Attention šŸ“£ MERCURY RETROGRADE approaching July 17th to Sept 11 2024/What It Means? How Will It Affect Us, What Can We Do?

(Whatever in the title at every moment, talks about whats currently happening astrologically, if its not re Mercury Retrograde you can go all the way down to the last comment posted for the latest updates)

Hello Friends :two_hearts:

As the tittle says, im gonna be talking about the last Mercury Retrograde of 2023 how it affects in general and also by zodiac signs (if you are inclined)

But must important:

  • What We SHOULD do (yeah the lesson process is kinda unavoidable)

  • What We COULD do to easier navigate through it and,

  • How to take advantage of it (Yup yup it can actually be very very rewarding)

So, lets start.

First thing firstā€¦ for those who dont know or not much.

What the heck is Mercury Retrograde and why should I bother knowing?


Well, we all at least know there are hundreds of events, happening up in the Cosmos at all times, we also know there are planets, stars, constellations and other astral objects, we also know (just know but dont understand) that a lot of things happen between those Cosmos Objects and that every little thing supposedly affects Us. And a lot of other things affect those things and thus those as well affect us. :sweat_smile:

I knowā€¦ thats all we know. Its too much, too weird, too complicated.

But among the very few things A LOT of People know about is?

That Mercury Retrograde is a hella difficult event that affects us all, whether we believe in that or not, im sure you have come across posts about it everywhere and Memes, gifs etc.

So ask yourself?

If that ONE thing out of the hundreds of thousands of things that happen up there that could affect us, is so famous and it keeps gaining strength over time, and people is paying more and more attention to Itā€¦ Shouldnā€™t I also learn about it and see how I can go with the flow of it too? See where it leads me? How it could improve my life and best, how far it could pushes me further in my evolution, freedom and or ascension?

I meanā€¦ half of Us believe that nothing is real or true


And the other half does believe Astrological Things do play a role in how our day by day happens


Whether you believe or not, at least im sure we can ALL remember that things get created by the energy beliefs of the masses. So if this wasnt real, its real now because enough people have believed it to be true. So it happens. :woman_shrugging:

Having said thatā€¦

Mercury Retrograde is known for causing some chaos, and thatā€™s because Mercury, the super-fast planet, goes backwards more often than others in the solar system.
It controls things like communication, tech, and travel, so when it goes retrograde, daily life can get a bit messy. Itā€™s a signal to take a step back and review stuff from the past.
Sometimes, youā€™ll find new info or secrets that might pop up during this time.

And depending on the time of the year (Mercury Retrograde happens 3 or 4 times a year :sweat_smile:) and other planets involved at each time (other planets involved that represent each zodiac sign) will tell you what area of life needs a closer look before moving forward.

Before continuing let me explain just the part of astrology involved in this like to a 5 years old chopping off a lot of info, just the basic:




IMAGINE THAT THE GOLDEN BALL IS MERCURY AND THAT, INSTEAD OF ROTATING ON ITS AXIS CLOCKWISE AS IT SHOULD NORMALLY MOVE, ITS DOING IT COUNTER CLOCKWISE BUT MOST IMPORTANT STARTS IN ONE PLACE, GOES TO THE OTHER AND ā€œMOVES BACKWARDS TO THE START POINT (that is called " being retrogradeā€ = rotating counter clockwise while moving backwards like reversing from one sign to the other ) It starts on Sagittarius because we are in Sagittarius days it then moves to Capricorn (above its house) and starts reversing back to Sagittarius as the days pass forward during Dec


NOW, BECAUSE ITS GOING TO HAPPEN BETWEEN DEC 13TH AND JANUARY 1ST, it means, that while rotating counter clockwise moving backwards (retrograde), it will be passing by/along through, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

and we also know that each Zodiac Sign has this and that set of characteristics, ā€œpersonalitiesā€ ways of viewing things, thinks, feels, acts, decides, behaves etc

and so, while it walks through those signs, Mercury ā€œchoosesā€ some of those characteristics and ā€œsprinklesā€ lessons, triggers, and tests all over ALL OF US whether we are Saggitarius, Capricorn or ANY other sign.



Well, because we are all living through those months lol

its like if each part of the wheel was a country, and the star signs were the Presidents of each country in charge of that country, and as so he/she has certain personality and behavior, and Mercury Planet decides to cross the sky on those 2 countries and rain :poop: over them, and it affects every person in those countries because is where they live, now obviously the people in those 2 countries (in this case, those that are Sagittarius and Capricorn) would get more of that rain, but just like in our system, whatever a country does or happens there, it affects, the whole region/world (the wheel)

HAVE I CAUGHT YOUR ATTENTION NOW? because it gets more interesting :smiling_imp:

Now, the wheel divided in 12, each part governed by a Zodiac Sign has an extra Boss, lets call it the ā€œCongressā€ (Houses in Astrology) and as The Congress, they have some rules and decrets etc. and thats why you hear " House of Self, and House of Communication and House of Partnership etc" ; Mercury chooses some of those rules or parts of them to shake them and trigger them as well while passing by.

We all have those houses, its like a wheel within a wheel. because we all have those aspects in life. family, friends, profesion, love, home etc and because of that we also get triggered, not just the people in that house-country.

Basically to conclude up to this point.




I meanā€¦ you can. we are always at choice butā€¦

if you dont do the cleaning job, or if you just quickly put the garbage back in the bin and the cover on, etc REST ASSURE NEXT MERCURY RETROGRADE WILL COME WAY STRONGER FOR YOU.

But if you do the jobā€¦ the rewards will be ten fold too trust me. i will tell you how later

its up to you really but i profusely invite you to dive in this, you will thank me one day.

lets recap the process now in Astrology terms:

  • Mercury during its transit along the different houses or zodiac signs goes retrograde at times

  • Depending on The Signs he walks through each time, MR chooses the traits of those signs to do a check up on what you have to do, or situations IT focuses on to dig in and find the mess. (those traits or places to dig, are present in everybodyā€™s life, but
    are affected stronger to the ones born in those months its walking by)

  • then, IT digs even deeper in a personalized way now inYOUR home. specifically the parts in your home that are a mess, so everybody feels the general lash out but each one of us get a particular delivery.


lets look closer now in detail how it works through us:

  • Mercury Retrogradeā€™s (will call it MR from now on to short this) literal job, is to push you to confront your shadow, your demons, your fears, your shortcomes, your wounds, in a way that you just have to do give in and fix it, sooner or later, not now? cant do it now? too much going on already? aiight friendā€¦ see you soon again :woman_shrugging:

now, majority of people dont know why at times suddenly their world crumbles down, suddenly they are fighting everybody, everything and everybody seems to go against them, they lose this and that, suddenly things that were working start encountering hundreds of obstacles that seem to be just there to stop their projects. yes. abruptly, suddenly.
and no matter how much you keep pushing, delays after delays, rejections and chaos ensue, and you dont know why.

and then on top, you may feel uneasy, anxious, angry, irritable, cant sleep well, get headaches ugggghhh !"##$%&&( right?

but gets what? there is moreā€¦


LIKE OMG!! staaaaph already.


and the cherry on top is?

majority of people is going through the same, so the encounters are rough, harsh, pushy, etc cause everybody pretty much is going ā€œnakedā€ and only living through and showing the shadow, thats your outfit for the next weeks :D


nah brother/sister no. check your calendar and i can guarantee you is Mercury most of the times :sweat_smile:

for some people is a real mayhemā€¦

know why is harder for some and easy for others?

Mercury Retrograde transitā€™s test is directly proportional to the lack of shadow work youve shown


  • Messy Communication (messages are not delivered, are delayed and or are received with an standoffish, wounded attitude) because remember for everybody, the shadow is now in the light 24/7 its not hidden anymore, its out of your tipical, political best behavior control " a period where only the true colors are shown" :relieved: and sadly the chaos around can show us the truth of the heart in people, what really lies underneath. the maks is off. and its a lot to see.

  • Our shadow is fully out

  • The Ego happily joins the party and offers the worst aspects, specially the ones that have been haunting us or the hardest to overcome.

  • Our biggest fears show up

  • because everybody is at the mercy of the same and we are all mirrors, then the push and take dynamic comes to play constantly. we encounter people, or they easily find us :sweat_smile: where for example their harshest trait in their shadow is being a gaslighter and we happen to have deep wounds of self esteem, low self value, traumas of rejection and being left feeling unworthy and cant stand up for ourselves, or react throwing a tantrum pulling out the victim card, or run away and avoid confrontation because we dont know how to face it.

  • The saying ā€œwhat you most hate or criticize in others tells what is the most you hate in youā€ cant be more on point in this period. you are pushed to stop being (insert all your negative traits here) and pushed to deal with the negative traits of others in a way that shows you instead as a mature, evolved grown up person not a child anymore, not a wounded victim, not a runner, all by yourself, without helpers, without saviors. without a Forum that makes you feel a winner, popular, loved, accepted. yes its the hard truth (im mentioning Forum cause we are here now, but it goes for all other social media or games rooms, where we build this fantastic personality that gets embraced and recognized and weakenesses are welcomed, never judged, never questionedā€¦ ) so we forget that out there in the real world we dont feel the same all the time, we are not the same a lot of times, we dont stand up for ourselves like the keyboard warrior we are online, the heroes or heroins, the healers, to others the loving, feeling so powerful because owning some incredibly Godlike omnipotent NFTs with unlimited potentialā€¦

When Mercury Retrograde comes around, nothing can help you or you or me. but the real self worth, self love, shadow work that weve gone through.

there is no NFT that could make you feel amazing if you are a short man trying to hook up with a girl while in MR when you HATE being a short man, where the deepest wounds and lack of self love is all related to being short, is in these days where MR will dig and reach the deepest corner in your hidden place to pull out that fear, and wherever you go, whoever you meet WILL remind you and touch that wound.

is in Mercury Retrograde where the facade falls and you find yourself completely alone. with who you really are.

in those days is where all those lovy dovy words go out of the window, that seemingly endless support, caring and admiration for one another goes missing.


why? because our ego/ shadow have switched and taken over what we portrait every day to have a ā€œnormalā€ ā€œacceptedā€ within the parameters life. the raw wounded personality is your face now.

believe it or not, MR is actually a really really beautiful event that can become your best friend and main tool to grow and ascend. or your hardest critic and judge if you dont go along with its demands. again its up to you what you choose, im not here to judge or to demand, but ive started to see around (not necessariliy here in the forum but in general) once again the effects of it these days and i was like oh here we go, I am very busy these days, but i decided to put aside my pm plans to do this, because i really want you all (the ones that this thing keeps reeling them in, in a never ending loop) to get a grip of this force, and take advantage of its amazing power that can change your life faster, in a better way if you just open yourself up to do what you gotta do.

Now that you have hopefully understood the main picture, lets get into details:

The last MR of 2023 starts on December 13 and ends on January 1, 2024.

however, there is something i havent mentioned which is very important, there are Pre-Shadows and Post Shadows in a MR, what it means is that there are some days before Mercury goes Retrograde (starts moving backwards) and some days after MR goes back Direct (normal movement forward) where you can actually feel the effects starting to develop so they are kinda ā€œmildā€ but once you get familiar with this event you recognize it around and within you, and the days after is like the tail of the effect but getting better and better, so those days are crucial in my opinion to get the best out of this without a harsh punch test. like for instant this year up to next will be like this:





Mercury is moving between Sagittarius and Capricorn during this time, creating a bit of a back-and-forth motion. It began its ā€˜retrograde journeyā€™ on November 25, daring you to dream big. Then, it switched to practical Capricorn on December 1. From December 13 to 23, itā€™ll be in Capricorn, and after that, it moves back to Sagittarius until January 1st

Why its important to talk about the houses/signs itll be transiting on? because of what i said earlier, Mercury picks things that belong to Sagittarius and Capricorn triggering the status quo or poking your shortcomings in those internal (your own wheel of houses), for example Capricorns are practical so it can happens that if you have always believe that you too whether you are Cap or not are a practical person, you will be tested in situation where A REAL practicity should be used, so, are you really practical ehhrrr not? or maybe only when the situations are easy or you know them? muahaha something that def will not be present in x y situation during MR; on the contrary maybe you have never really been a practical person and you know deep down that you should, or that you could have solved or avoided difficult situations before IF ONLY you would have been practical. uah uah :sob: then in both cases:



Where you will find yourself again and again and AGAIN (specially if you keep avoiding being practical) in situations where you gotta put your big pants on, take the bull by its horns and BE PRACTICAL.

oh you did it!!! congrats :smiley: ā€¦ a couple of days pass without situations where you have to be practical.


Mercury: wait, you think you passed the test and ive forgotten about your lack or weak praticity? neeeooo. 1 time you passing the test is not enough, so here have some more. lol and so it goes and comes all throughout those days until it sinks in you and you become a pro at that. then Mercury would leave you alone on that one, but there is always more, to work on.

The new moon in Sagittarius will add some energy and purpose to this confusing time. But watch out for tensions - sometimes itā€™s best to focus on yourself rather than getting caught up in conflicts.

As Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn, it might make it hard to stick to plans, especially if things feel unclear. Capricorn wants results, which might make you restless. Misunderstandings can happen easily, so take your time and donā€™t rush things. When Mercury moves into Sagittarius, youā€™ll feel more optimistic. Itā€™s a good time to think about the past year and set goals for the coming year.






  • Poor communication skills (remember it pushes both buttons, whether you take sh** from others because you rather stay quite than confronting a person, or are the one that hurts others with words, judges a lot, criticizes, are opinionated even when your opinion wasnt asked or needed, etc) youll face moments where a lot of little of big things happen, that did not go your way so your normal desire to fight and criticize is enhanced and put forward, bringing havoc in your life and relations, or on the contrary if you always keep it to yourself, youll come across people that will put salt in your wounds again and again making you feel like you wanna explode of so much that you are holding in so you have 2 choices: you finally learn to speak up and defend yourself or realize that the wounds are reaching deeper levels and you are back to square 1.

  • Patient is incredibly triggered everywhere, all the time, this combined with the issues MR brings in any sort of communication ways or carriers as well as tech tools, having all things delayed, having to resend emails, being stuck in traffic, etc

  • Shadow, every single thing it has in it lol

  • Weakness that we still have coming for childhood traumas


  • Emails disappear into cyberspace
  • Vanishing voicemails
  • Computers crash
  • Internet connections fail
  • SmartPhones are stupid
  • Your order contains the wrong merchandise
  • GPS systems provide wrong directions
  • Travel plans are delayed or interrupted
  • Appliances and cars break down
  • Purchases are defective or missing parts
  • Email and websites are hacked
  • Secrets and confidential information are exposed
  • X-rays and medical tests are inconclusive or need to be retaken
  • Negotiations are difficult and drag on
  • Contracts signed now may need to be revised
  • Jobs we accept or start at this time may work out differently than expected
  • Cars leased or purchased at this time may turn out to be lemons


  • Releasing, letting go, saying good bye to people, friends, relationships, jobs that were hanging by a thread before MR. dont worry if you cant do itā€¦ MR will do it for you by bringing plenty triggers and situations where it just has to happen.

  • Confronting the Past: a lot of times ex past lovers, partners reach out (specially the ones that are def not good for you to hook up with again) and its normal, they are being confronted with their shadow so guilt resurfaces and or neediness and they remember how good we were to them so they instinctively run to us trying to feel better about themselves. you must reject the tempting treat ( cause you are in need of reassurance during MR as well, so you think is a good thing but no, it isnt)

  • On the contrary of having to break things that arent working, we tend to stop, break and cut the things or relationships that in these days may makes us feel overwhelmed with the triggers, but they are good for us, so we must reject the temptation of breaking those ties and instead face the issues and walk through them.

for those interested in how this affects each sign, lets group them by the type of sign:

Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

If youā€™re one of these cardinal sun signs, the retrograde might bring more stress about money and relationships. Itā€™s tied to how you see your value. You might even think about changing jobs or career paths. But remember, happiness isnā€™t just about money. Embrace changes that match your ideal self.

Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces :
might feel like youā€™ve grown a lot this year. People who donā€™t see your progress might bring up old issues. But now, youā€™re learning to let them be. There might be conflicts, so be careful with your words. Sometimes, staying silent is powerful.

Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

This retrograde could make you question your boundaries. These fixed sun signs might struggle to express yourself or feel unsure about speaking up. Itā€™s a chance to build confidence. To make your plans work, youā€™ll need to figure out what changes you want in life and start from within. Take this time to reconnect with yourself and notice any patterns holding you back in relationships.

ok, enough of scaring you (but i sincerely hope i did)

a side note:

I am passionate about this thing because i have gone through awful ones, lets say for years before me knowing about this astrological event, i was like a pinball bouncing everywhere at the mercy of its punihsments and pushy ways. not just because i didnt know what was happening but because i grew up wounded and rebellious i kept pushing against the current because it was my self-defense mechanism, i could not understand the messages through the tests, until i reached the point in my life where this call to explore a more holistic/esoteric path knocked at my door or i found it that i learned about this, so at first i forgot and got sucked in the fuckery and was always kinda late to spare myself until i noticed it started to get worse and worse and harder with me that i said: hold on i cant anymore, so i started paying atention to the flow of this, analizing and studying and interpreting around what i was seeing and feeling until i finally scared as hell but courageously, jumped in right in the hurricaneā€™s eye and came out riding it and controlling it:

i had reached the heart and essence of the Mercury Retrograde and it unfolded its good side to Me, since then, ive been an advocate of the cause, i try to teach and spread the word, not to scare but to offer the knowledge of how to use this to keep pushing with a big help.

i guarantee you that if you pay attention to this, those ā€œim being psychically attackedā€ ā€œi must be cursedā€ ā€œi dont know what karma im payingā€ ā€œi just dont deserve sh*** i guessā€ etc etc thoughts when MR hits and you werent really noticing it what was all of that, will banish and youll understand that you have been the only obstacle in your life.


There are 3 or 4 MR per year. usually one around March, April or May, then August-Sept then one around Nov-Dic.

knowing now all the things it does or could do, learn this other thing:

we ALWAYS know, specially us that are consciously or consistenly doing spiritual work, or even if you dont, you deep down know what your weaknesses are or at least where when and why hurt is felt, that little voice that reminds us what we need to change, do, let go of, start doing etc? yes. we do know.

write down all of that

there are other things that we dont know, specially buried wounds, we just feel pain but we dont know where they comes from or what caused them, during MR those wounds surface, pay attention to those where it hurts, how it hurts, when it hurts, who triggers that pain, in what situations. then youll see a pattern or a reason or a cause.

MR wont demand you to jump on those things you just learned when it visits. it understands you are just awakening to that truth and that its heavy most of the times; but you gotta start working on healing those new learned wounds, even if slowly but make it steady, because if you dont, next MR it wont have so much mercy on you because you learned but you decided to ignore them. MR will take it asā€¦ those wounds dont hurt much, or meh i have been able to handle them or push them under the ragā€” you knowā€” i have other things to take care of, so another time. no uh. once the crap is out it will start to stink until you cant breath and have to clean it.

if you still dont do it, or just do it during MR so it wouldnt be so harsh on you while it visits but you swtich gears again to the old you once MR is gone and the flowers and sun come out againā€¦ the next time you will regret it big time haha. i promise you. :sweat_smile:

you dont have to be perfectly healed and fixed for the next MR, no, but as long as IT knows that you have been trying and working on, it wont be so hard, still youll be pushed and tested but it would give you breaks and help you.

if you fully go in and commit to release this or that or heal or strenghten yourself in between MRs, then my friend next MR will launch you further, higher, and greatly reward you in many different ways.


the keys are: pay attention to what new parts of your shadow are brought up during a MR, what new wounds have surfaced, what old things from both parts are holding the majority of the control in each MRā€¦ that is the most important one you are urge to release and change asap.

Literally see MR like a friend, a mentor, your must important guide from now on, talk to it, yes. talk to it fully raw open heart, full honesty, it is very open to negotiate, once it believes the intentions in your heart. negotiate as ā€œi am now aware that i also need to work on so and so, i will, i promise you, but i feel and understand that this old thing really needs to change and its very difficult for me, please be easy with the new things, please be easy with the old things, i promise you i am consciouly changing them right now throught the triggersā€ and It will do so.

i, Miss Luna promise you lol

when you commit to work on the things, during and in between MRs, magic happens, serendipities happen, ephifanies happen, you come across people, places, info that can catapult your healing process, intercession from different places reach out to you without you even asking. it really is a beautiful whole different world you open yourself to once or if you decide to walk through the lit carbon, it subsides exactly when IT notices that you trully, seriously and really are commited to your cause.

like 3 weeks or so before the next MR, write down what you havent worked on that you knew was shown in the previous one or the things you are pushing aside or delaying. accelerate the job (genuinely) and also the new ones. youll notice that when MR comes back itll brings you minimum triggers, it starts to feel like you are inside an untouchable bubble witnessing the chaos outside and around you, you will still have to deal here and there or a lot with peopleā€™s wounds and shadows, but once you are in your place of power and awareness you become a detached observer like watching a movie not being a character in it so you breath deeply, understand the dinamic, what is happening and that is not your story, you are just being a mirror, and by not reacting, you, the mirror they see will shine so bright, that people will only see themselves in the fight and will be forced to change the image or theyā€™ll just go about looking for other mirrors that are not shining, so theyā€™ll leave you in peace, and the more at peace you are, the less wounded mirrors you will encounter.

and thenā€¦ you will actually look forward to the next MR, and it will be like:

ā€œoh helloooo old friend, you are back, yikes, ok, i know my tasks in this visit and ive been working on them, welcome triggers so i test myself, please show me new ones or please dont show me new ones (in case im going through something big, or just came out of something big and im trying to recharge not to go into battle again), etc etcā€

as mentioned before one very important thing people says not to do during MR is signing contracts or start a new job, or get a loan etc but if you have filled your duties and you started or are about to start something, MR will push you further like wow. instead of delaying it for you.

more points for Mr MR :relieved:

below is a list describing activities that are favored during Mercury Retrograde and the Shadow periods:

  • Reorganize your home or office
  • Review, revise and edit written work
  • Reconnect with people from your past
  • Revisit past ideas, hobbies or interests
  • Discover past errors or oversights
  • Revive projects that were put on hold
  • Reconsider or redefine your goals
  • Review your finances
  • Re-establish your priorities
  • Conduct research and investigations
  • Find out secret or confidential information

While the exposure of secret or confidential information is often a negative, especially if it happens to you, it can also be a good thing such as in the case of whistleblowing. and as other benefit of Mercury Rx mentioned before, people show their true colors at this time. So if youā€™re in doubt about someoneā€™s loyalty or intentions, Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to question them, or at the least, pay attention to their words and actions during this transit.

BUT WAIIIIIIT UH NOā€¦ ITS CHRISTMAS AND NYā€™s EVE TIME, IT SUCKS TO HAVE MR THIS MONTH, so before you find yourself ā€œcelebratingā€ those dates with your people like this:


check these tools to help you navigate it.


Its been around 2 years, i actually put aside my ā€œhelpsā€ during MRs time, because i reached a point where i just knew what i had to do and was strong enough to handle facing the shadow, and i like it, so instead of wearing certain tags or playing certain audios i stop doing that and meet MR without crutches.

but you dont have to do that and i did not always do that, and some days are really rough and its not necessarily because you are being triggered, but because people around you is and it gets annoying and interrupts the flow of your things when there are not lessons for you there. so then i reach out to my tools in those wicked days :sweat_smile:

im not saying this like look at me im this strong B that dont need no help, no, please i say it because if you feel brave enough to go through the battle without any other weapon than your sincere commitment to evolve (which is big help in this case) then by all means do it, and just take the tips i gave to handle it and succeed. :muscle: because it is possible. all by yourself. the reward feels real and bigger.

before SM i used to religiously wear a Black Tourmaline and it was the best relief, because i am a highly sensitive empath those days could throw me into panick attacks one after the other, non stop anxiety and uneasiness. so that was my best friend. it kept me calm and strong with like an aura of protection.

now we have this

The Black Mirrored Stone Shield

which is even better, because it not only does what i mentioned, but faster, highlighted and ā€œnotice the mirrored in the name?ā€ :stuck_out_tongue: thats rightā€¦ make that mirror facing others very bright so all they see back is themselves so they move away and leave you alone. triggers are reduced a lot with it too.

Last MR i took the tags that would aid and put them aside. did not play the audio and all was going perfectly smooth i wasnt expecting much from my side of shadow but my job at the time was awful haha i had to deal with lots of karens and kevins day in and day out, which became even more entittled than ever during those days, so i was surprised everything was perfect.
An opportunity to get a NFT i wanted that was sold out came about and the person wanted :

Sanctum NFT

i did not hesitate to trade it because at the time Sanctum was still being sold on the waves store, so i thought id buy it again another time, i also thought, well i really have and play so many things to keep the vibration around high ill be fine until i get it again because its really niceā€¦

well hellooooo :sweat_smile:

OMGā€¦ say wot? the MINUTE i sent the NFT and put down the image which was right on the wall close to me next to my computer ( i used to get the calls from the customers through the computer) the mayhem started :laughing: holy. it was crazy haha, ill never forget that.

i had to put about the awareness and consciously get ready to not be triggered otherwises it would have been a hell of a ride. enough said.

and then iI got humbled down by this NFT when i thought meh ill be ok? i was wrong, and that is why we must never disregard a tool here thinking it can be replaced by so and so, no. each thing is unique and brings different things or to a different level.

even tho its not for sale anymore :( that experience left me speechless and i could just not not mention it, soooo see if you can buy it from other member or trade it. its worth it.

if you have the Sacred Sanctuary (which is not for sale anymore either :sweat_smile: sorry) play that one instead.

other ones to keep on loop:

The Plasma Flower

Feng Shui Master of the Shire

(remember this one is on the Sapien Shop Now) Feng Shui Sapien Shop

Navagraha Homam

The Flow (Patreon Release)
(its also on youtube)

others on youtube to raise the vibration of the place you are in:

White Light Waves
Enviromental Energy Accumulator
Repel Negative Energy V2
Atmospheric Vibration Riser
Nullify Negative Planetary Effects
The Exorcism Rite
Love Gravitation Wave
Protected Spaces
Pure Lands Blessings
Unconditional Love Environment Saturation
Vibrational Riser

Direct Protection for You

The Grace of Angels And Saints
The Hand of Glory
Angelic Vibration
Rise Your Vibrational State
Angelic Intercession
The Essence of Mantras
The Essence of Faith & Prayer


The Energetic Salt Cleanse
The Essence of Burnt Sage
Etheric Cord Cutter a more advanced one: Smart Cord Cutter
Booted Bhoots

Archetype of The Tower (Reverse)
The Karma Crucible
Ego Dissolution +
Attract Your Soul Tribe

A very important one to loop (not just during MR for real)

The Devil (Reversed)

with this one before or after
Remove Unconscious Clutter


The Empatic Smart Armor
Astrologically Inclined
Shielding 3.0

also a very common trait that surfaces in others so to protect from it
The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield


Celebrate Life and Others

Heal Those Around You and when it starts playing you can sent the intention to help other heal all those wounds, shadows and traumas that are surfacing for all right now and imagine this energy spreads all over the world,and while at it you can place your hands over your chest and say:


This is a prayer in the Hawaiian culture all about healing and forgiveness.
Love and Forgiveness opens blocks, barriers and obstacles in all matter of healing, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

We are all connected, we all, believe it or not directly, indirectly close or far affect the story of each one of us.


then first keep the awareness open and the info to understand all that is happening, your role and what you need to work on:

Higher Self Connection
The Interconnection of Everything
The True Self of Others
The Malleable Ego
Inner Bliss Illuminator

PUSH THE PUSH :sweat_smile: :

The Universal Om
The Ascencion-naut
Rune Dagaz
Moldavite Energy

always use these if it becomes too much :

Emotional Release
Automated Grounding

and of course: OUR BELOVED QUANTUM LOVE: keep it close to you at all times.


play the album along with the Heal Those Around You as well, you can here too recite the Hoā€™oponopono Mantra

Attract & Radiate Quantum Love


i wish you a great Journey! embrace the best version of you that comes with every Mercury Retrograde. dont be afraid to shed the old skin the new one awaits for you :)


Adding this new release right here at the end so it stands out, it sounds great based on the description as pointed out by @Sarumann33 (thanks brother) it could def assist in this transit!

The Emotional Dampener

And lets remember that every year in Dec we get bttersweet feelings of joy and sadness or guilt or uncertainty because of the festivities, there is a pleasant cozy energy that has been created by the collective consciousness and feed year after year, it is very palpable like it switches on right on the 1st of Dec and switches off on January 1st :/ but it also comes with the introspection of how this year ending was, what we accomplished, what goals will have to be pushed ā€œagainā€ another year etc.

So its kinda tough on and off. And with the sparkling energy of MR then we"ll have a ā€œfunnyā€ time this year.

For what i can feel about this field (i dont have it) like any other Brain related field the best part is that it wires/rewired it so things sink deeper and deeper more permanently and that is the best ally to move forward faster within this period and all the subsequent ones!


i still donā€™t know what is this but sounds like a debuff during 12/13 -1/1
imma loop Astrologically Inclined NFT



The movement backwards of the Planet generates a strong force that reaches your core and affects you. How? It sends you triggers to your shadow, bruised ego and wounded spirit through people and situations during those days until you heal what you have to heal. The more you avoid doing the job, the harder it gets.


Thats it. Lol


i see

no matter how hard it becomes everything will turn back to normal after 1/1 ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°) :v:


lol, youll still feel a bit up to around the 20th of January :sweat_smile: but remember if you dont work on what you have to, MR will start pushing harder, or Life itself :woman_shrugging: we are here to evolve and if we dont do it organically Life will pushes us until we have no other way out.

remember all these things are tools. we still need to put in the effort otherwise is like when you do a fast diet and lose a lot of weight, what happens when you stop the diet and go back to the same life? you gain right bk that weight and more, your body enters a stagnant state with each diet so next one would have to be stronger for the body to react and lose weight.

but but of course its up to each one of us. i just hope this info starts to sink even so slow but consistenly so it encourages and inspires people.


Thanks! :pray:

Wow that is a long post! When i finished reading the retrograde might be over :blush:

I have a strong connection with Mercury and in the past these retrogrades have been a huge internal struggle. This has changed in the last year but my electronics and shedules are still messed up. Now these events are an inward process where everything comes to a standstill. Nothing seems to happen. Sometimes the person likes that and sometimes not. The trick for me is to remain a detached witness and just observe without attaching any importance to it. But yes, it can get messy sometimes.


I summon @JAAJ


what a wonderfull post. you are awesome.


You put so much effort into that! And so much heart. I skimmed half of it, because holy cow. But I will definitely be back to read some more.

Half of it I already know, but I enjoy seeing someone elseā€™s perspective and spin on it.

MR has become kind of a ā€œjokeā€ or ā€¦ how do I say it ā€¦ spiritually ā€œbasicā€ topic. I feel itā€™s gotten the rap of ā€œentry level spiritual personā€ blah blah, itā€™s hard to explain, but maybe someone understands

But there really is depth for those who choose to look, and I applaud you for bringing it back into our awareness

If itā€™s retrograde in Capricorn right now, that means itā€™s in my 12th house and hitting on my 5 planet 12th house stellium. Love that for meā€¦ :sob:

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Highly recommend everyone to work with the Devil Reversed field (not just during MR), itā€™s an amazing addition for every form of shadow work, release etc.

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Saving this explanation


that sounds like the ascension tag to me


Wow I really appreciate the effort you have put into this post :open_mouth:

Luckily I have MR in my natal chart so I function better during those transits. The periods when Mercury moves normally are like constant Mercury Retrogrades for me


This is a great article Lunamoon!
Thanks for sharing and the detailed explanation.

Here is my personal experience with Mercury Retrograde:

  • I think the effect is real. But it is way too weak in real life to overpower your personal manifestations in most cases.

  • Since the effect triggers or enforces Shadow Work, it will mostly affect people who avoid shadow work in their daily lives or have never done it before, for example ā€œNPCsā€.

  • If you are already doing shadow work and self improvement on a daily basis, the effect will be rather helpful to you for uncovering additional topics to look at.

  • If you have already learned the respective lessons, then the effect wonā€™t trigger them in the first place. But you can still be a trigger for others and their lessons.
    As always Conceptual Conglomerate (!) helps to learn lessons the gentle and fast way without the need to go through negative experiences in the first place and just from observation of others. Making the unconscious conscious = no longer be subject to ā€œfateā€.

  • Only thing one needs to watch out for is when interacting with NPCs and non-spiritual people, since they will be triggered by the effect the most (due to unprocessed topics and negativity brainwashing from society and media).
    Donā€™t allow yourself to get sucked in into their shit ā†’ play Ego Dissolution (!) daily.
    This is also a great opportunity to learn more compassion for others.

  • As for protection from the effect:

ā€“ Karma Crucible NFT for ā€œcleaning out your closetā€ in the first place. Everything unprocessed, ā€œopen billsā€, unconscious beliefs is always a potential trigger for shadow work.

ā€“ Astrologically Inclined NFT for daily protection

ā€“ And if you have PUā€™s ā€œThe Soul Continuumā€, then you donā€™t have to worry about anything at all ever again lol, since this field puts you and all your parallel and probable versions, including past and future (!) under the direct protection, grace and blessings of the solar system energies themselves.
Like literally, if you have this field, you donā€™t need to worry about anything and can just live life. Only people who own this field will understand this feeling.
The field also comes additionally with a ā€œRoad Openerā€ function and ā€œIntercession from the Divineā€ and ā€œLuck boostā€.
This applied to all possible versions and probabilities of you = literally impossible to remain a ā€œfeather in the windā€ of the effects like Mercury Retrograde.


me too, after i read this, just before i had to leave, i quickly put the printed mandala in my pocket and played the audio on the way to work! :sweat_smile:
and there i was told that i have to stay in a difficult work constellation, after i asked for a solution last weekā€¦


I think the only audio not mentioned in this thread specifically in regards to this topic is
SMā€™s Navagraha Homam
which works on the planets.


@RobbyHa @JAAJ i fully agree.

Hence why i mentioned this:

And obviously for those that have put the effort consistently MR means nothing or too little, but i guarantee you more times than not in your ascension process or before you had even started you went through these hardship times in life, you just didnt know what was happening on top of your beliefs of how life is or how Universal laws work or Karma or lessons in this incarnation and what have you.

And also once we have stripped a lot of the baggage and dealt with a lot of the shadow and ego or we know how to embrace them to work with them with confidence we forget how hard it was once upon a time.

But there are a lot others that despite walking the evolution spiritual path still trip here and there and get confused specially when we have on us or use so much Spiritual things that should supposedly keep us in a beautiful easy bubble unaffected by anything our thereā€¦

But the force of the universe is the force of the universe and if we are here in this incarnation there are processes we cant avoid, thank God!! For all these audios and tags etc because we are able to live a decent life through all the bs that is served around. But also because of all these tools, weā€™ve found the courage the inspiration and the push to accelerate the process and expanding the results through the collective energy.

And for everybody reading:

We really are important in this reality and moment in time and all of us should feel proud about ourselves.

Freeing ourselves


And we have always been at choice here.

The creators create and we decide to jump in and take the challenge every day.

So whenever if life gets hard to live or gets confused or too much at times remember this:

You are incredibly importand and valuable right here right now.

Thank you for your daily effort, commitment and willingness to keep pushing.

Not all heroes wear caps.

@SilverZuzu and @Freedom yes!!!

Thank you for this reminder very important fields for this.

Ill add them. :orange_heart:


Luna and her lengthy posts :smiley:

Great job, Lady, appreciate your hard-work!

The effects seem to already have started manifesting, lol, even in my tarot readings.

Great time to loop astrological fields,

also, this one can also be good to try:


Donā€™t misunderstand me, I have been through ups and downs during MR for many years, but lately it has been ok and sometimes even pleasant. Itā€™s quite relaxing when the mind is still when nothing seems to happen. I still donā€™t like those electronic disturbances etc though. I do have difficulties during Saturn retrogrades. The one during the summer was the worst I have gone through so far, but this one was also necessary. You always get what you can handle even if you donā€™t think so. You wonder if this is really necessary. And yes, it really has to be done. :blush:


Hun every time im going to reply you delete it haha

Keep it!!

Your reviews are always soo heart felt. We need more of that open vulnerability.

It really is appreciated

Hugs x