The Nyxara (legendary edition servitor)
This is number two of three legendary edition servitors,
these have 8 empty slots and come pre built with entirely unique abilities.

In the realm of chaos magic, the creation of a servitor allows for the fusion of mythological essence and imaginative qualities, producing beings that can profoundly influence the individual they accompany. Enter Nyxara, a newly imagined entity that blends the enigmatic qualities of twilight and dawn, the shifting energies between night and day. Nyxara embodies transition, transformation, and the delicate balance between shadow and light, offering unique and dynamic benefits to those who harness its power.

Nyxara manifests as a creature whose form constantly shifts between the ethereal twilight and the golden hues of the breaking dawn. Its body appears to be woven from misty shadows and shimmering, glowing light, like the first rays of the sun filtering through morning fog. Its limbs are fluid, appearing to stretch and contract like the fading colors of the horizon. Nyxara’s eyes are a mesmerizing blend of deep indigo and warm amber, reflecting its dual nature—intimate knowledge of darkness and a promise of renewal and light.

This servitor embodies the theme of transition and transformation, much like the fleeting moments when night becomes day and day gives way to night. It represents the power of change, adaptability, and the beauty found in embracing life’s in-betweens.

Unique Traits and Abilities of Nyxara
Veilwalking: One of Nyxara’s most remarkable abilities is Veilwalking, which allows the individual to navigate between different states of consciousness and perception with ease. This ability enables them to move fluidly between waking life and the dream world, making meditation, deep thought, and dreamwork far more potent and revealing. Veilwalking also helps them see beyond surface-level situations, allowing insight into hidden motivations, subconscious desires, and deeper truths that lie just beyond the obvious.

Shadowlight Integration: Nyxara has the unique power of Shadowlight Integration, which encourages the individual to embrace both the darker and lighter aspects of themselves. This ability is especially potent in facilitating inner healing and shadow work, guiding the person to confront their hidden fears, unacknowledged desires, and unresolved emotions. By blending these shadow aspects with their lighter qualities, Nyxara helps them become a more whole and integrated self. This ability promotes self-acceptance and inner strength, allowing for true transformation and growth.

Dawn’s Resilience: Nyxara also possesses Dawn’s Resilience, an ability that infuses the individual with a sense of renewal and revival, much like the dawn after a long, dark night. This ability helps them recover quickly from emotional exhaustion, stress, or periods of stagnation, bringing a fresh wave of motivation and vitality. It is especially powerful during times of personal transitions, enabling the person to move forward with renewed energy, clarity, and purpose.

Mistcloak Protection: Nyxara can envelop the individual in a protective aura called the Mistcloak, a swirling blend of shadow and light that obscures them from harmful influences, both physical and metaphysical. This cloak provides a sense of safety and calm, shielding the person from the negative energies of others and offering a temporary refuge when they need to withdraw and recharge. It also grants a subtle aura of anonymity when the person wishes to remain unnoticed, allowing them to observe without drawing attention to themselves.

Energetic Effects
Harmony of Opposites: Nyxara’s presence cultivates a state of Harmony of Opposites, balancing seemingly contradictory energies within the individual. It fosters a sense of inner peace by allowing them to accept their dual nature—introversion and extroversion, optimism and realism, strength and vulnerability. This equilibrium encourages them to navigate life with a balanced perspective, recognizing the value of both action and reflection. It helps them act decisively when needed while also knowing when to embrace stillness.

Transitional Flow: One of Nyxara’s most potent energetic effects is Transitional Flow, which smooths the edges of difficult life changes, whether they involve relationships, careers, or personal identity. It helps the person adapt more easily to new roles and environments, easing the emotional turbulence that often accompanies major shifts. This ability allows them to gracefully release the old and embrace the new, fostering a sense of fluidity in all transitions.

Personal Dreamweaving: Nyxara enhances the individual’s ability to engage in Dreamweaving, a unique ability that connects their subconscious creativity to their waking life. This energetic effect allows the person to draw inspiration from dreams, solving problems or finding creative ideas that seem to come from beyond their conscious mind. It fosters a deeper understanding of their inner world and helps bring their dreams and visions into reality, merging the magical with the mundane.

Auric Rejuvenation: Nyxara’s presence offers Auric Rejuvenation, an energetic effect that revitalizes the individual’s aura by blending the calming energy of twilight with the renewing energy of dawn. This effect is akin to a deep, energetic cleansing, washing away lingering negativity and restoring their natural vibrancy. It is especially beneficial during times of burnout or after dealing with draining situations, leaving the person feeling refreshed, lighter, and ready to face new challenges.

Liminal Awareness: Nyxara heightens Liminal Awareness, an ability to sense the thresholds and hidden possibilities in any situation. This effect allows the person to perceive opportunities for change and transformation that might be hidden from others. It helps them find new pathways where there seem to be none, turning obstacles into gateways. Liminal Awareness is particularly useful in navigating complex situations, as it allows the individual to sense the subtle shifts in energy and direction, leading to better choices and innovative solutions.

Impact on Personal Growth
Nyxara’s influence encourages individuals to embrace the complexity of their inner world, allowing them to see the beauty in both light and shadow. It helps them to let go of rigid self-concepts, offering a fluid and dynamic approach to self-improvement. This servitor guides the person through the in-between spaces of their life—transitions, uncertainties, and new beginnings—ensuring they remain balanced, self-aware, and connected to their deeper purpose.

With Nyxara, the individual learns to honor the cycles of rest and renewal, to navigate both solitude and connection with grace, and to find magic in the everyday. Its presence is a reminder that life’s true power often lies in the moments of change, in the spaces where opposites meet and merge.

In essence, a servitor combining the ethereal duality of Nyxara creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together wisdom, adaptability, creative inspiration, and protective energy, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive in all aspects of life. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with grace, balance, and an ever-renewing sense of wonder, leading to a more dynamic, fulfilling, and enriched existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


The 2nd Legendary. :raised_hands:


The point in life where video games are more ‘realistic’ than anything we learned at school :sweat_smile:


I want allll of themmmm! Haha

Looking forward to the third one!!


I have a feeling the three of them will complement each other quite well. And having them may unlock a special synergy.

Will there be new abilities (maybe available for all servitors) but inspired in and that fit these really well?

They have a lot of transformative power though. And three reminds me of protection better. An inexpugnable triangle. But these will be the triangle of transformation.


Oh WoW! :joy:
Knew I had been thinking about that game again


Wow, great artwork too! I feel attracted to Nyxara and will probably get it first unless the third legendary servitor can somehow top it.


In a few years, we’ll have to walk around like this :sweat_smile:


Not even trying to flaunt!

Just trying to get by! :laughing:


Captain seems to be releasing his own version of the Deathly Hallows from the Harry Potter Universe, namely the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility…I wonder what will happen if someone is able to UNITE All 3 of these Hallows :eyes:


well done, they are all magnificent


Getting this one next week.

Onyx is my favorite stone
Honest like the dead of bone
Bright shining in the shadow smoke
Invisible yet indivisible in an etheric cloak.


Because of this

This servitor is better for shamanistic practices?
(I think so …)

Which legendary to start with?

For interactions with divine and altering states of consciousness?