The Multi-Dimensional Mind Conduit (testimony)

The Multi-Dimensional Mind Conduit

This is a brain project based on exclusive technologies designed to create new neural pathways in order to multi-task and think in parallel thereby greatly increasing the user’s intelligence.

Captain’s summary:
The universe is made up of, for lack of a better term we will say layers.

Layers of reality, from a 3d form we do extend out a little to the lower and upper,
dimensions are hard fast, they some times blend, and yes there can be things on the outskirt.

Perception of this and verily the layers of being, requires neuron pathways, a certain of wiring that keeps the brain perceiving these layers as well,
I suppose in a sense, this subconsciously will guide you towards this strongly, and each will grow at their own pace.

PS: This is made to grow along the user so as not to overwhelm or cause panic.


What a great idea!
I will ask Arcturian Brain to do this for me :alien: :magnet: :brain:


Lmao @JAAJ

You should have asked the arc light to create the arcturian brain to create this one




Great project and great summary. Congratulations.


Lol this is Tony Stark’s brain NFT…

Multi-tasking :smirk: :exploding_head:


After 2 days with this NFT… this is how this one feels like :D


Lol, I opened the img and not even a second I felt just buzzing. This Nft feels more spiritual then physical but I know that’s not true. Yeah just buzzing at the tip of my head. Very strange


I just remembered, I had a really complex dream, that went on for quite a while. It was strange because the people in my dream, were their authentic self.

This is really hard to explain. But my dream was very very different, Not in terms what happend. But how i experinced it.


I noticed another thing today, While looking for a video i was thinking if that video was good, I was also thinking about another subject, This was over an hour ago now. so i dont remember what i was arguing about in my head. I was looking at thumbnails and deciding wehter it would be a good thing to watch and at the same time thinking about a completly different thing.

But when i realised what i was doing, i was kinda shocked.

doing chess puzzles i was quicker. too, thats another thing i noticed


Same thing to me definitely a parallel thinking


You should post your results on this thread.

am suprised that philp hasnt talked much about this NFT on this thread
I wonder what other projects have amazing serects he doesnt say. :joy: :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

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Nice! Chess puzzles are great benchmarks for cognitive performance. And you even have a lot of variety on them to test different aspects of how your brain & mind are performing. Really recommend everyone starting them even casually, to have that baseline as soon as possible.

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I will tomorrow as i wrote what i had in private group i will make a clear result and post it tomorrow in the public section.

I can say this NFT is similar to inception the movie

A dream within dream

The NFT is more like a thought within a thought lol


Yeah my dream too, i had mutiple stages of my dream, It went on for quite a while no lie.


Just wait a few months, lol this NFT will make it so u can consider 2 chess outcomes at once :joy:

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It’s been a few months that sometimes I have been looking at different words especially at English words and I was wondering what was wrong with those words. Their spellings looked a little unfamiliar. Then there was a day that I looked at the name of my own city in my own language and I couldn’t realize what was wrong with the spelling. Actually the name was written correctly. So I started listening to brain fields. The night that I received the NFT it worked on my brain till morning. The next day when I started reading English books, the words didn’t seem unfamiliar anymore. I wait to see what other things I’ll discover after months of using this NFT.


Anybody with extra copies please DM me.

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i noticed my brain can process informations more efficiently

I listen to fields ( mostly DNA repair 3 times) in morning while going to work.

so at work i manage to have focus on my drawing plus thinking about something else and listening to film soundtrack in which keep me thinking about situations on movies or generally in my life. I think that’s parallel thinking but i think its only the beginning.

Because usually i find it hard to listen to fields then go to work and focus on my work


To me this would be a great psychic tool, I’m about to receive my copy but soon update you guys.
This has quite the depth that can unleash our multi-processing ability.
I believe one can hold many psychic concepts at once with this one if one can go deeper.
I don’t know why but I’m super attracted to this like never before…


Yes! Yes! Yes!

I’ve been meaning to talk about this but wanted to also further expand this kind of experience. This was the first concept that spoke to me and with an immediate effect. There is a distinctive liveliness to psychic concepts, endeavors, practices, even duration.

It pulls you to it like the voidial vacuum it is!

I’m so glad you’re getting a copy of this!! :heart::man_mage::man_mage: