The Plasma Flaunt

Yes Sir, my diet is super nutritious I consume more than enough.

Plasma Flaunt exhausts me not sure about the other fields, not that I fall asleep easily. It’s like I said a detox on the body and lot’s of strange reoccurring dreams, feeling kinda drained but energised at the same time think of Cafeïne keeping you awake while you are sleep deprived!

It’s bad on your emotions and mental.

Once I’m done with this field I do not think I will use it again unless on some healing retreat or something because it is demanding.


Not sure why but when I looped plasma flaunt I got sleep paralysis and I heard a Ommmmmmm in a really low voice after I moved in my sleep paralysis XD. But plasma flaunt is a really strong field just go easy if you can’t take it.


Well, here is the strange part, when I listen to a field (during) it energizes me, but then after the audio is finished it demands a lot of energy.

For example, I just did 3 loops of Plasma Glass Skin and it energized me a lot. Maybe it will black me out later LOL, we’ll see. :smile:

@PenguinTime will do thanks :smile:


Maybe it’s because blood is brought to the surface of ur skin to keep ur skin healthy and giving u more energy

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I feel like it is just the field, it transmits a field (which is a form of energy), I absorb it and get charged – that’s how I perceive it also, and sure you are correct in a way, yes a lot of the physical fields change our chemical make-up and reactions in the body which is there too but I’m referring not to bodily energy more ethereal.

When I use an audio it feels like I “draw” from it.


Would anyone say Plasma Flaunt will help with height growth? I can imagine this provides the body all the maximum performance and function.

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I had terrible headaches and nerve pain after a scalp procedure, I bought this audio and within 48 hours it has already reduced to 10% ( very little pain). Was using the nerve stimulation and nerve inflammation audios as well. Really impressed!!


This is a healing field. So, if the short height is due to some process gone awry, I would say, yes, this could help.

If you’ve grown to the height your template indicates and you’ve stopped growing because your template said, “this is your height,” but you want to be taller due to society’s preferences then, no, I don’t think this field would be as helpful.


By process by awry you mean stunted growth due to malnutrition and other activities that have caused it? If so this may help me, I have been deficient in nutrition for many years. Thank you @WellBeing

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Yes, that would be one way the process could have gone awry.

I’m glad that could help you.

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Pretty sure your body is feeling exceptionally tired because your body is on a healing fest. You could also be having detox symptoms. I looped plasma flaunt like 20-30 times had no problem with it :laughing:. And I’m not the healthiest as well. I think it really depends as well. Your blood might just be really unhealthy or plasma flaunt is just too powerful.


Yes it will help you grow taller it will help heal your body for the necessary functions of growing taller.

I forgot to mention something. If you feel wasted try the orgone accumulator or the Dan town and fa jing gong healing. It’ll bring your energy back fast.


I did incur various injuries located especially head area, the brain, the neck and else. Hence, it seems that Plasma Flaunt always tackles a specific area in my brain and just totally NUMBS it and the brain being what it is, the control station of our whole organism it starts to create unpleasantness.

Considering I have to use this brain I’m not so sure whether this is useful for me right now. It’s healing the brain possibly from scaring and using the stem cells to restore it but it’s also numbing it lol!

Why not just let it do it’s thing. You’ll be better off afterwards. As long as you can still function while healing is happening.

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Or u can just cut down on the amount of time u listen to it.

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Because you are right, now looking back it’s been months of using Plasma Flaunt, in the beginning, it was so drastic that it actually disabled one sinus, and one nostril from accessing oxygen (during the process of healing the brain), not sure what or how but a certain part of the brain being healed caused that.

Well, I have to use this brain because I have thing to do, mental tasks and all besides it affects my whole state LOL.

Yes, this sounds like a viable solution which I was intending to apply.

Just once a day or every other day and the injury will diminish week by week, hopefully, in a year it’s gone.

But if I do not use the Flaunt it does not cause this… the method and approach for healing this injury are causing this.


Try playing it once a day and the Negentropic pulser once or twice a day.

New ballgame imo


has anyone been able to direct the fields?

I go into meditate and with my awareness it just magnifies, accelerates, it just becomes a really intense process?


I’m sure that people’ll be around to answer this, but it’s a smart field. It’s doesn’t need any direction. And your human direction is probably not what your body needs.

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