The Manhattan Method

And this is one of those fields which kills all the doubts one can have on fields working.

Push hard with Manhattan Method and you will feel it, I mean physically feel it.

This one, Manhattan Mathematical Madness and some others aren’t subtle at all :sweat_smile:


Did 5 hours of Manhattan today.

I think I’m doing Manhattan Method for less than a week and the results are already pretty good.

Memory is much much better, during conversation I can remember anything else that has been said to me which can be used in the conversation.

I remember details from long time ago and from not so long ago.

My wit and sense of humor as improved drastically, also my vocabulary seems to include higher language words.

Problem solving, pattern recognition, people reading, future telling.

It’s an amazing field.

I have also became more interesting in learning something, like programming or structural engineering, something that I can make a lot of money from.


Lets try how good it is. How much is 5+12?

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The calculator says it’s 17


Youre the beast

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Thanks for reminding me, another effect is that I can calculate numbers in my head very easily.