The Microcurrent Face Simulant +

Bought it. It is a lot of dough, but it is worth it for what is does. Just tested it and can feel a little burning in my face :slightly_smiling_face:


if you listen daily can results become permanent?

i wonder if this field has jawline exercises element in it??

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Any results so far?

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How are your results with the stack you are using?

Great, know tho that my skin wasnt bad, just some freckles here and there due to sun, some soft small wrinkles on the forehead or corner of the eye and maybe the neck needed some love.

Well its getting super tight all over
Rarely any wrinkle
Sun spot (2 specifically that i hate not too big i hate them lol they are fading, not at the speed id like but they are. Im sure the Plasma Glass would get rid of them i havent got that one yet)
Jaw line is super sharp and defined but not manly looking lol
I feel like the fat in my face is well distributed
No fat in the chin area at all or neck
Legs skin and tummy getting super tight too
Better circulation
Hmm i think that so far


@anon46520955 thank you for Sharing! That sounds pretty decent. Was it better results for you when you listened to them 1x each morning, noon and night or when you played then 3x each?


I def liked them more in the morning because you wake up with the face like a mess :sweat_smile: then its like going to the spa for full treatment right before work and you get there looking all fresh and fancy lolol

But unfortunately i need that time frame to listen to some that are very important to set the day right so i was like listening to the list fully some days then some days i had to cut mid way cause i got busy then i forgot or id listen in the morning then get busy until night etc

So i swtiched it back to just after lunch once at home while taking my nap. Still works :slightly_smiling_face:


Now that I’m over my little sickness ill start to document my progress with this audio.

I’ll be using the playlist @Maoshan_Wanderer I using:

Beside glass skin cause (ya boy ain’t got it like @maoshan :sob:)

I’ll take a photo everyday (flash in all of them) and probably post something within a month or less if I notice anything.


My oldest sister using this + facial symmetry x just 8 days so far daily x 3 :dizzy_face::open_mouth::heart_eyes:


Wow! Looking good! She is doing once a day 3x, or
Three times a day 3x each time…


Once a day x 3


Wow amazing results!


Wow those are amazing results!


Those results are crazy good


Wow! Super


We can clearly see the change at the neck level :ok_hand::slightly_smiling_face:


Any one under 25 have any results to share?

Yeah same, I’m probably in my prime years give or take skin-wise so I don’t know if these face fields r needed. I’m probably still gonna get all 3 eventually as I’m a sucker 4 beauty

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If you can afford them get them even for later use, we never know when some fields would be taken off the market.

If you dont need them just listen a couple of times a week, so you dont mess with the normal development of your skin.

I dont know how old you are but maybe you can start just with the Ablation for acne if you have any or just to keep it free of it and the one added today (the automated mewing on patreon for a super charp nice defined jaw :nerd_face: ) definitely would be great. If you drink water charged with the infrared plasma that will help your skin be nurtured while you grow as well or the new charger mugs :blush: