The Negation of Trauma Stack

A sincere thank you to DreamWeaver for making this possible.

Here will be a list of recommendations for those seeking to combat trauma regardless or not you are tackling (c)PTSD or not.


  • Crucible of Stored Trauma
  • Crucible of the Past
  • Crucible of Mental Space
  • Smart Cord Cutter
  • The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past
  • Blueprint of Life
  • Microkenesitherapist
  • Visual Introspection (as a primer)
  • New Perspectives
  • Emotional Protocol
  • Fight to Flight
  • Point of No Return
  • The Alchemical Revision of Childhood (accessible to all via YouTube and, or Paetron)
  • Entwining Worlds of Beauty & Joy
  • Shamanic Medicine Blend
  • Conceptual Realizations
  • Memories of Joy (accessible to all via YouTube and, or Paetron)
  • Inner Pillar of Power (accessible to all via YouTube and, or Paetron)
  • Torus Weave of Respect
  • Myofascia Release
  • Ego Dissolution (accessible to all via YouTube and, or Paetron)
  • Outlook Retainer (accessible to all via YouTube and, or Paetron)
  • PTSD (accessible to all via Paetron)


  • Emotional Alchemy (very, very important)
  • The Silent Mind
    Mandala for Public use via Instagram: The Mandala released on December 2021

We will need to refine the list for sure; it needs to be more organized. Nonetheless these audios cover many different facets, the three stages of effectively tackling trauma: the prep, surgery, and recovery stages.


Hey James Bond,

Thanks for this list! Looking at it, I can see that there are 2 types of fields: physical fields and “mental” fields.

My personal approach is the following:

during the night I build up the love and self confidence I should have built as a child
during the day I work on dispelling the results of CPTSD (mental and physical)

1st list has archetype of parental love, become whole, inner pillar, self confidence, depth of soul, vibration of creation and vibration of divine love, self respect (not in that order, I’m working from memory :blush: )

2nd list has some of the ones you list with the addition of deep brain magnetic, self respect, pure magnetic heart.

And my absolute life saver (other than PTSD): ego dissolution as this is the one field that has my back when I get triggered. I loop it for a while and am able to take a step back and breathe.


Maybe you’re slightly overwhelmed because you’re trying to include everything all at once? (That would overwhelm me.) You might not need everything, and probably not all at the same time.

Also, if it helps you, you have some hidden dupes on your list. For example, Shamanic Medicine Blend includes Microkenesitherapist in it plus a bunch of other goodies. Just like New Perspectives includes Outlook Retrained plus a bunch of other goodies. Ahhh, notice how your overwhelment is already decreasing!


Yes but they are completely different and doesn’t work in same way. If you just want the therapy aspect alone then the individual field is better so shamanic blend doesn’t replace that one since it grows in it’s unique way. So the effect and results are also different. This combination is unique compared to other field combination like new perspective, entwining world of beauty and joy which replaces all specific fields mentioned in them. Shamanic blend can also replace some fields but not the Microkenesitherapist . so I personally don’t suggest to stop using that one. They work following different pattern and method.


Yes, the MKT field is focused on the more the original “physical therapy” (not a belittlement) uses, where the SMB is more targeted towards the topic of this thread.


True. I think they work well together from my experience.

I too experienced cPTSD/PTSD to the point where I simply wasn’t functional. I don’t have experience with all the fields you mentioned but the ones that have helped that you have listed are:

New Perspectives
Shamanic Medicine Blend
The PTSD field every 3-4 days (more than that and it was too intense)
Meditating to Conceptual Realizations

Other ones:
Inner Pillar of Power
Torus Weaved Respect
And meditating to Plasma Light while seeing myself free (this one is pure gold)

About the overwhelm from so much choice, from my experience so far, I think that while choosing fields that are pertinent is of course helpful, they all work to raise our vibration so by holding the intention of being free, trusting that we will and that the fields will help, it helps getting there. In other words, there isn’t really a perfect playlist. Choose the ones that you feel most drawn to and stick with them for a while. It’s more often the doubting, going back and forth between fields to minmax that has slowed my progress more than having a specific playlist haha

And I don’t know if this will be pertinent to you but I’ll add it just in case: a habit I have made that helped is to focus on the progress I make rather than the issues that are still present. I have the tendency of seeing where I want to be and be impatient that I’m not there sooner and that mindset has not been helpful. I don’t notice as much that things have improved and it can be discouraging. But when I focus on the progress it fills me with gratitude and hope :slight_smile:

Edited to add that Positive Powerful Wave is also really good to get out of a slump!


Thank you for reminding me of Inner Pillar. (I always forget the YouTube ones.)

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I love that one so much (that and positive powerful waves), I’d sprinkle it on my food :P It’s on patreon btw!! :smiley:

It is? Huh, for some reason, I hadn’t downloaded it (or I had downloaded it to the wrong place–d’oh!).

Thanks again!

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My pleasure! :smiley:

I meant overwhelmed in a good way lol
like lots of wonderful fields to help kick it out

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Will be updating the list
We have a bunch now

Any others suggested just write em so i can edit into blurb

Edit: maybe we should just make a new thread and have a more learned individual post it

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I personally have done:
Blueprint of Life
Visual Introspection
New Perspectives x2
Crucible Series x Smart Cord Cutter
Entwining Worlds of Beauty & Joy
Shamanic Medicine Blend

I am still trying to understand where to place PONR; before or after blueprint of life; but this ends up becoming a very intensive stack.

However today Alchemical Blueprint of the Past and Alchemical Revision of Childhood just released today. These no doubt will be important.

May need to change the stacks around due to it. Plus that stack I wrote has not been revised in recent months.

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If it helps you, I put PONR at the beginning of my stacks. I put all my clearing fields before BoL. (When you build a house from a blueprint, you need a remove what you don’t want first, you see?)

So, if this were my stack, I would play your fields in this order:

  1. PONR
  2. Crucible Series x Smart Cord Cutter
  3. Visual Introspection (don’t have any real experience with that one, so this is just my guess.)
  4. Shamanic Medicine Blend
  5. BoL
  6. New Perspectives x2 (I’d switch #5 & #6 to see which works best for me.)
  7. Entwining Worlds of Beauty & Joy

One man’s opinion.


Lovely. Appreciate it; thank you :heart: