The nature of vibration

I wrote this for my facey and thought I’d share it here with ya’ll fine forum friends -

Just a reminder during hectic times that it’s ok to rest. It’s ok to be fully in contraction. The two go well together☺️ going with the flow is how we like to say it, and at its essence it’s deeply true.

The tantras describe this as Spanda स्पन्द the rhythmic pulse of the unfolding and dissolving of the universe, of Shakti. Expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction… forever. There is a much deeper element and invitation to this, in every moment you might say, but in everyday life it’s an invitation to equally and deeply embrace both, day to day, week to week

Expansion, while scary on its outer limits is much easier to be with. It mostly feels good!
Contraction though can be tricky, especially coming off a big expansion. It’s easy to grasp onto an expansive outpouring, but as it subsides a letting go is needed. And quite possibly a leaning into some funky energy and limitation. Being with the contraction fully, taking the time to rest and dissolving judgment (and everything) is the invitation

And relish in the oscillation of both, expansion - contraction, opening - closing, knowing it’s the natural pattern of the universe. It’s just how god rides