The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)

@Captain_Nemo Please let me know is it ok to loop it?

it depends on you… see the guidelines… and experiment from there ?

The brain one is good for dysthymia ?

Which brain related fields can be replaced with this field?

New fields are never really meant to ‘replace’ any of the fields before. They Enhance the whole experience of it and in this case, giving you a top notch one!


Brain Regeneration. This is like the advanced version of it.


Together with plasma light maybe it gives a similar effect, but based on what Philip wrote this is quite special :slight_smile:


brain regeneration

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Hey guys is this bonus item available to download for those that already bought smart stem cells before the addition because it doesn’t show up for me? Is it a separate audio file or merged with ssc because I don’t see it when I open the purchase link?

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In your opinion, Plasma Brain is advisable as a post vaccination treatment, even if the Plasma Protocol + Mitochondria is done?

What ? Why ?
I don’t know what you mean, but it won’t hurt.
It will heal/detox etc… if that’s what you worry about

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Ok thanks

Btw, I don’t even know what type of symptoms or side effects you have.

Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion from another user or a doctor.


No problem, it’s just a possible preventive solution, let’s say more like a prophylaxis, not for me.
Thanks for your interest


Thank you Vesparda :slight_smile:

What age is this supposed to reset the brain to? I started having insomnia at around 8 years old and I know it’s caused damage since then.


Also, from above

Dude, do something about all these fears and anxieties before anything else.


I saw that about telomere length, not about physical brain damage.
I’d love to but I have no idea where to start with that. I don’t know who I am without fear/anxiety.

Because it’s a brain healing field, it’s kinda implied in the name and the description :man_shrugging:
What are the plasma, negentropy and new cells supposed to do ?

Almost half the forum (exaggeration) is about dealing with stress, fears and blockage.
Use amygdala repair with fear removal
Subconscious limit remover
Energy blockage removal
Extreme self-confidence
And one of the abundance mindset fields


Great insight :+1:
Start with the point of no return stack + the anxiety field + amygdala😅 you’re more you without the anxiety.
(But I see Philip typing so I’ll see myself out :D )