The Peryton Starter Edition Series

New to these types of specialities? just wanna try it out?
These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
This a smaller base ‘starter’ type, depending on your budget.
then these starter editions are just what you need.
Having only one upgrade slot.
Its perfect for creating a specialized being for one specific upgradable task each once this one slot is filled it will not be able learn anymore. (upgrades, base ones come with seven)
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.

In the fascinating practice of chaos magic, servitors are crafted by blending the attributes of various beings to create entities with unique and profound influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the essence of a Peryton, a mythical creature with the head and legs of a deer and the wings and body of a bird. This extraordinary combination results in a servitor that embodies both the grace and agility of a deer and the freedom and perspective of a bird, offering transformative benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its enhancement of perspective and vision. The bird’s wings allow the Peryton to soar high above, offering the individual a broader view of their life and circumstances. This servitor instills a sense of clarity and insight, enabling the person to see beyond immediate concerns and understand the larger picture. The Peryton’s ability to rise above earthly troubles ensures that the individual can approach problems with a higher perspective, finding solutions that are both effective and enlightened.

Simultaneously, the Peryton’s deer attributes bring a sense of grace and groundedness. The deer’s nimble legs and elegant movements infuse the individual with a sense of agility and poise. This servitor encourages the person to navigate their environment with a light touch and a sure step, moving through life with confidence and ease. The combination of the bird’s freedom and the deer’s groundedness creates a balance that allows the person to be both free-spirited and firmly rooted.

The servitor also promotes a sense of exploration and adventure. The bird’s wings and the deer’s swiftness encourage the individual to venture into new territories, both physically and metaphorically. This servitor fosters a spirit of curiosity and a desire to explore new experiences and opportunities. The Peryton’s adventurous nature ensures that the individual remains open to new possibilities and continually seeks to expand their horizons.

Furthermore, the servitor’s influence extends to enhancing the individual’s creativity and imagination. The Peryton’s mythical nature inspires the person to think beyond conventional boundaries and explore their creative potential. This servitor encourages imaginative thinking and innovative problem-solving, fostering a mindset that embraces creativity and originality. The combination of the bird’s expansive view and the deer’s intricate movements creates a dynamic synergy that fuels creative expression and intellectual exploration.

The servitor also enhances the person’s emotional resilience and adaptability. The deer’s grace under pressure and the bird’s ability to navigate changing winds empower the individual to remain calm and composed in the face of challenges. This servitor helps the individual to adapt to changing circumstances with ease and grace, maintaining their emotional balance and inner peace. The Peryton’s dual nature provides both stability and flexibility, allowing the person to handle life’s ups and downs with resilience and poise.

In terms of social interactions, the presence of the servitor enhances the individual’s ability to connect with others in meaningful ways. The deer’s gentleness and the bird’s freedom make the person both approachable and inspiring. This servitor fosters a sense of empathy and understanding, enabling the individual to build strong and supportive relationships. The Peryton’s enchanting presence ensures that the person can engage with others in a way that is both compassionate and uplifting.

The servitor also promotes a sense of harmony between independence and community. The bird’s solitary flights and the deer’s social nature create a balance that allows the individual to enjoy both solitude and social interaction. This dynamic equilibrium fosters a well-rounded approach to life, where the person can cultivate personal growth while also nurturing their connections with others.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a Peryton creates a powerful and transformative influence. It brings together perspective, grace, exploration, and creativity, fostering an environment where the individual can thrive in all aspects of life. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the person to navigate life’s complexities with clarity, agility, and inspiration, leading to a more balanced, enlightened, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)


On my way to buy one of these beauties for a guild giveaway - Thanks, Captain! :slight_smile:


Ever since I got this gem I’ve had a smile plastered on my face almost constantly. I thought the affinity for new experiences would pair well with how the mercurial panther has me ready for anything, and it’s absolutely true. I’ve remembered how to feel excitement. I’m even interested in rollercoasters again!
Also, when I first “suited up” with this one, I immediately felt the distinct sensation of flying. Incredible.


Awesome Thanks 3

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Bestie Pery right here has been an invaluable buddy since I’ve received it as blessed ‘gift’ :gift_heart:

A true companion during this intense period of finalising documents, bureaucratic errands, and packing for my move overseas due to job offer (thanks to AstroNaut & Beast). I should be stressing a lot with the sheer amount of stuff needed to prepare but the unique blend of attributes topnotch helping me manage stress and stay grounded. :100:

Its bird-like vision gives me clarity and allows me to see the bigger picture, aligned with my broader goals. It keeps me stay present, moving toward strength and progress. It positions me to face challenges head-on; my inner conversations now include powering through with problem-solving skills intact (as if it whispers it to me) and heart-aligned decisions. :heart:

Meanwhile, the graceful presence of the deer side helps me stay calm and composed, especially in important social situations. Whether interacting with authorities or meeting new people, Pery’s influence has made me feel at ease, ensuring I am well-received and confident throughout this journey. :busts_in_silhouette:

Looking forward to unlock more of its abilities as we venture to a new place, ready to take life as it finds us, and experiment together! :dancing_women: Thank you for your beautiful creation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Congrats! :confetti_ball:



@SilverZuzu :relaxed: :pray:t3:


I love that image :slight_smile:


I bought the Peryton and created it on a silver pendant with a sky blue lab grown quartz stone.

From the moment i put it on (at heart level), it powerfully started to work on me and open my chakras, expanding them extremely (it started with my heart and solar plexus chakras and later expanded to the Manipura chakra (under navel) and to Vishuddha chakra (throat chakra)), and also, gave me a powerful bliss feeling and the smile that other people here talked about in the testimonials above.

This lasted for many hours, very powerful, and continued this morning also, more atenuated, when i put it on again, after sleep (i slept with it in my bed, at 15 cm, in my aura). I slept a lot yesterday, in the daytime too, maybe it had to do with the field working on me.

I was really blown away by this field’s power and efficacy, i wasn’t expecting this, it started to expand my chakras and clear me energetically from the moment i put it on, like it came with heavy machinery and started the work immediately without even asking me, because he knew what he had to do.

There was a great feeling of bliss, that diminished slightly in time, and a smile and a feeling of comfort and security, and today i realise that my ever existing fear is gone, i hope it stays that way.

I really wasn’t expecting it to be so powerful and efficient and impetuous, so i thought that maybe the other starter friends may be as powerful too, so i read again the Qilin description, and, for the first time, i understood it fully (maybe the Peryton clarity) and was very attracted by it, and decided to buy it in the close future.

Around two weeks ago i saw in the garbage, thrown away, many kitch “jewelry” (with plastic beads and such) and i also saw a little completely black metalic bracelet which, for some reason, seemed interesting to me, so it was the only “jewelry” that i took with me.

Yesterday, exactly after i decided to put the Qilin on my To Buy list, i happened to see the little black bracelet, and took it to the bathroom and washed it with soap and examined it.

It was completely black, with ten swastika symbols (the beneficent symbol of the Sun in India), two double lotuses, two vajras, two sacred flames painted with red lacquer and six characters that looked Indian, from which one was the AUM symbol. The inside of the bracelet was fully covered with Chinese characters – i thought maybe it was the Chinese translation of a Tibetan sutra – or more sutras, cause there are a lot of characters), and also the number 990.

I washed the bracelet with a sponge with dish washing paste, and the bracelet completely lost the oxydised layer and became all white and shiny. I googled and saw that indeed, 990 purity silver exists, and that’s what it’s made of.

But the most extraordinary part is that, on the front of the bracelet, there is a small welded qilin (with it’s unicorn horn) and a Chinese style coin in its mouth. That was what blew my mind… because the moment i decided to buy the Qilin, i noticed the bracelet that i found two weeks ago.

I put the bracelet on my wrist and almost fell asleep, when i heard my grandmother calling me (she died long time ago) and i got frightened, i took off the bracelet and slept.

I think this bracelet may or may not be magic, but it certainly has a will of its own, and didn’t want to end in a landfill, but wanted a second life, with somebody that would appreciate it more.

I live in Europe and there are no qilins here, nor magical bracelets from Tibet, and i didn’t even know what a qilin is until Dream created the field.

That is why this synchronicity is mind blowing to me ; in our language there is a popular saying, “life beats the movie”, meaning life can be more extravagant and weird than fiction, and it proved true so many times. There is a fine working of angels here, in this situation (i listen to the Angelic Intercession every day), and i think that it was meant to be a symbol that miracles are always completely possible, and that i should believe in them more, the moment i resonated with it, the qilin came in person to say “hello, i wanna be with you”.

…lots of crying and gratitude…

We are not alone


@whitefire that’s awesome!

How is it going?

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the expanding of the chakras lasted for several days, now it’s more mild (because it “expanded” them , meaning, probably, clearing the energies and strengthening the flows of energies). What i have noticed is that people on the street look at me way more, totally different from the past, when i was rather invisible. They look in my eyes, i don’t know what they see there. May be the increase in energy, perhaps.

After a few days I got the Qilin and attached its pendant to the Peryton pendant, and the effect was totally different, not energetic, more subtle, it gave a strong focus on the present moment… so amazing!

After a few days of wearing both pendants, i feel much more calm and “at home” in life, a feeling that i never had before.

I noticed that whenever i get aware of the pendants during the day (seeing them), the effects are more pronounced, or start again. I realised the importance of being aware periodically of a field or a mandala, it strengthens our connection with the field. I remember that JAAJ said once that the fields he listens during sleep, he thinks that they influence him just 5%; maybe it’s true that using a field as conscious of it as possible, brings much better results.


thank you for the reply!

oh yeah, I totally agree that conscious ‘invocation’ does wonders. (in general).