The Plasma Flaunt

The last time stuff got discontinued is due to chargebacks, perhaps it happenend again.

Of course only speculation


Only 3 times a day, I can’t help you much about NFT since I don’t own any. Every field that is targeting your issue is boosting Plasma Flaunt, like if you have Thyroïd problems, you can listen Thyroid’s audio they work as a team, someone said this and that’s how I treat Plasma Flaunt too, it doesn’t replace a specific field, it’s more a “do everything” audio.

So everything that can benefit your health is helping Plasma Flaunt a way or another. But the most important things are, being sensible to vibration, self love, confidence and gratitude, they will boost your results the most. So don’t be afraid to add more field of this type.

There are a lot that are free so you don’t necessarily need to pay, Jaaj did a good thread about that, you can check.


That makes sense. “For now” part gives me relief : )

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Yes that’s what it did to me but it’s gradual you have to be patient, it’s a long term investment but it’ll always be cheaper than seeking for doctors and take less time too. I’m not saying you don’t need hospital anymore, it’s a help that can still change your life, that’s how I see audios.

Hi, faraox!
welcome panda


You and everyone who hadn’t yet bounced on this. On my way to slink away to loop luck fields and hope for other plasma opportunities. Have loved the reviews so far but opted for Shielding 3.0 during the sale.


Apparently, there is increasing pressure (from, like, financial companies) about making health claims that aren’t sanctioned by the conventional authorities. This sort of pressure can jeopardize all sales (and the whole business, as well as some of the banking abilities of the business’ principals), beyond the health fields.




Yeah. Makes me sick to my stomach.


Thank you Captain for all what are you creating to help people.

Much gratitude and appreciation.

The only question that comes to mind,
how can you handle such negativity and disrespectful judgments…?

I wish I have 10% of your patience.


I’m convinced he is an actual angel in a human body.


I am in for a nightmare. I am addicted to the same substance Jordan peterson was, although not nearly as high doses. Clonazepam, for 1.5 years, 1mg daily. I know that when i get off of it my gaba will be messed, slurry speech, slow thinking, brain fog etc. All of that will make me unable to work because those are the exact traits I need to work, since I present a very expensive software to very big companies such as amazon, BMW, a bunch of pharma companies and much, much more (we have over 5000 customers) and those are among our customers.

It’s an automation software basically, that enables them to replace manual mundane work and have them automated, saving a lot of time and money.

If i can not hold the presentations no more, i can not perform my work. That is why i dread getting off of them.

Amphetamines i’ve only been on for 4 months and that’s going to be an absolute piece of cake getting off (i’ve gotten off vyvanse after being addicted for 2 years to that many years before).

It’s the gaba i’m extremely afraid of. Dopamine is the very least of my worries. It is nothing compared to gaba.

GABA-induced drugs can also actually ENHANCE your aura enormously (phenibut for example). Although it is just temporarily. Gaba is EXTREMELY powerful. People talk about dopamine but neglect gaba so much. I know there are several types of gaba (gaba-A, gaba-B etc).


Maybe you can distribute physical fields on an alternative site?


Thats awesome to hear, hopefully it will work for my hair as well.

@WellBeing @Rosechalice Thanks! happy to be here:)


I had acid tears since using this and now it’s gone (probably a detox effect ?), sun is not agressive anymore to my eyes and I don’t need (sun)glasses anymore, I see nearly perfectly now, there is no “particule” anymore, to make a comparison, it was like old TV when it was on, with no channel selected…

By the way, since it’s not sold temporarily, is it still good to update our results ?


It happened to me with BoL

Perfect description of problem; but if you still see some particles, but clear, don’t worry.

Absolutely yes, also because it is not sold temporarily.

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Its back on the menu


Never heard about that before, mind elaborate?


If you for example do phenibut plus cocaine and/or small amounts of alcohol during a night, you will experience the exact same thing as if you were at the very highest level of ascension pretty much. You walk in to a Mcdonalds and everyone (literally everyone, not exaggerating) will turn their heads, and stare at you because they feel an enormous pressure/aura entering. This assumes you are on semen retention though, it does not work otherwise.

Everyone will show you Immense respect and you will feel calmer than buddha himself. This is because of the enhancement of your subconcious beliefs and the feeling of not being afraid of anything at all, and the knowledge of being able to do exactly what you want, manifest what you want etc. You will feel like an actual god, and that reflects outwards, as everyone knows, your internal emotions always reflects outwards.

However this is unhealthy, not sustainable and has more downsides than upsides. It could work as a one off-time if you’re going on some extremely important meeting with CEO’s from the fortune 100 companies or similar.

The backlash is something you’ll feel for at least a week afterwards. So you’re basically trading that day of God power versus a week, or weeks of less than average. It’s not a good trade, but in the right situation, it could be worth it. That said, stay the heck away from drugs. They damage your aura, and the risk of getting addicted to God level feeling is extremely high. You don’t want to open that pandoras box. You really don’t.

I’ve done it twice, with equal results both times.

Cocaine alone will not do it, alcohol alone will not do it, alcohol+cocaine will not do it. It has to have Phenibut (or Gabapentin actually, I used that in Thailand and everyone was turning their heads like maniacs to stare at me)

I’d say its 80% from the GABA, then to just further enhance it, alchol, and to slightly further enhance it, cocaine.


Thanks for sharing and all the best for your withdrawl!