The Plasma Flaunt

I don’t think these fields are for the short term.
But if you want to compare the 2 plasma flaunt should be more noticeable early on.
And if you think you don’t have any big health problems then in your place I would probably look for something that I want

Thank you for the input

What are your goals? What would you like to get from your new purchase? And how will you know when you get it?

It’s been a while, I kinda see interesting changes but I don’t focus on them anymore. I had improvements on my hair but I would’ve never imagined how playing with certain fields can be dangerous. My hair was a mess because of my beginner mistakes, it wasn’t natural I knew it, it wasn’t damages, it wasn’t thyroid or lymphatic issues, maybe stress but it was for a short period of time…

Hair loss only hit in the side of my father at old age. I was too excited as a new member so I played too much of everything, even if I got wisdom with time and did things right then I couldn’t believe it was because of workout fields and hormonal fields that I used earlier. I listened to them since 2 years but not anymore since some days.

Not saying this to say it’s because of someone else no it was my own mistake, people need to be responsible while playing audios specially the ones with hormones, I was too excited when discovering the channel to the point of only reading the title “oh shit what is this ? I MUST try”, listening more than needing audios, they should not be abused. The problem was it messed up my hormones and my body never adapted well to this situation.

I was careless and didn’t make the link between testosterone boost or upper/lower workout and my sudden hair loss since I had no hair issues at first. It worsens with time while I still listened to them, even if I started to use the audios a good way I couldn’t imagine beginner mistakes would follow me till now. Plasma Flaunt helped a lot, hair got better every day and since I stopped listening to upper/lower workouts it’s even better each day.

I am sensible to DHT apparently so I started to couple PF with Dutasterided Scalp and the new Patreon audio “Platelet Rich Hair” and now it’s even better than ever, no more hair problem, square form back, front line is thick and long, even more lifeful and the blackest’s nuance possible, I let them grow long now, it’s sad because I kinda liked being bald.

About other things sight got WAY better, only one of my eyes was bad to begin with and today it’s almost as good as the other eye, I’m so happy.

Brain has healed completely, I can finally recognize me in myself again, the person I always was before life went bad, no addiction, dopamine is completely back tiny things make me happy, sad or anger me the same as before, HUGE improvements on memory too, now it’s “me” again but the best version of myself about emotional management and cognitive functions.

Nothing else to say about skin it can’t be better honestly and health is 100% good. I use the field to maintain everything now.


Goals would be stabilized day-to-day energy, a bit of youthing, maybe fix some food allergies, and sharper vision. I don’t require much at the moment but I am curious to see if something might get fixed that I didn’t know was damaged. In a way I like to be surprised too so perhaps I’m really asking which of these two fields is likely to surprise me more (in a good way).


These are all more directly impacted by PF. BOL could support PF with these goals. My thought is PF is the lead actor for these goals.

Excellent! I’m glad to hear that.

PF will do this for you. (Are you hearing me wondering how you’ll know if your field–whichever you choose–will fix something that you didn’t know was damaged? You are? Then your psychic hearing is working wonderfully for you. :wink: )

That whole sentence was really helpful to me, thank you.

My personal opinion is that you might be more likely to notice your good surprise from PF. If you’ve read the BOL thread, you may have noticed that the good surprises from that field tend to be more subtle or unfold over a longer period of time. (And most of the unwanted surprises from BOL are now largely avoidable because there are plenty of reports in that thread of its potential for uncomfortable detox.)


WellBeing’s advice on this is spot on. With those goals, you’re looking at Plasma for sure if it’s between those two. Plasma may however find other issues you’re not aware of directly, that is more important that it will work on first. So use it daily for a long period of time.

I would not neglect BoL though, it might surprise you - but I get the impression you haven’t had much trauma or issues mentally/physically in your life outside of minor ones? On someone like me, BoL has an insanely powerful effect and I’m glad I was recommended it - but then again I’ve had a life with 12 years full of trauma and borderline insanity. So it’s very individual how powerful of an effect you feel on it, but I’m pretty sure everyone gets a very positive effect long-term on BoL

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Absolutely yes!

So how many days have you been listening to plasma flaunt? and how many times have you heard it?

I brought this last night and had it on loop for maybe 40/45 mins, mainly cus my experience with plasma beach was that I can listen for a long time, so I thought why not…
Didn’t really experience a deep sleep, woke up once or twice throughout the night, but this morning I could tell something was creeping up. I didn’t feel like eating breakfast, but had 1 toast, been feeling nauseous all day, flu like symptoms, my body needed to lay down so I had 2 hour naps, twice. I haven’t ate anything all day, but my body started craving fruit around 6pm, and am now drinking fresh orange juice. I’m not listening to any other fields for today, including plasma flaunt, tho when I do start again, it definitely wont be left on loop !


@Pinnacle thanks for journaling your experience. A trove of useful information for folks who have questions.

I think we need to get Pinnacle a Journal page, it will be awesome to read the posts in a stretch …


You’re welcome. I’ll probably create a separate thread after the one year mark and copy and paste all of the posts I’ve made.

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I have question if anyone can shed some light on it…say your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs or you’re unaware of a vitamin/mineral deficiency, will this field, or any other healing field in general, start to pull nutrients from the body itself? Wouldn’t that create more health problems? I’ve just been thinking in terms of hair loss and something I read about how nutrients are pulled from the hair first when there’s a deficiency of some sort.

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You’re correct. You’ll want to make sure that your body is getting the best nutrition you can give it, when playing this or other healing fields. You’re correct in understanding (with a few limited exception) that the fields can’t give us the basic, physical, building blocks our bodies need to heal themselves. And an insufficient or unbalanced nutrition could be one explanation for someone who sees limited or slow results from a field like this.

But there’s a flip side to your question that you’re really going to like. Most of the time (especially when we get ourselves to an awareness to use fields like this) the reason for those deficiencies is usually due to our inability to absorb the nutrients from the foods we are eating. A field like this will heal the absorption problem and, because it’s a smart field, it’ll probably heal this problem first.

Not really, because your body is already trying to allocate its current limited nutrients as best as it can. (Our bodies really are way more intelligent than most people give them credit for.)

As I’m experiencing this field, PF seems to work with my body. Now, I can’t tell you I know what’s going on with me at a cellular level, but extrapolating from my experience, I would say that, in the case of a limited amount of a nutrient, (in addition to healing any absorption or creation issues, that I mentioned before) PF works with the body to optimize storage and transport issues of that limited nutrient to enhance the efficiency of the body’s use of that nutrient. (Wow, that was a mouthful! :laughing: )

You know, I too remember reading something along those lines. I also remember questioning that description because there’s really no mechanism to “pull” nutrients from hair. (And it’s that lack of a “pull” mechanism that makes hair testing for nutrient levels possible.)

I think what the writer I had read meant to say was that, when there is a deficiency, that intelligent body I was talking about prioritizes the allocation of the nutrient, deciding that it’s more important that–say–the heart or the liver gets what’s available than the hair.

Now, could you be so deficient in a nutrient that PF “sees” what’s going on (like this example I just used), how your body is sending as much of Nutrient X to your heart and recognizing that, given the condition of your heart, to help your body’s efforts in that? That would be an extreme (and rare) case but it is possibility, sure. But in that extreme case, many people would settle for temporarily less hair on their heads so that their hearts could continue to beat and they’d have one more day on this earth. Does that make sense?


I finally got it today and i am so excited to see how my body will work with it. The music is truly beautiful and magical :heart_eyes:


Don’t wanna make any false claims but I looped this for like 4 hrs with no side effects and also stretched and listened to the height stack and apparently I’m taller. A lot of people have asked me have I grown. Last night I was wondering why my legs and body was feeling weird so I woke up to rub my legs and thighs and then I went back to sleep.

Today my wife is looking shorter and I feel extremely fatigued but no aches or pains in the body though so I guess PF used a lot energy over night. Right now I’m fatigued so I may take another nap.

I will keep tabs of my height and let y’all know if I’ve grow or keep growing. Still wondering if it’s plasma flaunt + height stack but ill keep going for another week on this.


I unfortunately have a mild case of sibo. Do you think plasma flaunt would help heal this?

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How old are you? I wouldn’t check my physical height/measure it unless you’re at an age where you normally still can get taller, because I don’t think that’s how it works (unfortunately)

So what i’ve noticed, is that when I was on my first semen retention streak (way before i knew about sapien) at like week 4, people kept asking me how i’d grown taller, that i look tall etc (mind you I was 28 then, no way I could of grown).

I also felt taller, this was due to how i perceived myself - the moment I measured myself, i reminded my subconscious that I’m not actually taller at all - and suddenly no one commented on that again/told me i looked taller etc.

It’s the same as looking in the mirror every day to see if your face got more handsome, or nose got more lean or whatever other physical attribute youre trying to change - I’m certain it will have a much better effect by not actually looking in the mirror, and letting your subconscious take a looong time to overwrite the old belief of who you are and what you look like.

I think you’re right my friend because everything you described is what I experienced today. I also just turned 28. Gonna keep going for the rest of the week and see what happens.


Quick question regarding kinda technical(??) issue.
So I bought this field and download it in my PC
I want to store it in my USB as well. To do that, I need to copy the field and then store it in my USB.
My question. Would copied field still work? @Captain_Nemo @SammyG
I am asking this question because I thought the field may have copy guard or something

You know, when I click “download”, I can’t choose where to download the file…
Thank you.