The Outlook Retrainer: Testimonials

Wow haha how is that even allowed

I admire their comfortability though lol


haha yeah bro, it was just men in there. I guess someone would’ve requested them to put some clothes on or atleast a towel.

it was mainly the older folks who did it lol. I think they have gone through those stages.


In a lot of places in Europe it is obligatory to be naked :joy: you can have a towel around you usually (but there needs to be a separate one you sit on).

I always wear bikini bottom or something like that, sometimes there is actually a person who comes and tells you either you take it off or get out. :laughing:


God bless America!

Haha nah, i guess it’s just different things were accustomed to… i wouldn’t be down to go to a sauna in Europe that’s for sure lol I’d have to listen to cloaking a few times if i did haha and then become whole right after lol


Most places you’d be okay, just avoid the dutch / German / Scandi areas :D (off.topic over sorry)


No worry @GoddessAndGodOfAll if you come over here we’ll allow you to keep your bikini top :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And we can use this audio for any of these experiences?Amazing truly I must say.


Why do I feel like dream didn’t just make this field to enhance mental health but to enhance positive experiences, been getting alot of positive experiences with people


When your internal reactions change, you are sending out different “vibes” to others and the universe as a whole, that results in “external” experiences changing as well.


Check dms need some advice from the king


I would think so… I am yet to spend quality time with this one haha…

Mythic is keeping me busy :smiley:


Used this twice,before sleep and writting as I finished.
First off I read a bit about the device and this is what I felt during my session:

My frontal lobe(front part of the brain) felt stimulated for entire session,or majority at least,and simultaneously it felt like there was other stimuli dynamic in nature;it started off on the sides of both hemispheres,then moved to the temporal lobe I believe(center part of the brain or close to it),and finishing with a minor stimulation to the back of the brain.

It is suggested to practice letting go,not focusing on anything or hoping for anything while using the device,hence this audio.I just allowed myself to fully experience these sensations,thinking it would in turn increase the effect since energy goes where focus goes.
This is my testimonial for now,I can say this lightheadedness is kinda fun.

PS:Forgot the reason I replied to this specifically, based on my experience I think Dream made this with all benefits in mind,hence me feeling like each brain region was stimulated at some point but,I could be wrong.


Per DW description, it’s really only the “feel good sessions” of the helmet.
Not the whole helmet, which has different sessions and set ups for different experiences.


The difference between listening to this one on the background vs meditating is huge!

Yesterday within 2-3min it opened my frontal lobe, throat and heart center.
Rarely felt those three radiating so much, at the same time.

(the first time I meditated with it, it formed a vortex starting from the throat and intensifying around the third eye and the crown area as well :grinning:)

What feels the nicest though, aside from the good feeling, is how the field is bringing the good content of reality into light.

Despite being very joyful on the surface, I tend to be very tired about that reality and being locked in that box.

This is bringing up to mind all the nice things I am dismissing and have forgotten about the present, like a caring grandpa showing you the good stuff. The beauty within and without.

Great experience :slight_smile:
Waking up more positive in the morning as well.

Looking forward to be experiencing how it’ll integrate between sessions :pray:


First session
Context : couldn’t smile at all
Listened : 3 times
Achievements :
Smile in the street : unlocked
joyful behaviour : unlocked
feeling good : unlocked
through I don’t really assume it

Jokes aside that’s what I’ve experienced

Also while listening, felt different areas in my body most likely related to traumas affected. I imagine this could be that since your mindset is affected subconsciously, you subconsciously change your view on this trauma ? perhaps ? interesting nonetheless
looking forward to the other sessions :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly. But also physical rewiring of the brain connection that processes the event.

:grinning: :muscle:


I don’t understand. Is this for brain or to attract positive outcome?

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Both, haha. Program/condition the brain effectively and your results/outcomes improve.


One leads to the other


So can be used everyday? I tend to be anxious when it comes to brain stuff but I will give a try