The Manhattan Method

hmm, ok then, I’ll ask another question then… can bodily intelligence improve spatial perception and time perception (sense of timing)?

Proprioception is more specific than spatial reasoning and time perception.

So, if you’re looking for dancing, Karate etc, Manhattan method would not be my first guess


Thx for answer. a feature that I was curious about is “increased peripheral sensory awareness” what did that mean?

Yes, I know that this field does not work for this specific activity, I am asking about the “kinetic intelligence” program

It’s an increase in physical/environmental awareness.

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5 senses and perception?

For a few days I’ve had this urge to stop underlining what I’m studying. I don’t know why but it seems useless to me. It’s strange to me because I always thought it was the best method to search for keywords, but while studying medicine I still found myself having to underline 90% of the book. I’m probably not good at exploiting this method and rather than wasting time, I try to glean as much information as possible from simple reading and I’m pushed to be interest in the topic. Now I don’t know if this is related to this audio or maybe to others or I’m simply tired of pointing out unnecessarily. a problem I have is that at certain moments I get too excited and I can’t concentrate ahahahaha so I think I’ll add attention and focus to the playlist. my question is: can I push more than the usual 2/3 repetitions like with superhuman genius or are there serious consequences?

I you have plasma brain or brain key, opus Manhattan, synapses, you can boost as much as you want


Nope, just the Patreon ones. Autism or Alzheimer or gentle brain regeneration can’t help for that?

Same answer as someone else told you, keep using alzheimer and brain regeneration even more then


Ah ok perfect. I was just curious if it worked well for that field too

Thanks God ! Bien sûr qu’il est une fraude, bien que je n’enlève rien à son intelligence comme tout homme travaillant dans la physique quantique. Désolé pour le français, grosse flemme d’écrire en anglais j’apprends d’autres langues en même temps je suis pas encore assez multitâche lol

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Si quand même, après le cinéma qu’ils ont fait, il est devenue le symbol de l’intelligence. Le mec était un plagiarist et il maltraitait les femmes.

Sans mec comme lui, sûrement qu’on y serait déjà sur Mars


This morning I was reading a book about neuroplasticity and I was so hooked even a little bit emotionally hooked. Studying big books for University I started to read mangas (berserk, hxh, slam dunk) and stopped reading books. Yesterday I started reading this book and I’m noticing I find it more interesting and less boring. Maybe MM is starting to affect my hunger of knowledge ahhahaha really good effect. With mangas especially recently I was feeling an increase emotional response, but having an emotional response reading berserk is normal, it is a masterpiece.
This week I started taking omega 3, so maybe the effects are improving thanks to this boost.


Ok I’m studying difficult topics and they are more easier than I could expect. I think this week I’ve seen the first real solid results from MM since I started I can feel an effective difference. I need to stay consistent and I wanna push more so I’m gonna loop a lot more the proactive brain field, cause I need more willpower and motivation to study so I’m mixing it with the willpower field.


Awesome, @riky!


Thanks hope to write about new results Soon :grin:


Can this improve Communication Skill?
Like articulation and proper things coming into my mind when I’m speaking with someone.
Please don’t recommend other field like Social Bonder and Key to babel.
I’m specifically talking about this.


I would imagine the frontal lobe upgrades would enhance your speech production and fluidity.

What about permanent brain enhancement (It’s free on youtube)? Me and @anon26800771 used it for like an hour and:

Began to rise.

Plus permanent brain enhancement was partly made for this. Language retreival, comprehension, and speech production.


Just thought I’d share my experience, since it may be useful to potential buyers. Within the first 2 weeks of using this in school I’ve managed to increase my grades significantly with only using superhuman 2x then 3x a day for Manhattan to start off with.

My grades I was predicted was a 2 in psychology for an example. And now it’s a 6. (4 is a pass) This field alone is absolutely amazing and would recommend to any person who is in education.

Recently, I’ve started looping 1hr a day as I’ve build up a tolerance. I use the autism field and brain refresher until I’m able to cop plasma brain of youth.

Overall, this speeds up learning and understanding I could even say it helps with perceptive thinking.

Added: helps with memory as well I’ve noticed I’ve been able to remember things a lot quicker not only that, when your practicing something so like playing the piano, you will notice it will take a significantly less amount of time to learn.