ENPP6 X3 (it’s like a booster for all the brain fields I think cause it should help the growth from what I read???)
Malleable X1
Proactive brain X3
Malleable X1
Stress and anxiety X3
Malleable X1
Non judgemental acceptance x3
Malleable ego X1
Become a being of beauty X3
Malleable X1
Impostor syndrome from PU X2
Malleable ego X1
Dopamine receptors repair X2
Malleable ego X1
Superhuman genius X1
MM x9

is it ok or too much? Should i remove something or put the audios in another order?

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Ok I tried this playlist while I was sleeping adding gentle brain regeneration at the end.
What I noticed

  1. when I woke up I was really tired. My alarm sound at 6.30 am and I stayed in bed till 9.30 am.
    I guess it’s too much and I should listen to MM just 2-3 times ? Plus I don’t have plasma brain that should really help if you listen to brain fields a lot of times.
  2. I have this really vivid and colorful memory of my dream where I see a really big and chubby tiger face that smile at me. Ok I guess my spiritual animal is a fat tiger ahahahahaha

Big question. I read about the autism field that helps after all the rewiring fields to cut the excessive overgrowth. Is this the field?


Yes, it’s the Anti-Autism audio to use.


Thanks :+1: so I should put it 2/3 times after MM?


Yes, it doesn’t have to be immediately after, just daily, for example before bed.

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If it disrupts your sleep/makes you too tired, don’t use wiring fields at night or even don’t use fields at all and just sleep

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i usually listen to fields during night but maybe MM x9 is too much i will try to listen to it just 3 times during night and i’ll put BNDF and the autism field after that.

hello DR.Manhattan, I would like to hear that you mentioned that you can develop the skills of humanity’s greatest thinkers, right? The question would be whether greatest thinkers include Albert Einstein, Leornando da Vinci and Nikola Tesla. I can also develop this skill as I found a “powers” website in fiction: "The user can visualize images, objects and information in their mind, as an organic augmented reality or Computer Aided Design (CAD); from the visualization of kinematic movements of mechanical components of an internal combustion engine, visualization of a spring mechanism system in a gun, visualization of calculations, computer codes, electronic wiring system schematic designs, interactive physics, equations, graphs, tables, data , biological/physiological processes to visualize people and their movements.

They can interact with the object they view; move, rotate, expand, shift, arrange, calculate, duplicate, extrude, cut, assemble, rotate, join, disassemble, arrange, change, scale, analyze, animate, simulate and hold it in place while moving around it. It can also easily tell the true height, distance of an object, size, weight, mass, volume, velocity, velocity, energy and dimensions of a person with extreme accuracy. They can easily find flaws in a design or system, create mental schematics, or know how things work intuitively.

Visualization can help with rapid mental computation, improved memory, procedural and photographic recall, thought experiments, pattern recognition, mathematical, mechanical/scientific aptitude, intuition, creativity, imagination, accelerated learning, detailed analysis, conceptualization, design, invention, manufacturing Quick and Troubleshooting.

Extreme users of this ability can visualize beyond the invisible structure of reality, fundamental forces, energy fields, energy waves, the entire electromagnetic spectrum invisible to the naked eye, frequencies, transparency, molecules, atoms, subatomic structures, potential and kinetic energy in one system"
Can this audio also help with artistic skills? And can cybermind also help with visualization?

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Hi @JustinSpace

Welcome White Tara new


hello, dr_Manhattan can you answer my question?

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Hi @JustinSpace.

You posted your question an hour ago. Please allow sufficient time for a response. Also, there are other forum members who might answer your question, if they are available.


OK! thx for the answer

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i will wait them, sorry ;-;

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I just became aware that you asked me a question, but I have not read the full story.
Give me a moment


ok I will wait for your answer

No, this is not a comic book super power-granting elixir.
Don’t put that idea in your head, chase it, ban it away right now lol

You won’t develop telekinesis or graphic card like 3D visualization.
It’ll “just” make you really smart the essentials like abstract thinking, spatial reasoning etc some a bit more original and unique way to parse the information that you receive.

It’s a long thread, but glimpse through it, read other testimonies or my other explanations over time.

PS: Einstein was a fraud


But wasn’t the greatest skill of humanity’s greatest thinkers visual thinking?

Listen, it’s fine if you want a visual processing field, but come on