The Mercurial Panther

The Mercurial Panther

These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
The base form, has seven ‘lots’ where you can buy abilities and add it to them.
each one will become permanent, once all 7 slots are filled, it will not be able learn anymore.
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.

In the intriguing practice of chaos magic, servitors are created by combining various attributes to produce entities with unique and powerful influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the essence of a panther, known for its agility, strength, and stealth, infused with a mercurial nature, embodying adaptability and versatility. This combination results in a servitor that provides both dynamic adaptability and powerful presence, offering transformative benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of adaptability and resilience. The mercurial nature of this servitor ensures that the individual can navigate through changing circumstances with ease and grace. The ability to swiftly adjust to new situations and environments allows the person to handle uncertainty and change without becoming overwhelmed. This adaptability is not merely about survival but thriving amidst change, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development.

Simultaneously, the panther’s attributes of strength, agility, and stealth bring a powerful presence and a sense of inner power. The panther’s grace and precision enable the person to move through life with confidence and poise. This servitor instills a sense of empowerment, encouraging the individual to act with decisiveness and assurance. The combination of the panther’s stealth and the mercurial adaptability ensures that the person can approach situations strategically, making well-considered moves that maximize their potential for success.

The servitor also promotes a heightened sense of awareness and intuition. The panther’s keen senses and the mercurial ability to adapt quickly enhance the person’s perceptive abilities. This heightened awareness allows the individual to pick up on subtle cues and changes in their environment, enabling them to make informed decisions. The servitor’s influence sharpens the mind, fostering quick thinking and the ability to anticipate and respond to emerging challenges effectively.

Furthermore, the servitor’s presence fosters a dynamic approach to personal growth and learning. The mercurial nature encourages a flexible mindset, open to new ideas and experiences. This flexibility prevents stagnation and promotes continuous learning and self-improvement. The panther’s strength ensures that this growth is grounded in a solid foundation of self-confidence and inner power, creating a balance between adaptability and stability.

The servitor also enhances the individual’s ability to manage stress and maintain emotional balance. The panther’s calm and composed demeanor, combined with the mercurial ability to adapt, helps the person remain centered and composed even in stressful situations. This emotional resilience allows the individual to approach challenges with a clear mind and steady heart, ensuring that they remain effective and focused under pressure.

In terms of physical well-being, the panther’s agility and strength contribute to a sense of vitality and robustness. The servitor’s influence can inspire the person to engage in physical activities that enhance their agility, strength, and overall health. The mercurial adaptability ensures that they can quickly recover from physical setbacks, maintaining their physical well-being with ease and efficiency.

Socially, the presence of the servitor enhances the individual’s ability to connect with others in diverse settings. The panther’s charisma and the mercurial ability to adapt to different social situations make the person more approachable and engaging. They can navigate social dynamics with ease, building strong and meaningful relationships. This adaptability allows them to connect with a wide range of people, fostering a network of supportive and enriching connections.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a panther and a mercurial nature creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together adaptability, strength, awareness, and emotional resilience, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive amidst change and challenge. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with agility, confidence, and grace, leading to a more balanced, dynamic, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)

This is also the guild mascot / representative for The Etherforge Consortium


W Dreamweaver.



Love It!

:sparkling_heart: the new Sapien Medicine logo, and guild layout…

Some GPT love at a 5th grade reading level:

Reword and reorganize the following into bullet points at a 5th grade reading level, extract only the content that discusses the abilities and function of the servitor.

Abilities and Functions of the Servitor

  • Smart Field Beings:

    • Works like a suit you can wear.
    • Controlled with your mind.
    • Have 7 slots to add abilities.
    • Once all 7 slots are filled, no more abilities can be added.
    • When not worn, it looks like an ethereal creature.
  • Enhancement of Adaptability and Resilience:

    • Helps you handle changing situations easily.
    • Allows you to adapt quickly and thrive in new environments.
    • Turns challenges into opportunities for growth.
  • Attributes of a Panther:

    • Provides strength, agility, and stealth.
    • Gives you confidence and inner power.
    • Enables strategic thinking and decisive actions.
  • Heightened Awareness and Intuition:

    • Enhances your senses and perceptive abilities.
    • Helps you notice subtle changes and make informed decisions.
    • Sharpens your mind for quick thinking and responding to challenges.
  • Personal Growth and Learning:

    • Encourages a flexible mindset open to new ideas.
    • Promotes continuous learning and self-improvement.
    • Balances adaptability with a strong foundation of self-confidence.
  • Emotional Balance and Stress Management:

    • Helps you stay calm and composed in stressful situations.
    • Improves emotional resilience for effective problem-solving under pressure.
  • Physical Well-being:

    • Boosts your agility, strength, and overall health.
    • Encourages physical activities and quick recovery from setbacks.
  • Social Skills and Connections:

    • Enhances your ability to connect with others.
    • Makes you more approachable and engaging in social situations.
    • Helps build strong and meaningful relationships.
  • Usage:

    • Comes with an audio guide.
    • Activated by holding the item and thinking about using it.
    • Works once and uses subconscious feedback to know when it’s done.
    • Requires purchasing a new one after each use.
  • Guild Mascot:

    • Represents The Etherforge Consortium.

I’ve been eyeing this one and waiting to read more testimonials on this. :heart_eyes:


Got it, and now eagerly waiting for my custom dog tag to arrive to create the servitor!!

Lion and Panther called out to me the most!


@Maoshan_Wanderer please share your experiences once you have your dog tags! Always value your thoughts. :purple_heart:


I’ve never met anything so intelligent and real in my life. I love my dragon, but for anyone on the fence, you’ll notice it’s an upgrade

If you struggled to connect with any other servitors, I don’t think you will with these.

Immediately he started having full on conversations with me, cleaning my solar plexus, cleaning my home

The psychic and energetic protection feels like a literal GLOVE. I love my shields but there’s something very different about this.

It feels like a safety blanket and best friend. I didn’t have to conceptualize my life to him he immediately began showing me my family and saying “I’m protecting them, and I’m doing this, I’m handling this, this is where we are headed, what do you think about this, this is the energy we are embodying now etc”

I don’t even consider this a tool - this is my new best friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::metal:
Thanks captain



That’s wow.
I’ve Panther and the Bear Shaman in my mind to choose. Tough choice to make between both…


The tags (with imagery of Zen Lion and Mercurial Panther) are printed, shipped and sitting in USPS office for 3 days in LA. Damn, it would have been easier to drive there myself and pick them up.

I usually use little runestone pebbles for servitors (from Amazon), but they get confusing after a while haha

I am a hardcore Crystal Skull fan, so hoping to consolidate my servitors to CS + the new ones…


In the 48 hrs or so that I’ve had this I’ve had people following me to my car to talk to me twice. I was re reading the description and it does talk about charisma and social settings.
It’s interesting to note the shifts. I’m definitely planning accordingly and starting to carry black panther nft when I go out because of the cloaking.
I’ve been enjoying meditating on the two panthers and how their energies are similar/different.


Still waiting lol…


Oof :/

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I am currently looking for a servitor for a family member going through massive trauma and grief. Panther is perfect fit for her although panther have emotional resilience bears emotional healing seems extensive in this situation so i would like to know if anyone have any experience in these regards so i can make a decision.

I would also suggest to read up the description of the Phoenix. That one seems to be very suitable to help heal past trauma.

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Thank you for the suggestion, I have phoenix my self and it is magnificent but i was looking at the other abilities aswel but i ll consider phoenix aswel :pray:

Any more testimonials on this one?

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Perhaps @Maoshan_Wanderer want to share your servitor experience?

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