The Middle Ground

I don’t have anymore this exact glimpse
It was moment or something like so
Overnight was disappearing
But I have seen this veil of ego darkness over humanity, it’s for reason there, for playing roles in this theater of life


Heyyy I have a question for you

I’ve really been doing a good job of working through fears and anxieties I may have lately -

Do you think this helps dissolve the fear of death?

Like in general. I get really upset even if I see like a dead mouse on the road

I’m looking for something in particular to help me do that. I understand intellectually that there’s nothing to fear but “little me” ego is still kind of hung up on it.

And I listen to ego dissolution and all the stacks etc

I was wondering if this attacks it from another angle


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Hello Jen :hugs:

By reading your post i realized that there’s almost no more fear left in me. I feel middle ground can be helpful for it cause it brings you in a neutral state where you become and after some time are the observer of everything. Also booted bhoots took away a lot of fear for me. You can also ask the Solidifier to do this and the wrathful deity nft’s like Kali or Ekajati and other dark goddesses. Maybe we can ask @Desiree cause she has more understanding of all these deities and what they can do…

Vibration of transcendence was really a game changer for me a half year ago regarding taking distance from all physical things. It brought me a lot of clarity also and conceptual realizations should work really great for fear of death to deeply understand that this surface reality is all maya and has nothing to do with who we are and what is the ultimate truth. I hope this helps… :pray:


Thank you @RobbyHa :heart::heart::heart:

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Also attacking things isn’t the right choice of words for it implies that there something needs to be attacked. You just have to realize that death doesn’t exist. there only life and life alone. It’s a transition from one dimension to another. The body will die yes and the earth will collect every atom. Even if you want to keep one atom as a souvenir the earth will say not possible. I think what hurts people most is they realize at some moment that you are completely nothing. You are a speck of dust in the existence and there’s no meaning to life. It hurts big time to be disillusioned by life and that’s great! After some time you may realize that this realization maybe was the biggest achievement in your whole life :hugs:


I guess it depends on your definition of “you”. oooh deja vu, lol


Just a phrase I use :) but this was helpful thank you.

I think there’s meaning to life, but the meaning we give to it.


What about the animals? The deer, the mice, the bats etc. do they transition to other dimensions too?


reminds me of the yt video I just saw about a cat who visits all the animals at the vet hospital and tries to pat them for comfort.


I’m not sure of those things but maybe everything is in a constant transition and constantly evolving, don’t know…

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I’m definitely that cat lol.

I keep telling the squirrels to get out of the road, they mostly listen



@Captain_Nemo I beg of you

Please bring this beauty back, thank you.