The Merman NFT (Official Thread)

Beauty, Fertility & Water Wisdom.

The male counterpart of mermaids. Water creatures of an unbelievable beauty and seduction powers.

Though stories and characteristic tend to vary depending on the culture and historic period, these creatures have been represented in many human civilizations for centuries, and their gender is not only limited to female beings.

Water is the primordial element of Life here on Earth (and probably somewhere else too), without it, nothing would be possible on the Physical Realm. Even us, human beings, are made of water.
We should make mention here to Devic beings, which, in fact, many believe Marmaids are part of. They work in Higher Realms, taking care of water elements of Mother Earth and across the universe.

They also share a connection to the Atlantean civilization, being known for its advanced spiritual technologies and advancements.

Wise, loving, incredible beautiful high spiritual beings that reside in Higher Realms than us humans, helping Mother Earth and her inhabitants through their knowledge and nurturing energy.

Indulge yourself in the energy of this NFT, let the power of Divine Water heal you, and guide you to your higher beauty and health potential becoming a Divine aquatic being in your human form.

Main Field 1: ~Mesmerizing Beauty~

It will turn the user into the most beautiful version of himself.

•Subfield A: body

Muscular, strong, well defined body. According to the user’s personal desires. (Health and scalp protection included).

•Subfield B: looks

It will enhance the natural overall beauty of the user according to his personal desires.

•Subfield C: mysterious, sexy energy

The user will exude those energies.

Main field 2: Alluring magical seduction

The user will become irresistible. Not only on a flirting kind of way, but also on all aspects of his life.

•Subfield A: male pheromones

Optimal pheromones production embedded on the user making him really attractive.

•Subfield B: self confidence and charisma

Those energies will fill the user and be helpful on every aspect of his life.

•Subfield C: the power of his voice

Using the same seductive concept as in the original mermaid’s myth.

Main field 3: ~Merman’s Tail Sanctuary~.

A Divine Sanctuary programmed to bring the user to his highest potential as a fertile male on his Physical Form. The reproductive system will be brought to its optimal functioning state and beyond.
Mermaids (and Mermans) are known to be a symbol of sensuality and fertility. This Sanctuary is the embodiment of that and embedded with these energies.

•Subfield C: ~Mermaid’s Eternity Waters~

The whole reproductive system is fully healed and rejuvenated. Injuries completely recovered and vitality restored. (Blood vessels, testicles, prostate, vas deferens, corpus cavernosum, corpus spongiosum, tunica, urethra, lymphatic system, dermal layers…and everything else.)

•Subfield B: ~The Hormone Powerhouse~

Masculine hormones production at its finest.
Puberty might be hitting the user hard once again. Not only reproductive organs, the whole body and androgen receptor areas are targeted.
(Masculinization is expected until desired level).
(Negentropy based. Safety protection against unhealthy side effects included).
*In synergy with “•Subfield A: body” of Mainfield 1.

•Subfield C: ~The Jing Fountain~

Semen is a precious vital source, but a man’s energy might get depleted through ejaculation. With this water fountain, the user’s vital energy will be restored to its max levels even if he decides to ejaculate. (Semen retention/jing concepts for reference).

Main field 4: ~Divine Ocean Sanctuary~

A Divine salt water multidimensional healing Sanctuary. Negative (bad) energies and entities on any dimension of the user are dissolved as he baths on its waters. High vibrational Divine Melodies are playing, healing the merman’s tempests and blockages.

Intercession of Mermaids/Mermans from the Highest Spiritual Realms is expected on this cosmical place.

•Subfield A: ~Multidimensional Healing Water Temple~

Whole multidimensional body of the user is scanned, and healing of the root cause is targeted.
Then, every cell of the user’s physical body is completely detoxed, restored and healed. Apoptosis of toxic cells/alterations included.
(This subfield works to an extent for those around when the user plays the audio).

•Subfield B: ~Eternity Youthing Water Temple~

Defeating the aging process. Age recapture to early/mid 20s.

•Subfield C: ~Mermaid’s Eternity Waters~

Divine Water that works as an external energy source for: healing, before a workout, muscle growth…
All the physical changes on this NFT are powered by this water, which means the user won’t need extra calories nor get his energy depleted.

The three above should bring the user as close to eternity as possible on his physical form.

The NFT can work like a water charger.

Thanks @Dreamweaver !


Moisture is the essence of wetness…and wetness is the essence of beauty