Attention 📣 MERCURY RETROGRADE approaching July 17th to Sept 11 2024/What It Means? How Will It Affect Us, What Can We Do?

Wanna help keep updated the other thread that has all info about whatever going up there? :pray:

I havent done it since i opened it :/

:crystal_ball: ASTROLOGICAL Events: Keep Updated in All Happenings Every Month

Ill try to add here and there i just wanted to also share little rituals combining audios with actual rituals taking advantage of the energy small events that happens sometimes emanates that we can use.

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Hey Luna,

I just follow a page where they post transits & retrogrades including the energy updates. Then i post it here from time to time. I don’t have enough knowledge about astrology. I’m also going more inward. :blush:

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Mercury in Retrograde in 2024:


Here we go again! :blush:


Thank you! I will definitely add the Lapis Lazuli field from Plasmantropic Gems album to my morning playlist


Remember the “head & tail” = the light blue and brown are still a momentum of contemplation before it allows us to feel the waters of how it would be and if you pay attention it shows you the parts you need to work on that “IT” (Mercury Retrograde) going to be triggering you for.

And the tail, the brown part will show you what youll need to keep working on in the months between Retrogrades that way the next one will reward you instead of driving you mad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Mercury Retrograde be like…


:) happy MR everybody! Dont be afraid of your shadow. Fill it with love and acceptance, surrender and it will release the grip it has on you as well.


Looking at others with compassion and Unconditional love before just reacting when their shadows are out, allow us to grow while helping each other, we are all together in this one, MR is a great opportunity to test compassion, “what i see in you, i have it in Me, somehow, somewhere, i thank you for showing me the parts of me i could not see before”


Lol had a device which went full volume and when I wanted to lower it down, it already was shown as muted and no volume. It never happens usually. Other things which I would not wish to happen happens too. Funnily enough, it started when it was going on the Astrologically Inclined track.

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Aside of using the fields to get rid of negative effects,

let’s also welcome this period, for it has cleansing effects on our lives as well!



Thank you for this Robby.
I thought my old Fibromyalgia issues were coming back over the past two days. My body was in agony and I’ve been completely wiped out.
Never dawned on me that it could be due to the solar storm. Good to know, thanks man :pray:t3:


yeah sometimes it’s just ascension symptoms or planets pushing us to upgrade!

new feelings etc that have never been experienced can evoke fearful reactions

or something physical in my case an atlas misalignment that needed to take care of


Shadow work has definitely improved for me. I’m improving a lot in so many ways. When I go outside now its like it amplifies my energy and I’ll feel like I’m getting stronger even. I found out that black shadow with red eyes was my shadow self all along. It came to me again the other day but this time it was better. First it appeared and It made me jump out of the dream accidentally then I gained full consciousness and said no I’m coming back and literally jumped back into that dream and felt it it was like a cool spinning transition on a slide show that’s how it felt. There were tears and yelling still but not as bad. I don’t know why I get so sad and angry when I see my shadow. I told it I don’t own it anymore and it doesn’t serve me anymore. I woke up after i said that and wrote it down. Am I doing this right? Should I be saying something different?

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oh hi…

i knewww it! lol i can smell it in the air approaching sure enough i went to check the calendar and voilá its coming :slight_smile:

if you forgot what does each color mean or you are just learning about this, go back to the 1st post.

good luck ;)


Yep, we’re approaching that (along with the Saturn, Pluto and Neptune already in retro). But what’s occurring right now is the Mars conjunct Uranus; sudden, impulse action. :laughing:


ai ai ai caramba

i’m virgo :grin: :grimacing:

i don’t follow up the retrogrades lately

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People tend to forget that other than retrogrades, there are aspects that are happening daily.
An ongoing human evolution hehe.


share more nuh sisterrrrrrr :purple_heart:


Ahh hehe in our Esoteric guild I’ve shared this, as part of the astro section. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the reminder Luna :fire: