The Navagraha Homam

Oh yes! Haha it’s even shadowy than a scorpio! I knew about it but never expected it to be like that! And I like all the vortex-y void-y stuff haha.

Was very beautiful to experience something new today!


I bought this and can’t say it hasn’t helped, but I am still effected by certain retrogrades.

Any advice?


Planetary album, and loop the specific planets for a couple times more. (ie: Saturn) :))

There is more though, like benefiting from the planetary energy after having looped it and working through what it influences, or if it’s Venus, working with Aphrodite, if it’s Mars, working with some Aries astro energy or fields like Excalibur/ any fire related field.

And five elements balanced. Works really well after a round of planetary album.


The sun gives you energy boost


Yes! Depends on what is affecting him most though because it can be an effect aside from the Sun, and might be an overall energy influence from all the moving/retrogrades etc


This year I feel Mercury Retrograde very strong compare to previous year. It affected me so much…i cant stand with it

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Hang in there; it’s almost over.


I do all that but haven’t done much Five Elements Balanced.

Maybe that will give me the boost I need.


Listen to mercury one to balance it

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :ok_hand:


The Black Mirrored Stone Shield

try getting this for the next one if you can :)


Ok. I will buy this one after my payday.


By suggestion from one of the sages on this forum, I got this field. The sound effect is very pleasant, and suprisingly soothing for me. I read earlier comments on this can be draining, but perhaps when one is tired to numbness, it’s pacifying. I think this would be a good background ambient music that works too well.
According to Creator’s specification, this audio should NOT be looped as background music. Even one loop can be harmful too taxing. Thank @anon51280824 for correction and critique.

BTW, I took a look at current astorlogical event, Kala Sarpa is happening now, ending on April 2022. Perhaps this is a solid choice for environmental upkeep for the coming months, but again use with proper caution. DO NOT LOOP unless you are sure what you are doing.


Not a good recommendation. If it works for you playing this continuously, good for you, tho i am sure it"d pass the very high taxing bill eventually. When your “numbness” starts fading.

But i still want to put the warning for others.

This field is taxing, its like a strong vacuum up there and around you that would leave you sucked and drained and imbalance your energy systems if you play it more than adviced.

There is a reason why these rituals are perform every some months only (in real life) but now this field is even stronger.

I know you are new in the forum, just learning around, but we really dont encourage looping fields more than 3 times, some looped more on occasion are not problem either, environmental ones 24/7 no problem, but tho this affects the environment it is the “reenactment” of a ritual already powerful:

:point_down: the Creator:

And the person was even asking if possible to play ONCE a day.

Now you want to loop it.

No please dont recommend this.


Thanks for your warning! I really does not feel the taxing effect yet. I am too impulsive to make a conclusion.

I will make edits ASAP.


Thank you :clap:

The last part suggests the same.

Not harmful lol just taxing @kimchisauerkraut


Done. Please check if any problematic suggestions persists.

Second edit completed.


I’m undergoing a heavy Saturn transit from which I will be out by end of March this year and this field is not helping me. I feel gloomy melancholic most of the time. :frowning_face:


Try playing Golden Elixir.

I think Golden Elixir is for internal alchemy and Navagraha Homam is supposed to reduce the malefic influence of planets on mind and body of humans.


This field isn’t for astrological transits or effects. Was there something in the description that led you to think it was?

^^^Disregard the above. I misunderstood.