The Microcurrent Face Simulant +

As it targets entire head, in theory it may also help with hair growth. Would be a cool bonus : )

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Well for me Plasma Glass Skin uplifts my face too, and I feel it very strongly. Maybe its because I need that. I have noticed an uplift in my forehead, and a bit on my jowl area (I have small jowls, not much) so far. Ive only had it since 3/30. I just finished my 5th treatment (5th day)
The Microcurrent gives off a buzzing to the entire face, makes it look plumper in a good way with a healthy color. Ive only had it since 4/2, so I just finished the 2nd treatment (its the 2nd day)

Its too early for me to say more.


Thank you both!


I agree. I got a little lift/ tightening with that one too, especially around the eyes, temples and forehead.


I dont have Plasma glass yet and just yesterday i started with this one like this

Carboxytherapy x 3
Platelet plasma x 3
Microcurrent x 3

(I had already listened like this before i noticed that the order Maoshan has is better, so ill be doing his instead)

Today after shower and a little face scrubbing no make up at all i looked like a baby im not kidding with just one day of listening.

Then when i got to work i went to the restroom and i was like omg.

I am wearing a yellow top and have a pony tail, still no make up on (i usually only put mask on and i put it once at work in the restroom dont ask me why haha) and i was playing the strawberry + cream on my way to work and i swear i looked and felt like 15 years old smelling like a doll :rofl::sunglasses::two_hearts:

Its crazy.

I still be adding the Plasma Glass in like a week or 2.

Get them gurl.


So you’re paid to put makeup on, obviously :crazy_face:

Thanks for the testimonial, sounds like it’s a must have!


/me pretending to be uninterested when seeing threads/fields related to beauty… but at the end of the day… Cate is (always) right:/


Thank you for the testimonials, Luna and you all! :lipstick:


:thinking: …hmm, I am not sold yet.
The google pictures for “Microcurrent Facials before after” show almost no results with that therapy at all. I am spoiled with too high expectations as a consequence of the other Sapien fields? :thinking:

Anyways, the Microcurrent Facials field is still cheaper than doing that therapy in a normal spa though… :slightly_smiling_face:

Right now, I am trying to understand the differences behind the different face fields that we now have and the areas they are applied at:

overall face - Face Lift and Facial Toning Ver 2.0
overall face - Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck
overall face - Plasma Protocoll
overall face - Face Combination

muscles - Microcurrent Simulant +
muscles - Facial Symmetry

skin - Glass Skin
skin - Carboxytherapy
skin - Acne Treatment
skin - Collagen 2.0
skin - Keratosis Pilaris
skin - Acne Ablation
skin - Skin Regeneration

cells - Platelet Rich Plasma Bath
cells - Anti Aging (Cellular Memory)
cells - Telomere Regeneration
cells - The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

:man_scientist: :woman_scientist:
If you’d had to buy only one, which of these would you guys buy?

  • skin - Glass Skin
  • skin - Carboxytherapy
  • overall face - Plasma Protocoll
  • muscles - Microcurrent Simulant +



There are a lot of before - afters that I found but some for sure are photoshopped, when it seems like half the mount of saggy skin disappeared from the neck after 1 occasion… yeah sure :rofl::rofl:

This for example seems like a realistic before - after (I’ve had this done on my face before, but just a short sesh)

I got the field, so far I like it, I don’t really have signs of aging yet (in my opinion lol :rofl:) , but it does seem to stimulate the muscles and give an overall young/healthy look.


Yes, I’ve never been impressed by this microcurrent stuff either. But this field contains some more stuff…

So figured I get it anyways… and this is a little something else than normal microcurrent stuff. :wink:

Works great!


Too early semi-review but already excellent results, especially when considering that I’m not in the best shape and mood these last couple of days.

I second what has been said so far. 3 rounds of this = “illusion” of a plumped and rested face for someone who’s not rested at all. Better than a session of face yoga and else. Will use on my parents too tonight (with their permission).

And will add it in my list comprised of Carboxy, Platelet, etc. once I’m back to my usual stacks.

Thanks again Captain and everybody who may have contributed.


[in a whiny voice] You guys! Stop it! I just spent too much on the sale as is, and now you’re making me want to buy this one too. My wallet is begging you to stop*. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

*“Stop,” as in “stop making me want to buy this.” But, please don’t stop having your wonderful results!

Edited: to fix code tags.


There is a reason I requested Dream to create this field.

My GF has been using various Microcurrent devices for the last 2+ years - Foreo Bear, Nuface, ZIIP, (hopefully thats all!), etc. - and they work phenomenally well. Her face shape has basically changed in the last 2 years with a perfect jawline. The pics on the web are fake and exaggerated, but with regular use, these devices work very well!

She tried the Nuface on me a few times and I could see results right away, a much more toned and sharp face. However, I did not like the “mini-shocks” one bit and stayed away from it. She then got the Foreo Bear and used it on me a few times and that worked very well too without any shocks. I was super impressed with the jawline after about 2 weeks of use.

However, it requires continuos use and when she stopped using the device for 3 weeks, the effects somewhat diminished. And she uses it every damn day to keep up with the results.

And there is a new, better device coming out every year lol and that costs more than the previous one. Basically, the concept of microcurrents in skincare has not changed, just the packaging keeps changing, and new devices crop out. So, I requested Dream for this field, which will provide all these benefits, have more permanent effects that build over time, and eliminate the need to buy expensive devices and their equally expensive accompanying gel primers.


Thank you!! I am really amazed with this.

I was listening to the stack as yours in the afternoon but i switched to use this one alone in the morning x 3 and the other fields in the afternoon and i actually am liking it more that way, because in the mornings wakes up the face and tightens it after the sleep where the face gets splashed all over while we move haha.

I might do one of each morning

And finally see which one seems better


So you’re the reason behind all the goodies we been getting! :relieved:


I agree. After I read your post referring to Maoshan’s skin stack. I tried it that way. But it turns out I prefer spreading the
Plasma Glass Skin
and Carboxyl
out during the day.
One in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the evening/night.
Trying to decide the best (for me) way of doing this.


I agree with this. There is someone I trust on youtube who gives reviews on devices. She is now 58, has partially oily skin, enlarged pores, a few lines, etc. Anyway she uses the NuFace almost everyday since 2017. She (Angie) has vids where she compares her face, before and after, same lighting, no makeup and with makeup. She has used/reviewed other items, but keeps using the NuFace. Start at 6 min. mark if u just want to see the pictures. She is age 55 in this vid.
BTW If u get shocks, u havent used enough gel.

Anyway I considered getting the NuFace with the thinner probes for the brow and around the eye. I only really wanted it because I have VERY HOODED EYES (mostly due to age, heredity and illness) . Meaning u cant see my eyelid at all…no eyelid! It (the extra flesh/skin) actually comes down and touches my eyelashes and pushes them downward. My eye doctor has to hold them up so I can open my eyes up wider for the exam! Anyway I never bought it, u need to keep using it when u get the results u want. Plus its not recommended for people with serious heart problems or those who have a pacemaker… Anyway I am hoping that one of new skin fields will help this. .I just want to see some eyelid. The droopiness makes me look depressed/sad all the time, even when I’m not!
And not to sound vain, (but I am, vain to a normal degree, not ashamed of this BTW ) but it is the most aging thing on my face, otherwise I look pretty good for my age. (Both my parents had this too as they got older.)


I was listening each one x 3 times and all together but now i will


Platelet rich x 1
Facial symmetry x 1
Microcurrent x 1
Carboxy x 1

Same afternoon

Same night

I dont have the Plasma Glass yet but once i do ill add x 1 in each stack.

Ill try until we find the best one haha :nerd_face:


Thats an interesting way of using them. Hmmmm…


I’m excited for the next sale, already started my sinking fund to get Glass Skin and Microcurrent. I don’t have any devices (because expensive things tend to get broken in this house, so I try not to tempt Fate and curious toddlers), but the savings on retinol and collagen alone would pay for the field after the first year.:blush:

Thanks to the skincare power couple of Mao and his GF for inspiring and suggesting these to Dream! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: So can we hope for an LED Light Therapy mask next? :wink: