Attention šŸ“£ MERCURY RETROGRADE approaching July 17th to Sept 11 2024/What It Means? How Will It Affect Us, What Can We Do?

most welcome!

alittle history as of why this is good:

it is with my life and i am born under retrograde mercury.

so, the most important thing i notice is

one negative thing happens and triggers badly.

usualy first day of retrograde mercuryā€¦ a day such as today 13.12.2023

and then if one doesnot pass the test ā€¦ a whole loop of chaos develops afterā€¦

feels like you have fallen in something and then because it is allways your intial negative reaction that triggers further events you cannot really get up from where you fell. and if you are concious of what happened it hurts even more badly because of feeling such as ā€œwhat if i didnot loose my temper in this occasion?ā€ or "how could i have managed the issue better? "ā€¦

but mercury has seen your inability and you suffer coneqencesā€¦ even if you had all the right in the world.

thenā€¦ if you make your self really really stop in the moment of trigger, then analyse, then look for people to talk to about it and be honest and find your ground and guidanceā€¦ you will solve the issue by yourself and finish the mercury quest (gamers slang) pretty quickly.

and then mercury retrograde blesses you to go furtherā€¦and in another more evolving way,

like it openes the DOOR after completing a quest in a videogame.

today was my first real succsess with this.

i recieved lots of help from DreamĀ“s tools and managed not to speak in anger.

speaking in anger under influence of retrograde mercury is worst idea of all.

last thing,

mercury governs brain and thought.

you can do lots of progress in brain work and brain fields also brain healing in this period.

and of course if you can afford among the other tools

Astrologically inclined NFT saves lots of pain. i fathom it stopped and corrected me today when the trigger happened.

those triggers hurt very intimate places of ego an self esteem

so. enjoy this retrograde mercury,

thank you @anon73693188 for this most timely topic!!!


Oh how could ive forgotten one of my favorite ones.

100% perfect for these days

Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence


Emotional Mastering Protocol


@anon73693188 Wow! Thanks for writing up the novella on the last Mercury Retrograde. jk! :wink: :relaxed:

This is so helpful! it makes sense why all my communications and efforts had been going upside down. Things started improving when i added back Astrological Inclined.

Iā€™ve started listening to Navagrah homam again.


:woman_facepalming: this is entirely too cliche (Mercury rx)
but I just got a snap from my ex who I havenā€™t talked to in 6 years.
Cā€™mon now.


Thank you for this post Luna. I went to a wedding last nightā€¦oh boyā€¦what an event

People yabba dabba doo all over the place I tell you


Lol and that reaches my outside the forum life with messages always looking like a book and voice messages like whole audiobooks :sweat_smile:

Im sorry :grimacing:

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whatā€™s that @Jen? :blush:

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That there is a flinestones reference lol


What is the meaning of yabba dabba doo? An expression of happiness or excitement

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Ive also made some good deep cleanses for the whole apartment and myself these days and i slept so good last night finally.

Its the part where i get disrupted during MR like uneasiness picking up from the ambience i guess and cant sleep deep.

In case you wanna know:

Made a playlist with the vibrarion risers etc, burnt sage, sea salt cleanse, valkuntha, intercessions etc

Played while i was cleaning, dusting, mopping with water that had sea salt.

Then boiled water with bay leaves then mopped again with that one and cleaned everywhere with that as well.

But like in your case coming from a place that had heavy energy or peopls vibe its good to shower but first like rub sea salt from head to toes then let the water wash off all that you picked up.

I do that once a week. You can also soak your feet and or hands in water with sea salt. Its so absolutely good.

And i play the audio which music is one of my favorites and thats it

I used to carry a little container with sea salt to my previous job was heavy as heck and i had to be dealing with people all day,shaking hands etc if it got too heavy and i absorbed i would go to the bathroom and wash my hands with the sea salt up to a little above the wrist, and voilĆ” that always worked. Cleaned and empowered again!


In the cartoon itā€™s about excitement but in this case I mean things were wacky


Me versus Mercury Retrograde:



Mercury will go direct today! Jupiter, the planet of the guru is already direct :partying_face:

It will still take some days for Mercury to actually move forward but the end is near. Let all stuck energies be released & let all those delayed gifts come to us in the most magical ways! For me in the form of pure awareness & nftā€™s please! :blush:


So dragged through the mud I donā€™t even feel like celebrating.

Some day when we evolve and own spaceships and stuff Iā€™m blowing it up xD

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Well, it really isnt fully over.

It went direct on the 2nd but the post shadow goes until the 20th.

The tails are hard sometimes too


Thanks, thatā€™s what I wanted to know


I remember reading this post beginning of decemberā€¦ it made soo much sense and had I not had this to prepare myself for the CRAZINESS that all just occurred during this MR it forsure would have drove me crazy.

Post MR im definitely glad for the lessons that were brought to light very much needed in my life, but im also glad because i can feel a shift for the best thats happening in my life rn. Made it thru the storm :rofl: Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom @anon73693188 :pray:t4: :blue_heart:



You read my mind!

Im going to make a thread about the most important events per month!

So ill add this. Thank you!

@Lmlml you are welcome! :open_hands:


No planetary retrogrades until April. We can really move ahead with whatever we focus on.
:partying_face: :hugs: