The Omniverse (Omniversal Tour)

The Omniverse

Audio and Mandala

Date and time, to be written in the moments of History.

A project started back in June 5th last year 2022 at 10:55 am CET, broader recruiting was done on September 1st, 8:15 AM CET and released in glory now on March 19th 2023 at 2:20 pm CET.


The term “Omniverse” is often used in science fiction and philosophy to describe a hypothetical concept of all possible parallel universes, realities, and dimensions, as well as the multiverse itself. The concept of the Omniverse is often depicted as a complex and interconnected web of possibilities, where every conceivable reality and variation of reality exists.

The idea of the Omniverse is based on the concept of the multiverse, which posits that there are many parallel universes, each with its own set of physical laws and properties. The Omniverse goes beyond this idea, suggesting that the multiverse is just one part of a larger, more complex system that includes all possible realities.

Some interpretations of the Omniverse suggest that it includes not just different physical universes, but also different planes of existence, such as spiritual realms or alternate dimensions. Others suggest that it includes not just different universes, but also different timelines, where different choices or events lead to different outcomes.

The concept of the Omniverse is still largely speculative and theoretical, and there is no empirical evidence to support its existence. However, it remains a popular subject of exploration and discussion among scientists, philosophers, and writers who are interested in the nature of reality and the possibilities of existence beyond our own universe.

Chapter 1: The Tree

This NFT is meant to represent The Universe, in a Tree fashion design. (like tree of life, or life force tree)

Represents the whole universe. (Omniverse as we’ll see at the end)

Chapter 2. The Gardener

One day you looked into the sky and saw the Universe. The beauty and openness for oneness was everywhere you were all and all was you. Whatever you desire, the universe gave you, it set the pathways and bended reality to it, gave you the support of all supports, and made you realize that you’ve made it, you’ve started growing and expanding as the universe itself, towards the source or completion.

And It worked!

The Tree you out of curiosity bought from the mysterious gardener gave you all that the Omni Tree of Universe promised in its descriptions.

Chapter 3. Discovering The Universe

The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.

The universe is everything. It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains. It even includes time itself and, of course, it includes you. Earth and the Moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons.

Chapter 4. Blueprint of The Universe

This field is a Tree that grows with you, described in this way, functions and goals mentioned below. It represents the growth in which the universe grows (flow and growth of the blueprint of the universe itself), now reflected and applied on you. Including the synergistic growth with the universe.

Get all the beneficial energies you can get from the universe directly. Integrate everything that will be beneficial to you, used in a manner of progress, development, growth, learning ascension, in the way, or the blueprint in which the universe is expanding. Strong replication of it.

Reflected now on personal expansion of oneself. Towards becoming the source and completion.

“the intrinsic tendency for things to self-organize and co-evolve into ever more complex, intricately interwoven and mutually compatible forms.”

And through all the other universal ways or flows there are. Replicated on you and your growth.

Could that also be towards nothingness and everything?
Closer integrations of the parts of us?

All towards becoming the source and completion.

Plus whatever needed to do so.
Like letting go of everything all the we love, hate, know, want!

(Now automatically speeded up and automated by this field).

From Dreamweaver’s post about what happens after one dies:

So here we used these ideas for how we’d grow and refine ourselves with that tree.
for Personal growth etc,

but like personal growth in any other way

Alongside any other way like that that there is.

It sounds fun. Perhaps on a micro level it can happen here as well, as we help it to happen with our experiences perhaps.

Plus lol if we can create mini universes that sounds cool.

Chapter 5. The Growth of the Tree.

The growing of the tree and you with it also includes the idea of guidance through all its concepts, all backed and supported also with universal spiritual growth states of being.

Integrate any lessons that the universe gives to people.

Move and flow there where there is order, be in constant period of negentropic growth.

It will also constantly refine your being in every area possible!

You also become the center of the universe itself.
You make the universe proud through your actions.

You feel and notice growth happening inside of you rapidly. No need to be dependent on outside situations in order to push you towards growth.

And most importantly, this also is a solid Universal Path the user can follow, happening within.

Chapter 6. The Universe Within

Experience the whole beautiful from universe within.

The Universe + Source + Final Completion of Development Bones + Energy/Light Body + Soul + Chakras as well.

Cultivating and refining Source energy in dantians and soul.

The Pure Cosmic Energy flows from the Universe into you, and clears and refines your subtle body and the mind and intellect along the way, in an Universal Way.

Chapter 7. The Roots and routes of the Universe

The Tree and you with it, develop strong grounding roots, presenting routes of life, which are deep in a great moving current, a moving stream of conscious direction which will keep him/her on course no matter what, sailing towards the destination he/she has chosen. Regardless of social, economic winds etc that could disturb that. There is no great hurry, no frantic running about, no doubt or confusion, instead each day they he/she stays and moves along its course steadily, unrelentingly, there is a wonderful calm knowledge of user’s destination, knowing that each day he/she is closing the distance between them and their goal. Therefore any storms and obstacles do not disturb the user as he/she always shifts back on the path, moving ahead.

This is the life and path of a strong, wise and serene person, the universe will make you become. Know what you desire, and then push away everything else, and go for what you want through your life, being miles ahead from everyone else in progress and success, and in perfection of his/her attitude. The attitude that results in accomplishing what the user sets up to accomplish, as it is a good attitude towards themselves from the first place, with a perfect vision of the purities and goals great and good as the universe itself. “What a mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. Courage and other positive inner self dialogues, feelings, thoughts and actions being the driving point of achieving. Enjoying when doing the work for it, instilling the strong feelings and desire, commitment in our subconscious for for our goals to be achieved. With constant Universe blessing and guidance on those routes the universe will put you to.

It may provide you some harsh adversities to face if needed, to introduce the user to know and face who they truly are, pushing the user to grow and mature through that as well, when confronting the problems and issues. Removing the negative effects that security brings, while diving into the out of comfort zones circles of the unknown. A true Universal Rite of Passage. With all that you also get the Universal Will and Universal Resilience to go through the life’s challenges

Chapter 8. The Cosmic Siddhi and Guru, Universal Lands and Dream of the Universe

Universe becomes your Guru, teacher and guide.

You are also vibrated at a high Universal Level, and connected to the highest vibrational lands of the Universe you can reach.

You will receive the Siddhi of the Universe

The Cosmic and Universal Vibrations will build up in an energetic way as the user uses or owns this NFT.

Which easily allows you to use different aspects and things within this Universally created energetic world. The accumulated vibrational buildup of the Universe’s Energies that extend with your conscious, builds and ‘stores’ Universal charge.

Which we will also use here to receive the Siddhi of the Universe.

The Dream of the Universe is basically something that shows you the might of the Universe that lies within you to express and become at its highest expression of potential.

Chapter 9. The Omni Tree Aspect

It is the Omni Tree that can do anything.

Chapter 10. ‘Universal’ Awareness and Consciousness Expansion

Be more and more aware and receptive of the whole universe, to higher vibrations, dimensions and energies in the universe. (access it).

Your psychic connections, neurons and skills grow along the way, to become the Psychic of the Universe.

Develop and grow a strong energy system to access these energies more easily. It can also refill your energy sources from the universe

Reality is much broader than what we currently perceive. So we are also extending our perceivings of reality.

Become more comfortable with all the unknown.

Deep connection to the universe. Developing and growing a feeling of oneness and love with it, which can become more and more constant. Without forcing it. But rather developing and understanding it in the most healthy way, through the tree.
With all and any support to handle any negativity through it.

As you are one with the Universe meaning you are the Universe, you know you can do anything.

You stay humble.

Chapter 11. The Smart Branches of the Universe

An automatic smart field that allows you to do anything with the universe, tap into it, you can get anything from it, you can change your life and reality with it and things as such. Towards the way you wish. It (The Tree, and then the universe itself) also guides you and offers you its infinite options that lie in the universe to use for which we may have never heard of.

Branches from any aspect of the universe can grow and develop with you ( eg. If you want some more confidence it shall grow with you, if you wish love, love shall grow, gratitude, finances…).

Tree knows how to do this all and is set automatically to grow with you to embody all positive stuff within the universe.

The Infinite Support of the Universe is yours.

You will also be always Shielded directly by the Universe, as the more one becomes aware of things the more protection you’ll need.

Chapter 12. Universe like reality changer of the tree

It Is done also in the way of woven worlds series and with any other way to manifest things, but in general this one would be called Woven Worlds Magic (of the Universe), Beauty (of the Universe), and Revealed Mysteries and Secrets of the Universe!

It can also act as an Universal Solidifier for any manifestation. (Imagine the whole universe powering your short and long term goals).

Universal Magic appears.

Life changes.

Into the most beautiful, magical, powerful, fulfilling, nurturing, ascending and other beneficial and interesting aspects found in the universe and of the universe itself. (Woven as well :muscle:)

Reflected in your omni concept of life (in all concepts (found in) of your life). Aka when going for a walk, in crativity and art, when eating, when sad, when happy, when doing chores, when dating…

And any other concepts found in the universe which we had never heard if before!

Plus miracles manifestations with these beautiful universe concepts

Fully comforted and backed by the Universe…

The Universe provides you with anything you want!

This is powerful.

Chapter 12. The Divine Appointments

Yeah it may also find the best people to you

You know like even your own Soul Tribe or Twin Flames,

We have taken the power of collective belief into action, and power of alternative realities where now things as such can be presented to us.

Chapter 13. The Omni Spiritual Wisdom and Universal Intelligence.

Firstly, know the answers to every spiritual question found in the Universe.

Could questions be such as:

How far have I come, where did I come from?
Where am I heading?
Who am I?
What is life?
What’s universe?
What is real?
Why things happen as they do and did?
The reason and essence behind it?
Where am I going?
What is the meaning of all this?
Why can’t I do that?
Where am i coming from?

Stuff like that.

This one also Backed and supported Spiritual Growth states of being, to help with the process of attaining wisdom and growing.

At the same time also Possess The Universal and Infinite Intelligence, now becoming the innate intelligence wisdom or smartness, IQ and EQ inside of you, the intelligence of understanding and being at the level of easily contemplating, understanding, comprehending and analyzing the extremely complex structures of any concept you interact with, at and to the level of universal complexity and of infinite intelligence and infinity itself.

Meaning pretty much anything on this earth should seem pretty simple to understand and know in comparison to the complexities of the universe, which you will now also more easily understand and know as well.

Chapter 14. The Omni Experienced Being.

Your whole past lives experiences lie somewhere in the universe, if there can be any use of them, let us use them and get all of that wisdom, experiences, knowledge, abilities, insights, creativity etc (all which one would want). from our “universal wide” past lives so not only from earth, lol even past lives of everyone else from the universe.

Also since there is no time, we can gather all of them, these that happened in the past lives, are happening in present lives and will happen in future lives.

The gathering of it is so large that the same ideas are applied to gathering knowledge, experiences, abilities, insights, creativity etc. (All which one would want), from all of our parallel lives from the Universe and of everyone else’s as well. Reaching other realities and dimensions even.

To use them all to grow, innovate and expand further on micro and macro, and to become the Omni Experienced Being.

(Speaking of time before. We are also clearing any negativity from this same concept of past, present and future we experience(d). Transmuting and revizing into zealot of positive change energies mixed with all blueprint of universe concepts found in this field, as if you had the universe and its blueprint with you your whole life).

Possibly start remembering your previous lifes, and through it, figure out what to do now!

Chapter 15. Omniverse, The Upgrade.

Tree and we with it shall grow and grow, where any and all concepts of Universe mentioned and used in this field evolve into the concept of Omniverse.

The Omniverse is a set or number of supposedly co-existing parallel universes or contains archverses that forms all of existence.

So we shall go to the source of all existence and become it.

So It doesn’t limit us to this Universe or Universes, we indeed go beyond even the concept of Universe.

To the whole of what is (and is not) and that we cannot yet fathom let alone name.

Cool from Earth to Multiverse video (Omniverse goes even further though):

Interesting there is what is beyond our universe, and to be a part of that beyond as well in the manner of this field.

The Omniverse is a collection of every single universe, multiverse, metaverse.

The Omniverse is the Final existence and everything.

So the NFT presents access to the complete Omniverse, so the whole world, anything and all in it, and the ability to do anything with it.


Special thanks to Dreamweaver! for creating this NFT. :pray:
And thanks to those who had had this project in their mind and wished for its succession and release.

The End

Now it’s time to start to touring all over the Omniverse! Enjoy and I’ll see you around the Omniverse!


Wow looks amazing. Congrats!


Thanks buddy :grin::muscle::+1:


That is literally out of this world! LOL. Congratulations on one of the most limitless concepts!


Is this a science fiction book? :nerd_face: It looks so complicated. What’s the effect?


Well to me, the most important is The Blueprint of the Universe.

Which basically applies ideas of how Universe grows and Evolves.
(Look how far it has come already)

And these same ideas of growing, evolving, expanding like the universe, in would now be replicated on how we can grow and expand as people to massive heights.


Congrats on the release!!


Thanks :pray: :slight_smile:

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Okay interesting dream that occured.

It included same people in my life, but under different circumstances.
Something that felt like a parrallel reality.


Now the best thing about it was that it related to my current experiences I have.

Things I had to live and experience here that’d help me a lot, I just experienced them through this dream from the right perspective.
There’s no way also that I’d experience that in this reality here also, since the circumstances are way different than they were in the dream.


The Tree’s energies are very blissful and elevating. There is a strong refinement of my being aspect that I feel happening. Done carefully as if done through nurturing in order there is growth.

Imagine being a Sapling that is taken cared of, watered etc. Soon that Sapling grows into a powerful, strong and huge Tree.

Now imagine these ideas, reflected on you. Your growth, refinement and development from a human point of view/evolution, refinement.


From a spiritual point of view, the growth and expansion of the universe is often seen as a reflection of the infinite creative power and intelligence of the Divine. Many spiritual traditions and belief systems view the universe as a manifestation of a higher consciousness, and see its growth and expansion as an expression of that consciousness.

It is believed that the universe is constantly expanding, both in terms of physical space and in terms of consciousness. This expansion is seen as a natural process of evolution, with each moment representing a new possibility for growth, learning, and transformation.

According to some spiritual teachings, the expansion of the universe is not simply a physical process, but also a spiritual one. As the universe grows and evolves, so too does the consciousness of all beings within it. This process of spiritual growth and evolution is seen as a fundamental aspect of the human experience, and is often seen as a path to greater understanding, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Overall, the growth and expansion of the universe is seen as a reflection of the infinite potential and creativity of the Divine, and a reminder that we are all interconnected and part of a greater whole.

Different spiritual traditions have different beliefs and interpretations about the growth and expansion of the universe, here are some examples:

  1. Hinduism: According to Hinduism, the universe is constantly expanding and contracting in cycles known as yugas. Each yuga represents a different stage of consciousness and evolution, and the expansion and contraction of the universe is seen as a natural process of creation and destruction.
  2. Buddhism: In Buddhism, the universe is viewed as being infinite and constantly evolving. The growth and expansion of the universe is seen as a reflection of the impermanence and interconnectedness of all things, and the spiritual path is seen as a way to transcend this cycle of birth and rebirth.
  3. Taoism: Taoism views the universe as being constantly in a state of flux and transformation. The growth and expansion of the universe is seen as a natural expression of the Tao, or the underlying unity and balance of all things.
  4. New Age Spirituality: In New Age spirituality, the universe is seen as a living, conscious entity that is constantly expanding and evolving. The growth and expansion of the universe is seen as a reflection of our own spiritual evolution, and the belief that we are all connected to a greater cosmic consciousness.

Overall, many spiritual traditions view the growth and expansion of the universe as a natural process of evolution and transformation, and a reflection of the infinite potential and interconnectedness of all things.


Doesn’t this mean that you’ll basically give up on human life or am I misinterpreting?

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Ah nah, its just for the ideas of non-attachment, detachment.

This should give a good explanation.

Detachment does not mean that you stop caring about things or people; instead, it means that you let go of the emotional and mental attachment that often accompanies our desires and expectations. By releasing attachment, you free yourself from the suffering and dissatisfaction that comes from clinging to things that are impermanent and ultimately beyond your control.

The idea is that everything in life is temporary, and by holding onto things too tightly, we create suffering for ourselves. When we let go of our attachment to things, we can live in the present moment, without being bound by our past experiences or future expectations.

In essence, the spiritual idea behind letting go of everything is to cultivate a sense of inner peace and equanimity, regardless of the external circumstances of our lives. By practicing non-attachment, we can learn to accept and appreciate the present moment, without being distracted or controlled by our desires and fears.



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I purchased this in the Buy Sell Thread a couple days ago. Is there additional information/benefit of being added to the Group? If so, can someone please add me?

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can someone who owns this NFT and has been using this for sometime contact me?

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I had a dream and i verbally heard the words this is the tree of life, the tree was vibrant, beautiful, radiant, comforting, i too before that mentally said i would like to wake up at 9 or 9:30 am and was able too, since so long i couldn’t wake up early, every day i wake up at 11.30 am or 12.30 like waking up at 7 o 8-9 is something impossible for me to do right now without feeling exhausted, so this is something good
also i had a mini dream which was interrupted that felt like another reality, i was seeing my brother who was separated from my at a very early age having an Instagram account and showing me his posts, that reality i just seemed really happy, happy family, healthy brain, friendships etc so it was a cool thing to see in my mind’s eye. Also, again the colors were like the tree of life dream, vibrant radiant, colorful vivid, happy


can someone add me to the private group? Thank you
I would like to see more info and reviews if there’s more.