The Plasma Flaunt

@Limael thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Experimented with looping overnight, woke up sick with a fever, had to go to the bathroom multiple times during the day and not for peeing, had no appetite and zero energy, pain all over the body, weakness, extreme headaches.

10/10 experience, donā€™t recommend it at all.

Back to 3 loops per day.


Wowā€¦this is a super helpful thing to know. Iā€™m very lucky not to have Hep c (but I have other disease :pensive:ā€¦itā€™s a very smart bacteriaā€¦not sure what to do for thatā€¦anyway, I digress)ā€¦I will keep this in mind in case anyone I know has/gets hep c. :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am very sorry you got so unwell, that sounds super rough. I hope you feel better again.
I actually did loop it half the night the last couple of nights and quite a lot during the last few days (only just found the tread on it after buying it)ā€¦and I felt a little better. However -my body is very robust and (despite being quite unwell) doesnā€™t respond very sensitively to things, including medications and supplements (and maybe energy fields?). This has pros (like now with making this mistake and not getting sick) and cons (I can never ā€œfeelā€ anything happeningā€¦I often read other people having all these interesting sensations and experiences when listening to tracks but I (so far!) donā€™t get this as my body is not very sensitive at the moment.


Use Smart Bacteria Slayer from Patreon- it eliminates even medication resistant bacteria.


Thanks I am feeling better now, but I was diagnosed with prostatitis, I had symptoms for months but I think maybe Plasma Flaunt pushed me to check it.

Iā€™m now taking antibiotics and Iā€™m hoping Plasma Flaunt will prevent the side effects.


I just bought this and started listening a couple of days ago. Iā€™ve felt a little bit better/maybe less tired than usual (I have M.E/CFS and Lyme disease so I mostly donā€™t feel very good/canā€™t do very much). I am hoping this helps with these conditions and my general health so that I can be a better parent for my 2 1/2 year old daughter and also so I can contribute more/give back more to the world, I will try update any progress or results in time.


Thanks so much -will try it :pray:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thatā€™s good you now have a diagnosis -hopefully you will be better again soon -and hopefully PF will help with antibiotic side effects :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::cherry_blossom:


Not regular with pf .
Iā€™m dealing again with some sort of attack last couple days but as with time person learn how to help them self even this nasty stuff getting easier.
So I was off my stomach was in some sort of phantom pain for hours .
Decided to play :arrow_forward: it and after couple listening :headphones: pain got stronger and pushed me to the restroom, well what ever was pf pushed out . I add later couple more rounds of listen and Iā€™m fine today .


Wow ā€”


How are the results so far? Love to hear from anyone a summary, its on sale now so im thinking about it, got some health issues to work through and nees vitality.

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Please report on your results very interested to hear.

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Iā€™ve been consistently using since 4 months ( meaning everyday 15-45 mins) , and not that consistent from its initial release.
I thank myself that I didnā€™t even miss a day this time.
Consistency is the key if one wants to get full benefits of this one.

My most obvious result is
Digestion improvement
Clearer skin
Being healthy overall in terms of energy levels and

Digestion improvement is the no 1 sign that whatever we are trying if itā€™s yielding results. All rejuvenation starts from a better digestion, and vice versa for disease.

A must buy imo :100:

My playlist also include, each ~30mins started from May 1st
Blueprint of Life
Major Blueprint
Plasma flaunt
The Eternal


Great to hear this as just today was thinking what to do about digestion, thank you .

Was your stomach bloated?

Also congrats on the results :+1::sparkles:


Nothing now.
Earlier with heavy meals or with certain foods like pulses I had a bit of gas issue. But they are completely gone now.


Iā€™ve got an experience similar to that! Although it may not be the plasma flaunt.
I think Iā€™ve just got too used to vegetarian food, coupled with a month of 8-arms yoga field, my body can no longer take fast foodā€¦ I was so hungry after a long flight, and thought I could do fine with ā€œa cheat mealā€ā€¦ it messed me up 2 days straight!


Does this clear clogged arteries?




I bought this a few years ago and swear the description has since been updated. Can someone confirm this is not the original description as before when it was released? I remember it being so vague and many had questions on what it actually did? Curious when the update was made, but I love all the new details added. This will help me personally with visualization when listening to the field!