The Neutral Body (PRI)

The Following Project is based on Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)

Our body is designed to rhythmically balance itself in frequency, but due to the nature of our inherently “biased” brain, most people are “locked” on the right side. In addition, there are three causes that lead to excessive tension and various musculoskeletal problems. This NFT aims to address these issues in an effective way, based on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) recommendations and focuses on balancing the interrelated problems of visual tension, postural instability and anxiety to create a “neutral” body.

Symptoms designed to address:
Shoulder, Knee & Back Pain
Dizziness Lightheadedness
Chronic Fatigue
Head & Neck Tension

Proposal: Comprehensive System for Visual System Optimization, Postural Stability, and Anxiety Reduction

Main Field 1: Visual System Optimization


A. Peripheral Vision Awareness

  • Problem: Prolonged computer use narrows the visual field, causing increased convergence of the eyes, reduced peripheral vision, and tension in the neck and shoulders. This affects overall postural stability.
  • Solution: Enhance peripheral vision awareness, helping users relax their eyes, reduce convergence, and widen their visual field. This will improve posture and reduce muscle tension.

B. Reduction of Convergence Stress

  • Problem: Constant close-up work on computers and screens forces the eyes into a state of convergence, increasing stress and tension in the visual and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Solution: promote regular divergence, encouraging the eyes to periodically shift focus from close-up to distant objects. This practice can alleviate visual stress and reduce associated neck and shoulder tension.

C. Base Down Prism Integration

  • Problem: Many individuals have a misaligned visual system, making them feel ungrounded and causing compensatory postural patterns that lead to discomfort and tension.
  • Solution: That simulate the effects of base down prisms, helping users sense the ground more effectively and achieve a more balanced and relaxed posture.

Main Field 2: Postural Stability and Breathing


A. Diaphragmatic Breathing Enhancement

  • Problem: Many people rely on their neck and upper chest muscles for breathing, leading to poor diaphragmatic function and inefficient breathing patterns. This can result in tension and discomfort.
  • Solution: promote diaphragmatic breathing, encouraging the use of the diaphragm rather than accessory muscles. This can enhance respiratory efficiency and reduce tension in the upper body.

B. Ribcage Expansion Techniques

  • Problem: Poor posture and restricted breathing patterns prevent the ribcage from expanding properly, limiting lung capacity and contributing to postural imbalances.
  • Solution: Smart field to facilitate proper ribcage expansion, ensuring that the ribs move outward and upward during inhalation and return to a neutral position during exhalation.

C. Inhibition of Overactive Muscles

  • Problem: Overactive muscles, such as the psoas and hip flexors, can create and perpetuate postural imbalances, leading to chronic pain and discomfort.
  • Solution: Inhibit these overactive muscles by enhancing awareness of the left heel, left molar, and left peripheral vision. This can help achieve a more balanced and neutral posture.

Main Field 3: Anxiety and Stress Reduction


A. Forward Movement Stimulation

  • Problem: Lack of physical movement and prolonged sedentary behavior increase anxiety and stress levels. This is exacerbated by the current lifestyle changes due to COVID-19.
  • Solution: Encourage and simulate forward movement, such as walking, running, or biking. This stimulation can help reduce anxiety by promoting natural movement patterns and the associated suppression of the fear response.

B. Optic Flow Integration

  • Problem: Reduced awareness of optic flow, or the perception of the world moving past you as you move forward, can increase anxiety and decrease spatial awareness.
  • Solution: Enhance the perception of optic flow, helping users become more aware of their environment as they move. This can improve spatial orientation and reduce anxiety.

C. Sensory Input Regulation

  • Problem: Imbalances in sensory input, particularly from visual and vestibular systems, can lead to increased stress and poor postural control.
  • Solution: Regulate and balance sensory input, promoting better integration of visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information. This can enhance overall stability and reduce stress.

By integrating these comprehensive approaches, this proposal aims to optimize the visual system, improve postural stability and breathing, and reduce anxiety and stress, ultimately leading to better overall health and well-being.

Edit: Thanks @Ugninis for helping.


I was seen by a PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) certified practitioner and i shared some information from.

and he was able to discover my patterns within 15 mins. I told him about my Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Hip mobility. And we did an assessment of a few things that show what i was saying.

One of those assessments were having me smile and he saw it right there. My Jaw position ( not a under or overbite) was laying my teeth on top of each other preventing molar sense on the left side of my body. He had put a popsicle stick for both side of my molars and moment he did that, my hip flexors turned off, my shoulder mobility came back to 100% normal. everything was balanced.

For more information I’ll leave these here, I think this project can help a lot of people but they aren’t even aware of what PRI is or that your left heel influences your posture let alone your molars making contact.

Left ZOA information:



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Interested :)




Heeey! Wow! Interested!


The Symmetrical Body would fit in here, don’t you think?

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I am very interested🙂

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Nice, interesting read. I never heard about PRI, hope u r feeling better now.

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Interested just for my migraines and headaches.

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Something from QI that is on vestibular system


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Is there a poll where we can vote ? Interested.

Also I would recommend balancing the Left and Right Halves of Our Pelvis, Core, Hips and Glutes as well if possible.