The Mystery of the Loosh Energy

A deep dive into the secrets of the matrix.

It will be helpful for understanding if you are familiar with the general astral travel literature (Robert Monroe, Tom Campbell, etc.).

I also don’t recommend the exploration of this topic for individuals who have not yet properly healed their Amygdala (Amygdala Healing field).

Strong connection to Higher Self is recommended in order to distinguish facts from speculation and conspiracy theory.

Intro to the topic:


I loosh you all


You mean you love us all? :pray:

Much Love, Brother! :pray::blue_heart:

For me, Love (for Myself, for Others, for Life, for The Divine), Happiness, Joy, Peace, these are the MOST meaningful things; I have thought about such things, if other beings are feeding on our Energy and even on our Love and whatever the truth is, I want to be Happy and I want to be in a Good and Loving Communion with my Fellow Humans and with Nature and All Life, so the Answer is the same, regardless if humans, ets, other beings somehow profit from my/our existence, it doesn’t matter, there IS a HIGHER Truth, a Higher Good and a Higher Order, Higher than ets and us all, and in that Absolute Being/Reality we all live, I think I am connected with That, we all are, although I can’t explain in words, so whatever other smaller meanings and truths there may be, regarding life, our species, earth, this universe, etc., two things matter most for me: the ESSENCE of the Absolute, which I and Everyone has/carries and the Absolute/Communion/Connection to That Being and Perfection.

So, I choose LOVE, always.

Thanks, @JAAJ, for these links.


Interesting topic. There seems to be some solutions: 1) Kill Desire: the nirvana path makes sense as a self-defense strategy in a loosh scheme; 2) Stay positive–can’t afford a negative thought, literally 3) Ascension, which could encompass the first two, but there still seems that there is not a complete overlap. The stay positive option is probably the “easiest” to implement, which means you shouldn’t get mad about the loosh. Everyday above loosh is a good day.

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Actually, in the material presented, there is a discrepancy. The last Astral Club video, has Loosh being both a product of positive and negative energy- sort of a Monsters, Inc. take on the situation, but the other links and audios seemed to suggest that the negative emotion produced the Loosh.

Castenada had a different take–he thought discipline was the right approach when dealing with predators, though that harvester was a creature that Don Juan called the Flyers (I’m not making a statement about whether Castenada’s writings are properly ‘non-fiction’–though it seems clear to me that at least much of his early writing did manage to convey a world view that was radically different from “Western Civilization” and may well have reflected a Native American tribe’s worldview, or at least the world view of its shaman.) Predators of Humanity, according to Carlos Castaneda

I believe (it’s been awhile since I researched this) that Whitley Strieber emphasized the need to be aware of the electric boundary of the second body (I’m not doubt misstating his ideas to some degree) and that this awareness of this boundary and meditations to strengthen it are what best protects people from energy harvesting.

I can’t say that Gurdjieff and Ouspensky’s take on the subject is any stranger, but their imagery is quite striking. They stress that self-awareness and self-remembrance are necessary to avoid being turned into “moon food” upon our deaths by a machine that is trying to make the moon alive. Castenada’s writes of something similar when he suggests that could trade a copy of their memories with the inorganic beings to make good on the purchase of flesh, though these beings were located on Earth, not the moon.

If all of these accounts are credible, it would seem like there are multiple predator/harvestor threats. None of this really changes the defensive strategies: Nirvana, Stay Positive, and Ascension, though regarding these life choices and paths as defenses is probably self-defeating vis-a-vis the predators. Living a positive life and aligning oneself with advanced spiritual being , and the universe itself will probably might make the Loosh concern moot.

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Are Unseen Forces Always trying to create trouble or even horrible events to get an emotional and energetic response from the masses, to gather loosh?

Just a thought.
Also, no idea how this loosh thing works, i barely watched and read about it, but that can change, of course.

Thanks for these links, Jaaj.


It’s all speculation really. loosh and other soul harvesting theories are honestly some of the darker paradigms with or without archon or demiurge additions. Throw in some oversoul beliefs and there is no way to have anything resembling a decent afterlife.