The Manly Man by Manhattan

Could the masculinization of the brain help on stop being very cerebral and neurotic about things and just “know” what to do as a man ?

If any of you guys have results on this matter feel free to share thx

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I think I need to get this next. I’m really need that growth for the lower body. I feel as if when I was younger I didn’t get the full range of my puberty because I didn’t take care of myself or go outside.

So it may not correct all the short comings but I certainly didn’t get all the mental and androgenic effects and I’m sure this will do more than expected.


weight right now: 185
goal weight: 250
audios: manly man and muscle roar :)


Probably, although I doubt that the neuroticism is a completely biological thing. Quintessence would probably also be needed for that

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if my goal is too put on as much mass possible, should I add in sarms also on top of manly man and muscle roar

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Doubt they are valuable as much with both Manly Man and Muscle Roar. In theory you will get better results from adding as much recovery as possible to spam Muscle Roar without diminishing returns. Lots of stuff possible here, below list isn’t complete.

So some free addons are Muscle Recovery 2.0, Platelet Rich Plasma^2 Bath, HGH or The Bone Strengthener, Creatine Synthesis, Induced Follistatin to Muscle, Fa Jin Gong Infusion from The Flow.

20E Pepper and The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat (Fa Jin Gong infusion into muscle with general recovery) from paid fields.

Of course to put more energy and building blocks into cells free Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption and paid maybe Endocriner?

Everything that improves mitochondria efficiency, most would recommend free SuperHuman Mutant or its paid SuperHuman Mutant RNA upgrade.

Now each SARM audio can have potential advantage on its own barring androgen receptor activation, as it’s of dubious added effect with two ones you already use. Ostarine should in theory have marked effect on recovery, tendons, positive and stabilizing effect on mood. Rest are less useful. LGDs are mostly for androgenicity which is not needed in larger amount and YK-11 will not add better myostatin inhibition with Muscle Roar.

Cardarine and Stenabolic usually are discussed together with SARMs. Both can help you with energy metabolism and recovery if used consistently, so probably useful. Shift towards slow muscle fibers is probably not a concern with Muscle Roar pushing hypertrophy directly.

Longer answer :slightly_smiling_face: and all speculation on my side. So hope that maybe others can chime in on the topic of fields there and if they actually can give added value. Also hearing how people use Muscle Roar would be nice, schedule and number of times specifically.


My beard is ready for the Jihad.

I’ve let it grow for 6-7 months before but it never went full facial wig like this.

I like it

I had a dream where my fingers were still slim and I wondered if I imagined the changes. I was disappointed, then I woke up with big fingers :champagne:
Can feel the bone in them




I hadn’t seen anyone else respond on this note (:notes:), so here’s my experience:

My voice in general has gotten a lot stronger. Like you, my voice range was already pretty deep – my Tennessee Ernie Ford impression was pretty good! My upper range limit hasn’t changed much at all and in fact, some of my higher range has ‘filled in’ a bit. I can actually hit some Tenor notes now that I couldn’t before without sounding like a dying seagull. The bottom of my range has expanded and gotten much deeper, as expected. I’ve found it increasingly effortless to ‘drop an octave’ where I used to have ‘gaps’ in my lower ranges. I’m not a professional or anything, just a guy who sings to his kids a lot.

My speaking voice has, of course, settled into a deeper register. I’m not being scientific about it, so I don’t know how much of that is physical. Some combination of this and Quintessence has stopped me from ‘modulating’ my voice so I could sound less threatening, so instead I just speak where I’m comfortable and they just have to deal with that deep bass brass rumble.


55 posts were merged into an existing topic: History Thread - History, Cultures, Civilizations, anything related

Field 100% changed the way I respond to things. Like 40% less emotion involved lol.


Anyway back to the thread…

Voice is now super deep, hair is super thick, and so is my beard

I don’t eat that much, I’ve always been skinny but I look jacked ngl recently

Chin looks sort of like giga chad (also use Marquardt mask)


that’s amazing , i got new hairs on my back in just a couple of days, loving the hairs. once winter arrives i wont be needing a fur coat anymore


:eyes::eyes: is their a potential kung fu field on the horizon? I think that’s a manly man thing to do


Even better, imagine one that enhances one’s kinesthetic intelligence to it’s max potential.

A master of movement. Unleashing total body freedom. “Ultra Instinct” if you will.


I think Dr has mentioned in one of the threads, a field which would cover “mind-body coordination”. It would be awesome for sports, dance etc.,


Yep that’s the one I was referencing. I recall mention of it but wasn’t sure if it was still in the lineup


let’s add to the requirements thread, Dr ain’t gonna stop “transformation of men” for the love of history and legacy.


@daou that’s a sneaky way to get your request on top of the waitlist, but it just worked

I think you men will like the next release too


I wish they came out when I was like 14 :skull_and_crossbones: (not that I would’ve been able to afford them.)