The Plasma Glass Skin

Dear @eternal could you tell me if you have this field and if you have seen that this works to eliminate acne scars? Could someone report this? Thank you very much to all! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


Can so relate to this! Also worry-wrinkles & lines


Yeah I have this it doesn’t remove my scars completely but I see improvements day by day


Thank you for your kind answer! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::wink::wink::wink:


You’re very welcome @GianLee

Here is an image where you can see the results. I used to have severe cystic acne that scarred all my face and the skin is mostly even now, however there’s leftover rolling scars that disappear more and more day by day.

I try to keep it consistent and I’ve also noticed drinking mineral water helps with fields, in addition you can see my hair (previously severely bleach damaged from multiple bleaches to blonde) grow back thicker and denser to the point where it doesn’t have that typical bleach flatness

The number one thing I’ve learned from Sapien Fields is to always stay consistent, patient and always drink a LOT of water because I play some fields overnight and I’ll end up parched in the morning with poor results if I don’t drink beforehand. I always keep a bottle right on the nightstand


Very good results brother !!! your skin looks great !!! Do you combine it with any other field? or alone do you use this field ??? My respects and total admiration !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::wink::wink::wink::fire::fire::fire:


Wow! Super good brother :two_hearts:


Carboxytherapy as well!


Thats Great!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


How well does this work for acne? I’ve been struggling for 7+ years and literally nothing works. Acne Ablation dried out my skin but still little to no improvement.

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You got acne ablation??


Ya been using that, and youtube acne and skin regen for quite awhile and still nothing. I went on accutane a couple years ago and that didn’t help either, just abunch of nasty side effects.

I eat really healthy to, when I cut out dairy that helps little to none

Going to try looping the fungus destroyer field, I really don’t want to kill off the good fungus but that might be my next best bet


Maybe try adding autoimmune?


the new Auto Immune Reversal?



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I’ll have to try that, thank you.

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Update: This field works FAST, I bought this yesterday and after I played Ego Dissolution I looped Plasma Glass Skin and also Fungal Destroyer and this morning when I looked at my skin I can already see a HUGE difference with inflammation, skin is tighter and more lifted and acne is already calming down. It’s only been not even 24 hours with these improvements and I can’t wait to see results down the line.

No words can describe how much I appreciate your work Sapien team and how much this makes me happy. After many many years of some of the severest acne that not even fasting, keto, accutane or anything else could put even the slightest dent in, this finally gives me hope of haveing decent and healthy skin for the first time. Thank you.


I finally got this field, tho my skin is very healthy and the other skin audios have been doing an excellent work i still wanted this legendary one of course :wink: for the ultimate “glass” look.

Ive used it along the other ones x 3 the past 2 days only!! Thursday was my day off so today 2 coworkers saw me without mask at breakfast and asked me if ive done something on my day off like a full spa day because i am looking rejuvenated, fresh and the skin super smooth and bright :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses:

I told them :woman_shrugging:t2: They already call me the juju girl haha so they say they will wait some more days then get the fields themselves!



If only there was a referral bonus!