The Plasma Flower

Yes this is accurate, I am experiencing something similar. This is true for people physically leaving your space when plasma flower is playing, but also on another level as all areas of life transform thanks to the new fields transforming you.
I’ve only experienced this twice before (pre SM) but that was after putting in a lot of work… And this seems to somehow feel like it is on larger scale.


I always LOVE your comments and reviews. for someone like me that is so visual and spatial, but at the same time so sensitive to emotions portrayed with beautiful analogies of things that awaken our senses (which you master every time) they always turn into a fairytale, they tell us a story that couldnt be explained better what all these audios can bring into our lives.

You remind me of my late Dad, there was never a day from when i was small to his death where i didnt learnt something new by the way he put words to teach me or share something with me… having ADHD growing up and being a rebel all over the place, he knew how to catch my attention, making me feel that growing, learning and changing could actually be enjoyable. You do this; and I thank you not just for making me smile remembering him but for existing and sharing your light to others.

You are beautiful!! :heart::raised_hands:t3:


Well I didn’t think I would be reviewing this just yet.

Given I just quite recently acquired and tried the audio.
However, something interesting happened:

I decided to hear it standing with my eyes closed, as if I were to practice Qi Gong or other practice. When my mind enters that state, which is flowing, and the body gets light, I usually start manipulating the energy.
So, I started to play this, getting ready for it. First of all, my head started reacting immediately with the heart pulsating (Crown & Heart simultaneously).

In a sense I wasn’t trusting the field just yet, but then I emptied everything and decided to let it do its thing:

So, the field started to work, closely similar to the Blueprint. Which was funny, similar to one of the Brocades from Qi Gong. My body started vibrating, and I decided to remove my shoes, for futher grounding. And voila

Energy started going in a circular fashion. Most importantly I was directing it more internally than I usually do - “more within”.

Since this field is supposedlto help with the environment and bringing order into life, I decided to use it a bit out loud too at home. As I was in the bathroom, grooming up, I picked up my phone just to see whatsapp messages and such, and accidentally called someone I actually intended to talk to. lol. :man_facepalming:
Nonetheless, I wasn’t expecting an answer really…You know the usual embarassment? aahh
And that person called me right back :man_facepalming:

So, it sort of pushed me into doing something. BUT it is still too early too say. I hereby remain skeptic, until further listening ( be right back , proceeds to loop the field "accidentally")

Will update sooner, I need to gather more experience with this thing. Actually it begs and asks for more…

PS: I tried the node one, but still can’t place it into words. But I think it may enhance Flow State. I need to further try it. I can’t hold such “empty” states for longer now, it really tires me. But I am hopeful in recovery.



I don’t even know what to write because actually I can’t see the screen. There’s some unexplainable water in my eyes right now…

What you wrote means a lot to me and all the more coming from someone like you :heart:, living every single detail of life to the bone. Thank you so much. You are the beautiful one! :crescent_moon:


I just bought this Plasma Flower! :heart_eyes: :smiley:
What’s the difference between Plasma Flower and Plasma Flower Node Point Connector?


we in Node connector

It’s something like group meditation vs solo meditation.


Ahh haha very descriptive picture!


5g protection, is it on the Plasma flower file not Node Point Connector?

Fields must be same in both, except the extended node part in node point.


Node Point field, is it a more powerful Plasma Flower or is it used to communicate collectively?

Can someone pls guide me on how to use this? Is this meant to be played on speakers as its for the environment? What does the node field do?

Volume doesnt matter.
It’ll influence only the starting diameter of the field
But in any case it will grow the more you loop it


No, plasma flower can expand even like a block or 2 around you.

Node connector can connect you to ppl around you but also whoever anywhere listening to it as well no matter where they are.


No to what?


I think I read it here from @SammyG… I might be wrong thought

Or maybe my english is bad lol

It can expand like a town too, _OMs words I think

Remember when it came out we were even doing tests within our neighborhood etc?

You can find the experiments up in the thread

Yes what Im saying is: volume will determine only the diameter of the fiele AT THE START, when you press play

Then it will grow indipendently of the volume


Bad english indeed

That is, will it not only affect the initial diameter of the field?