Wow! I’m glad I reread this thread. I’m glad u mentioned the needles sensation. I also felt the needles in my body quite sharply in my right back, The area I feel it in >(if u take the bra band that holds the bra in place on the chest wall and follow it to the back on both sides) from that area to about 5 inches in on each side. Thats the area that the needle pain continues, but mostly when I am reclining/laying down/trying to fall asleep… At first I thought maybe it was a thumbtacks/pins I was being stuck with trying to go to sleep. I trained myself to sleep on my back. Felt the bedding with my hand, no needles or sharpness. But everytime I would recline/lay down I would feel it! The first night got it only on the right side, the 2nd night (last night) I also got in on the left side, so both sides now. I also developed what feels like an allergic reaction> heat and burning sensation like a sunburn over my entire body (like a “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome”, <diagnosis which I have). I turned red.
So this has been 2 nights this is happening. I am going to check my back in the mirror today. ( Didnt do it yesterday, thought it was just a weird occurence for the 1 night. ) So got up yesterday and played the Exorcism Rite, Curse/spell removal all 3 Soul Restorations. Today played the Healing egg twice in a row and it helped about 50% Ended up having to take a 25 mg. Benadryl and 1 aspirin to try to help the reaction last night and try to get some sleep.
At first I assumed the needle reaction was sort of like accupuncture, to relieve some energy blockages. Asked my servitors to work on it, they found the areas, yeah, they found the spots all right, but it is still painful when I lay down/recline, now on both sides .