The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)

Is there a reason to use smart stem cells if I use Plasma Flaunt? Because Plasma Flaunt have stem cells too


Smart stem cells are much faster in terms of healing on the damaged areas that need healing while flaunt plasma stem cells act on the whole body, at least that is my perception. Smart stem cells will be more precise in
finding the parts that are damaged or in need of healing.


different approaches. smart stem cells is taking advantage of a real biological mechanism, plasma flaunt is some magical wizardry that creates harmony and order


Iā€™d always say yes.
The analogy previously made was that of a cake and itā€™s individually unique ingredients. To me, just because we have one overarching field doesnā€™t make those fields itā€™s made from obsolete. Every creation is unique in itā€™s own way.

Oh and thereā€™s plasma brain of youth as a bonus when purchasing smart stem cells