The Plasma Flower

Plasma Flower

This is working hybrid of two complicated fields

Plasma + Flower of Life on a torsion carrier which piggy backs on the earth resonance to propagate in the environment around you.

The ‘Plasma’ aspect is a kind of strong charge field which in the simplest terms promotes negentropy, to all aspects of your being. In the most simplest descriptions, the instruction of order is given to ‘disorder’ So any disorder is pushed to be reversed.

The flower of life field represents the core makeup of things, most things follow this pattern in being expressed as a form of life, even a cross section of DNA has this pattern.

So lets simply say, it is the original blueprint of how things are supposed to be.

So what this does is order a return to an original blueprint in a very harmonious way, which affects you and the world around you.

Audio is around 16 mins, with a pleasant ambient sound.


“Instant bliss playing this one.” ~ @anon97680796 (Professional DJ) :slight_smile:

“Ahh this is so beautiful :heart: ~ @anon26869922

“Plasma Flower is pure magic…I was full of energy, in bliss, and just in extreme gratitude…The blessing Plasma Flower is so healing that …I FELT PHENOMENAL!” ~ @anon22855873

The Plasma Flower

This field adds the Flower of Life field and Plasma Light field to your environment.
So your environment becomes both extremely harmonious and full of positive plasma-filled, life giving energy.
In other words, it creates a “sacred space” where ever it is played.
And that holy/sacred space “grows” over time with the “carrier wave” attuned to the earth resonance.

It should counteract all negative effects of 3G, 4G, 5G .
This would be a wonderful field for plants, garden, etc. as DW has already seen great results with his initial tests.

Want your living and work space to be a peaceful shrine of positivity?
Got noisy neighbors?
Need extra “power” for intention setting/goal manifestation?
Live in a unhealthy, toxic, and/or disruptive home environment?

Blast this!

“It’s simply a smooth, beautiful integration process with a deep, fulfilling wholesomeness. I feel deeply balanced and replenished throughout my entire beingness.” @uial

Fields this can* replace

(*meaning it will do similar things in a slightly different manner. If you still prefer the other fields, then use that for specific applications

  • Positive Vibrations
  • Environmental Transformer
  • Environmental Energy Accumulator
  • Radiate Positivity
  • Can act as a “mini”-Repel Negative Energy for environment (again acting in a different manner)
  • Atmospheric Vibration Riser
  • Elecktro Smog (ie 3g,4g, 5g, nullification)
  • Plant Growth Formula
  • (more to be added)


Q. How do we use this field? Usual 2-3 times or can it be used as ambient field?
A. This as an environmental/ambient field so it can be placed all day and alongside your “personal field”
So, there no limit on the amount of times it can be played.

Q. Can this field be used to “replace” Plasma Light and/or Flower of Life and/or Grounding.
A. Not really. This is an ambient field for the environment. Those are personal fields made specifically to interact with your personal aura/energies. If you have enough training/focus, you can draw this energy in for as a “one-off” magical “working”.

Q. Can this field be played around my very sick family member/baby/pet?
A. Yes this field can be safely played around babies, pets, the sick, etc. and would help them.

Beta Testors Testimonial

But Wait! There’s Even More (as of 1/1/2021)

The Plasma Flower Node Point Connector

Additional audio added with node point connector, so the field of effect is extended and joined with other listeners while you are using it.


OM: Dream let’s save these people a ton of time by putting Plasma, Balance, and Grounding in one audio.

Dream: Say less fams!


Plasma Flower


How do we use this field? Usual 2-3 times or can it be used as ambient field?


I’ll get it soon but I believe you’ll have to use the same guideline of the free Plasma field.

Only difference is that you’ll probably be able to do a bit more from the effect of flower of life and grounding (earth resonance).

Those that can only handle 5 mins, might handle 15 mins for example.

Again this is still a guess, we will know later.


:point_down:t4: :point_down:t4: :point_down:t4: :point_down:t4: :point_down:t4:


I asked Captain_Nemo to make this as an environmental/ambient field so it can be played all day and alongside your “personal fields”
So, no limit on the amount of time it can be played.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thank you, Dream and @_OM!!


Woooo! Thanks Dream and @_OM


Another Amazing field! Thanks to @_OM and @Captain_Nemo… This was one of the fields I was “testing” and again, this is a totally NEXTGen field. I have tested it for a days now and here are my initial observations that I sent Captain and OM.

Played in my car at a low volume for 20-min… We are driving to Sonoma which is like a 1-hour drive. My GF’s aunt and uncle were arguing loudly (about some trivial thing) and upset. 20-min later, everyone’s laughing and peaceful!! My GF just whispered, “is this one of your “woo woo” audios”? :innocent:



Does it have the same “potency” of the normal Plasma field if you focus enough?

What I’m really asking can it replace the need to separate individual sessions of Plasma and Grounding?


Seems interesting.

Is this a less powerful version as it’s an environment directed and OM said it can be played without time limit?


This is an ambient field but if you have enough focus/training, you could draw in the energies to be used like a “personal field”. I don’t think it replaces Plasma and/or Flower of Life though for the personal effects of those fields for nearly everyone.


Thank you!

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so… just hook up the speakers at your place with this and white light field and repeat playlist ad infinitum? Ok instructions clear!


ha! something like that…yes.


what if we use environmental energy accumulator after this or better yet, store it with energetic support servitor to then access it?


Not less powerful…Just geared towards the surrounding environment instead of your personal aura.


yes This is smart!

Try it out and let us know!


Wait wait :eyes: just to clear up…

So we can use the (Plasma Flower + White Light Field) = 24 hours + any other personal field (aura) on the same speakers or keep the plasma and white light in one output speakers and the personal field for the aura in another output playing device. :thinking:


I’d play the environment fields on one device and personal fields on another.
You can experiment tho to see if there’s a huge difference.