The Plasma Flaunt

Can it possibly replace fields for specific needs? (Thyroid, eyes, teeth, etc,)

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I think that was the point of all those discussions about what this field includes.

The tricky word is “replace.” I know what I mean when I use that word, but it might not be the same meaning that you mean when you use that word. And that’s important when we’re talking about a “smart” field with as broad a range as this one. You see, I (from my flesh-blood-and-bone-y perspective–what some might call my “egoic” perspective) might think that my–say–teeth are my eyes are my highest priority needing to be healed first.

But from the perspective of this smart field, which knows all the needs of my body and how those needs interact with one another, this smart field might start first working on ,y–say–thyroid first, knowing that, when my thyroid is healed, all those etc. will also be healed, including my eyes.

In that situation, might I want to use an eye field to assist PF as it’s healing the other things that need healing in my body? Sure. But in that case, PF isn’t “replacing” my eye field, is it?


I’m going to use this post to address the entire community, rather than strictly as a response to the post.

How did you come to the conclusion that depression only affects 0.000001% of the population?

Extensive scientific testing? Or did some guru tell you? Then you decided he was wiser than you, stopped your critical thinking process and are now spoutting whatever he’s told you?

I’m not upset at your post at all, by the way.

I’m upset by this attitude amongst spiritual communities who have no actual knowledge to give but regurgitating whatever made up statistics they have. Your post contains 0 actual information except for an opinion and made up statistics.

You’re asking me to stake my whole quality of life on it.

What real reason have you given that would make me take your advice?

I posted this over a year ago and I swear it only gets more true every day I interface with this community.

It’s been just over 24 hrs for this one:

The common directive in spiritual communities is to not allow any community to convince you to take whatever medication/therapy/way of thinking is currently available.

This almost always applies to “mainstream” knowledge.

Apply this to your spiritual knowledge too.

Don’t let a group of people who do the bulk of their research on their toilet dictate how you live your life.


You’re right, it is my subjective opinion based on what I believe is the absolute truth. I can also say the same for you, and if you link me any “scientific” papers, we might as well all stop using these frequencies/sapien. I can link you scientific papers saying masturbation is great for you, preferably daily, even several times per day, while we all in here know that’s not really the truth.

I know that this discussion is 100% fruitless because neither of us will be able to prove anything and neither of us will change our minds on the matter. It is waste of energy and time for us both and I probably should not have replied in the first place, but it is my absolute belief still. I believe what I wrote more than I believe that the sun is hot.

I wish you the best, but I will not continue any discussion based on pure ego that fills no purpose for either. Feel free to reply, if you feel that is necessary for yourself, it will however go unanswered and unread, just so you know in advance.


It’s an extremely subjective ‘knowledge’.
‘We all’ don’t know that.

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Fair point, we all don’t know that you exist either. Or that i exist.
We all don’t know that either of any sapiens audios work.
We all don’t know if anything in here is real.

So, you’re right! :)


How many times you are listening per day? Any other field/NFT you think is helping Plasma Flaunt? I’m curious, how old are you?


Plasma Flaunt has been discontinued.

For now


Whew! So glad I got in under that wire!

Thank you!


:scream: :sob:

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Don’t panic. I think these are the second most important words:

Gives people time to prudently save their pennies, make their plans, etc. :slightly_smiling_face:


I read this as discounted :man_facepalming: :rofl:


Thank you for giving me the best health with this field Captain.

Daily gratitude to you and Sam.


Lord am I lucky to have bought this yesterday. I needed this so badly haha.


I went through the same thing when I stopped taking them. I was on Prozac for 10 years. It will pass. What got me through it very well was taking the supplement L-Tyrosine, an amino acid which is a precursor to creation of neurotransmitters. Stopping anti-depressants was the best decision I’ve ever made. Now I’m getting off the last medication I’m on once and for all to be completely free of substances.


Thanks for sharing your results. so you also see new hair regrowth on receding temples if you have any?


Welcome to the forum!


Lol I’m going to stop after this, but if “scientific” papers is where you draw the line, you might as well stop using fields/frequencies now.

Morphic fields actually have a lot of “scientific” papers behind them: Morphic Resonance


Any reason behind this? :thinking: I was literally just about to purchase it, and it all felt like building synchronicity, which ended with “Unavailable”. :)


Yes! I was just about to ask the same, what is the reason that they stop selling certain things? I mean they can’t run out of stock can they?