The Middle Ground

Omg first sentences sounds so good, let me see further what its about


Wow, coincidentally (or perhaps synchronicity) I got this tattoo 3 days ago


Cool that’s the ouroboros if I’m spelling that correctly


The energetic effect it brings about is pretty profound.

I have been playing around with it for about two days now. I had an interesting experience. In the US, it is time for doing taxes. I usually end up paying a large sum and I usually rant about how the government does not deserve my hard-earned money, especially in Cali, where taxation is supposedly one of the highest.

I heard this audio a few times and an understanding dawned. A sort of realization that it is futile to get irate, and a sudden blanket of acceptance covered me like a cozy wave of warm air on a cold winter night. The strong attachment to some held concepts dropped and energetic corrections were happening rapidly to reset this clinging.

I know this probably does not seem like a profound realization, but this is a good glimpse of the field’s ability to show us the big picture of life, living, and not getting hung up on things that are not of significant consequence in the larger scheme of things.


I immediately thought of this being paired with Conceptual Realizations.


I think this post might be an inspiration to this field but in a more focused way. I can only guess since I don’t own this. Dropping this knowledge bomb anyway


Interesting experience
So now you are feeling like you are in control I mean in charge?

I am now feeling like an actor that has an act to play, and with it trigger events and synchronicities for others, so the game of life can continue the way I would like.


hmm It’s like I was the coach of a soccer team, that knowing he was in charge, relaxed a bit too much, arriving late sometimes, ending some interviews before stipulated time, with some questionable sleep schedules etc. Homeostasis happens to all of us :grin:

This field would be like the coach coming out of a meeting with the management board, reinvigorated and with a strong sense of duty, knowing he wasn’t giving all he has to offer.

Each day you should stop for a moment and ask yourself: What have I don’t towards my goals today. If it is not “Everything”, try harder.

and with this quote integrated in his mind. All of this after a meeting focused in understanding and love


Surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention.

On my first listen but so far I’m feeling positive changes quite quickly. Will come back with a more full review as time goes on.


Sounds like this can help remove fear associated with death. Definitely going on my list


How come I just saw this one 1 month later.

Instant buy


for real

@Cambrian @Maoshan_Wanderer @Desiree @I_AM

Do you have another update or maybe another deep realization about what this field can do?

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I am getting glimpse that everything is illusion and nothing matters, nothing is important, everything is zero
Whole vast world is illusion, one dream full of egos (who want to be recognised in every way possible, like I am, I am, I am, look I am here, I am important, craving for attention)
I can’t anymore say what is really real
I am getting glimpse it’s only ONE that’s real, and that’s I AM, call it consciousness idk
It’s strange feeling
It feels like I am observer, not attached with anything, and like I am playing here only some role, nothing serious
Also all people are somehow really nice to me even when I made mistake, even when I don’t smile they smile to me, strange

Before all this feeling I had some strange feeling like most alone person in world, awful feeling of being totally separated of everything and everyone, not wanted and it lasted some time and then this… insight of freedom feeling idk


It’s kinda scary man, to think that everything you’ve ever been told and everything you’ve seen is part of the illusion that “self” is creating

It makes you look at life differently, like love and relationships is interesting when all is self and self created. Kinda makes you feel crazy lol like right now I’m just talking to my"self"

It feels like life is a big distraction from actual truth (all is one and it’s all an illusion), like every moment i continue participating in life, it’s like the “game” is tricking me in it’s illusion

Perhaps truth lies within silence, where there’s no distractions from the illusion


I bought this field in the afternoon :blush:

I already realized partially that everything is maya but it doesn’t hurt to completely dissolve

Asatoma Satgamaya! :pray:


Yes this is true. Or you could call it the Truth maybe :slightly_smiling_face:
If you want more than a glimpse I can recommend you the Freedom course which is free now.

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I don’t have anymore this exact glimpse
It was moment or something like so
Overnight was disappearing
But I have seen this veil of ego darkness over humanity, it’s for reason there, for playing roles in this theater of life


Heyyy I have a question for you

I’ve really been doing a good job of working through fears and anxieties I may have lately -

Do you think this helps dissolve the fear of death?

Like in general. I get really upset even if I see like a dead mouse on the road

I’m looking for something in particular to help me do that. I understand intellectually that there’s nothing to fear but “little me” ego is still kind of hung up on it.

And I listen to ego dissolution and all the stacks etc

I was wondering if this attacks it from another angle


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Hello Jen :hugs:

By reading your post i realized that there’s almost no more fear left in me. I feel middle ground can be helpful for it cause it brings you in a neutral state where you become and after some time are the observer of everything. Also booted bhoots took away a lot of fear for me. You can also ask the Solidifier to do this and the wrathful deity nft’s like Kali or Ekajati and other dark goddesses. Maybe we can ask @Desiree cause she has more understanding of all these deities and what they can do…

Vibration of transcendence was really a game changer for me a half year ago regarding taking distance from all physical things. It brought me a lot of clarity also and conceptual realizations should work really great for fear of death to deeply understand that this surface reality is all maya and has nothing to do with who we are and what is the ultimate truth. I hope this helps… :pray: