The Plasma Flaunt

Reading the past posts use brain regeneration and brain refresher for the brain. Although plasma brain does have it . Independent sources are better sometimes I mean fields that work specifically for a specific reason. If you had head back or neck injury I would suggest. Nerve stimulation and healing and I would also suggest scoliosis or the lateral scoliosis treatment or even the multiple scolosis. Because if the injury happened because of the brain it would be really important. Plasma flaunt takes some time. But it does everything or almost everything. But specific fields are technically better.


Iā€™d like to disagree on this one because Plasma Flaunt seems to affect this area almost directly each time.

It is intelligent as described in the description this has been proven by my experience. I love to focus down on just one field and let it run itā€™s course. Mingling of too much fields will just exhaust our resources and adversely affect our progress.

I use Plasma Flaunt and if I want to go more specific I would add another field that specifies the focus.


when you calm your mind everything that you feel is enhanced.

thatā€™s the reason while having anxiety and try to calm makes anxiety worse :stuck_out_tongue:

the field works exact the same in both situations what changes is that you adapt and can handle more after being calm.


Iā€™m not entirely sure if plasma flaunt is able to fix everything at once or targets specific areas before targeting other areas that need fixing. To my knowledge it targets areas first and then moves onto other areas. I could be terribly wrong as well so donā€™t take my word for it :laughing:. But as of now thatā€™s what I know. But I would say keep at it. Youā€™ll do just fine.


Thatā€™s exactly what it did to me, when listening to this for the first time I had like everyone else a reason to buy this field and priorities, the field wiped firstly what I had in mind at the moment. Then it stopped working for a moment since I had no other issues, as my problem was just my hair to begin and eventually dark circles, skin and immune system disorders.

Just being here and passively listening to the field has no effect on me. Now that I want to grow my hair long, they grew like 2 inches last week, it works again.


I do not understand how one loop of this does what it does to me while others do 20 loops and feel nothing


Trade offer:
I give you my chill 20 loops you give me your 1 intense loop


Yea just like me im taking a break now lol ,used to listen once a day for a week then stopped guess im not ready for detox effect but will use again dont know when.

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Dont feel bad about it, everyone is different.
I had a bad detox reaction to the original free Plasma Beach when it first came out. (it felt like rough sandpaper on me when I listened to it and also like pins were sticking into me.)
U can read about it on the thread dedicated to it.
Because of that I never bought the 2nd version of it (with the 3 seperate audios).
However I have no problem with Plasma Flaunt (the 3rd version)



Yeah for me itā€™s affecting the brain intensively and it builds with each just one loop so perhaps it may be wise to go slower indeed and diminish it even to a loop every three days or so.

@tttoop whatā€™s happening on your end?


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I personally think maybe plasma flaunt works with a purpose in mind.


It seems both plasma flaunt and plasma brain are having some effects on my brain. However, it feels like different things are being done when I use one vs the other. Do you notice this?

I also notice when I start playing plasma fluantā€¦ I better have water nearby because I instantly feel thirsty. This is not as extreme as with plasma brain.


I wish my freaking hair would grow. I think Ima try the intention approach with plasma flaunt for that I guess.


@anon26800771 : Not that I need it. Just a field of PI with apparently success :), Long Healthy Hair - Reverse Alopecia / hair loss and greying - Digital Mandala - YouTube (you can stack)


Tried using intention with Plasma Flaunt and now I can DEFINITELY tell a difference and that itā€™s working. Tested it different parts of the body, stomach, teeth, and hair and when the intention is made that area experiences a lot of sensation. Wish I knew this sooner lol.


XD yup intention is super important. Your body is energy you have to direct the energy to what you want to heal for fields that have such a wide range of healing.


Working for pets too?

We have other fields for pets. You can find them with the forum search engine.

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Hey @Jimmy, I have not recently used Plasma Brain to make this comparison. Sorry cannot help you with that.

I can say this however Plasma Flaunt is more a whole body approach, itā€™s a complex amalgamation of various things intelligently working to support your body in itā€™s healing processā€”for me it hit the brain but that might not be true for someone else. It did not feel the same as Plasma Brain from what I remember of it.

Using both would probably be the wisest choice if you are attempting to restore your brain.

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