The Plasma Flaunt

Get the “Blood Purifier +” field.


What @JAAJ said definitely get that one

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Not the three treasures or BOL first ?

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For that specific purpose, no I would bite the bullet and get the purifier because the feeling is unmatched. I got it myself a few months ago and didn’t try it yet until today so it’s so funny you’re bringing it up now - I was going to write a review but I feel it’s too early.

If you have the budget I would go for it. I don’t even have anything you could compare it to, it’s such a deep cleansing feeling. You’ll see what I mean someday - def keep it on your list


You can try this similar to a blood purifier first

New Release: Alchemical Jing Charged Blood @Danthemaan1


looking forward to your experience
Blood purifier is also one of my favorites :drop_of_blood:


It’s just like ahhhhhhhhhhh



Anyone with sleeping problema Saw improvements?

Yes, I can sleep now, and loop the field during 1h, no spleep problems anymore


I actually play it in the morning a few times but always play it 2x while in bed right before sleep. It has helped me a lot with sleeping, falling asleep, anxiety and racing mind and sleeping through the night. Def see an improvement.

But what also has impacted this field working overall is adding some really good supplements. I have had this about 2 months. When I started using PF, it was healing my body but at the same time I noticed my body started falling apart. It it odd to think…My skin was getting dryer, but my teeth were improving, healing wounds was slower, but my pain in my hip diminished. My nails started looking brittle but I was sleeping much better. I started reading the threads and strong suggestions for supplements. I realized my diet was crap and I had nothing to supplement, so I sought out a naturopath who put me on liquid vitamins and some ATP inhibitors along with some other items…been 2 weeks and holy hell…makes all the difference!!! I feel so much better…I don’t listen to many fields but it is like they are all working in overdrive. I feel great…skin and nails also look better and my health seems to still be improving from PF. So, add at least an excellent multivitamin!


Do you think this field can help with blood circulation? Or help with blood purification?

Are you serious ? Like look about 5-10 posts :arrow_up::joy:

Congrats on your awesome results! Care to share what you’re supplementing with? Bless

Yeah but the question wasn’t really answered. I don’t know if I should just get the blood purifier or plasma flaunt. If plasma flaunt can do the same as the purifier I will stick with that. If it cannot focus on blood and toxins then I will go with the purifier.

You should get both, but if you need to choose which to pick first do plasma flaunt, its kind of the best one for health.


Alright thanks

Intramax (Vitamin, Mineral and Herb liquid support)
Cellcore (BC-ATP Mitochondrial and detox)
Cellcore (ViRadChem Binder)
Global Healing (Heavy metal and chemical cleanse - Advanced Binder Detox)

If you are price limited just stick with the vitamins and ATP support.

The vitamins are $$, but there are so many decent quality multivitamins around that are more than half the price of the ones listed above. This is just what was recommended, and while I like them…I am just not sure I want to be paying this every few months (and they have to be refrigerated). Good luck!!!

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Lol just had an altercation with a weird customer who was thinking I was hitting on him, like bro, I’m just trying to give you your naan man. Anyways we were arguing and then he is like “dude you are like 14 stfu” and I was like “really”? Because I always looked older than my age and my skin was just aging like a 30+ year old. I’m 21 btw. I took his insult as a compliment and ended the stupid egoistic argument.

Tbh, these days lots of people are telling me I look so young for my age. My skin is clear and smooth like bear ass and young. Now I gotta grow a beard to look at least my age lol


Hahaha my favorite review now.

What more can we hope with this field?
