The Plasma Glass Skin

Yes nice progress!

Your new hair really suits you! :kissing_heart:


Sew kewt :partying_face::two_hearts:


Thank you :relieved:


Gorgeous Angel :sparkling_heart:


Anyone any additional updates / result reports / testimonials for this field?

I am trying to understand whether I need this or whether I will do fine with the free skin fields?

Also, how much better is this one versus Carboxytherapy and versus Platelet Rich Plasma Bath?

I know the questions I ask here are very abstract because it is kind of hard to find a proper metric to measure and compare these fields – however all the subjective testimonials are still of great value!

When it comes to black market protected items, does that mean I can’t play it for friends or send the link for it to people that may need it, even if I bought it? Or is it for scummy people like the ones who buy it and sell at a different price or in exchange for something?

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I was talking to a girl friend of mine about DW work and she asked what would best for her skin…
I’m not expert at all with beauty fields and this was the first one thats came to mind

She has a problem with rosacea, at least since I know her (a few years)

To all beauty experts here, would this a good field for that kind of problem? Are there better choices?


If you type Rosacea in the search bar some posts mentioning the condition come up maybe check them up.

Im sure ive seen comments about it but i dont exactly remember what helped some members with that. The only thing that i can think of (sometimes i get a bit on the sides of my nose when its winter) the skin gets super dry and then that shows up, i have to drink much more water (last winter i charged the water to drink and wash my face with, with the infrared plasma one and i listen to Vitamin D and Sungazing and it helped)

Maybe @anon37166570 knows more since she is a nurse and a skin connoisseur :sunglasses:


Thanks for your reply Luna

I’ve done before posting, I’ve done a quick search before posting but found only posts previous to this release.
And I was wondering if this field can be a good choice so I’ve asked here.

I said to her to test for VItamin D if she can, but completely forgot about vit D field :+1:

In her case I’d say the problem is constant, but I’m not sure if sometimes gets worse or better (with seasons for example)


Maybe try the HGF field? Thinking of it’s antiinflammatory aspect…:thinking:

And the vagus nerve field for the same reason.


Thanks Pia I’ll look into that :pray:

And plasma light…
Cosmo volt…


Improvement of rosacea by injection of platelet rich plasma. December 2019. The Journal of Cosmetic Medicine 3(2):125-129

Rosacea is a chronic facial inflammatory disease characterized by erythema, papules, telangiectasia, and recurrent flushing. Many studies have documented the crucial role that an immature immune system plays in the progression of rosacea. Various studies have illustrated the potential effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the inhibition of inflammation.[…] We believe this is the first article to document the potential therapeutic effects of PRP enriched with CD34+ stem cells in the peripheral blood for the treatment of rosacea. In conclusion, PRP enriched with CD34+ stem cells in the peripheral blood may have a potential additive therapeutic effect on rosacea via an immunomodulation effect. Long-term prospective follow-up studies are warranted to confirm the beneficial effect of PRP enriched with CD34+ stem cells in the peripheral blood for the treatment of rosacea.

On that note, maybe also


Thanks Lilo :pray:

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I used to have chronic rosacea and skin issues for years that wouldn’t respond to anything until I corrected a Candida imbalance. It’s not the first place you might think to look when you think of rosacea, but the connection is a lot more common than people realize.

If you Google “candida rosacea” you’ll find some more info. I don’t know if it applies to your particular case, but it might. If that’s the case, the anti-fungal field and Parasite destroyer could be really helpful. Hopefully one of these suggestions you’ve gotten on this thread helps you out.


Yes! I listen to anti fungus when I get pimples and they clear up in 1-2 days.
Started with that when I noticed they appeared after eating more sugar/carbs than usual.
Good input, forgot about that!


Nice :+1:t3: Yeah, not surprised at all. If you’re responding well to that field you’d probably gain even more benefit by making it part of your daily stack.


Yes, had it in my nightly playlist for several months, now use it sporadically.:slightly_smiling_face:


What were those lines by Simple Minds <3 again? Ah yes, “Vanity, insecurity uh-uh!” :p

More seriously, a telegraphic review:

User profile: female, 41.
Skin type: mixed with a little oily T-zone, the rest being dry.
Skin condition: occasional breakouts but not too bad overall. No visible wrinkles or sagginess while the face is not in movement (took good care of it since my 20s: never going to bed without cleaning it, using clean sunscreen 12 months/12, etc.). Defined jawline. But sign of tiredness, hangovers, etc. more visible + underweight/quite slim face, so plumpness harder to achieve.

Reason for getting this field: long-term investment.

Trying to look like 25/cheat about age? No. Trying to avoid happiness-wrinkles like crow’s feet? No.

Trying to look fresh? Yes. Trying to avoid sadness-wrinkles? Yes.

Pictures? No.
Why? Laziness, sloppiness, loss of interest in taking pictures (should make an effort for future reviews).

Usage: 3 times/day. Along with some of the fields listed in this thread.

Results within a few days only:

  • Less visible pores
  • Less lines next to the lips when smiling
  • Peeling effect (retinol)
  • Skin visibly softened
  • Overall expression more “upwards” instead of “downwards” (even when tired)

My sun spots,are disappearing slowly,
Love you @Dreamweaver