The Navagraha Homam

Yes these, lines.

Navagraha homam is commonly believed to reduce the malefic effects of the planets in very effective manner. Navagraha homam benefits can be mainly seen by pacifying the planets when they are moving or changing from one place to another.


Oops, sorry, MY bad.

This IS for astrological transits.

(For some reason, I thought this was the Golden Elixir thread. NVM!)

Hi Kalacakra,

You might want to add Saturn from the conjunction album to your playlist if you haven’t got it already.

[Saturn - YouTube]

Dream said in the conjunction thread that these videos shield from negative astrological and magical affects associated with those planets.

It might help you get through your Saturn transit!


ooof Saturn has come up a bit for me recently. Thanks so much for this @phlf003 !


Thanks, will add.


Just listened to this two times and as i was listening something really weird happened i felt like i was watching myself from 3rd person but like my awareness was at the back of my head but up a little more i feel sort of detached now, even though i wasn’t actually watching myself from third person i had this backwards awareness like i was. definitely was not expecting that and i can still feel the awareness if i concentrate slightly i also felt like i had all the planets laid out on front of my hands. i also feel very fluid


Sounds like you found a more cosmic perspective for yourself. Cool.


I FEEL WHATS BEYOND MY MIND THAT’S IT i figured it out :D i feel like the lady in the higher self mandala i was wearing it earlier today


Bumping this for this powerful portal today 02/22/2022

Let’s make the best of it :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your reminder! (which is also the 111’th comment!)


I may be wrong, but I doubt any ‘‘magic’’ can completely pacify Saturn. Why?
Because Saturn is all about cause and effect, responsibility, being ‘‘down to earth’’, mature, practical etc.
In a sense Saturn is antithesis of magic, miracles and easy solutions.
Of course, morphic fields will definitely help, but dont try to skip Saturn’s class with them, it is not worth it and every time it gets worse, in order to force you to grow.
Just a word of caution :stuck_out_tongue:


Does navagraha homam also help with sade sati phases?

Speaking of sade sati anyone who went through it. Share your experience please

My moon sign is in Taurus and it seems like my sade sati will approach soon🤔

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Navagraha homam is not magic, isn’t it. It’s just a ritual of offering to the nine dieties, including Saturn.

You’ll never skip what Saturn puts in your life. But having a navagraha homam done will make it easier for you to get his lesson while suffering, but not just meaningless suffering beacuse it was unbearable.


mine is approaching an end, and I have to say that this field madwe it easier, but didn’t completely nullify it.

arent all rituals magic?


How’s things go with you during the phases?

I stopped using this ,

Need to get back to it


Saturn is in Aquarius still. So it will take a few years to get in Aries (your moons 12 house)

Nothing wrong with being prepared tho of course


You being anxious might have a multitude of reasons. Don’t worry too much, it will be alright. :pray:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

You saying that you are Sagittarius rising puts Saturn transiting your 3rd house ( if the houses are standard in your chart ) and the 3rd is indeed a mental house that deals with the rational thinking, problem solving, small talks, short travels, business and work to an extent. So that area is being worked on, surely requiring some readjustments.

Try acting practically and efficiently with focus on that area of life. Add mindfulness to your actions.


What are we offering them by listening to this?

I read up on the ritual just a little. The cost of the ingredients offered up is roughly 100 usd.

I wonder how these deities are appeased with an offering that didn’t cost anything. Offerings are known as sacrifices or offerings for a reason. Something is sacrificed, something is offered up.

It seems like many are getting good results with this so I’m led to believe the 9 entities are appeased with the listener for having this morphic field on them. That in and of itself is like an offering. All very interesting.

How is this comparing for those of you who have used the Amplify and Nullify (tags or audios)? How similar or different is it from that?


How’s my abundance and money playlist guys? Tried to make it short n simple

Navagraha Homam 1x
Abundance mindset 1x
Millionaire mindset 1x
Unexpected gifts 1x