The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

Wow! I’m glad I reread this thread. I’m glad u mentioned the needles sensation. I also felt the needles in my body quite sharply in my right back, The area I feel it in >(if u take the bra band that holds the bra in place on the chest wall and follow it to the back on both sides) from that area to about 5 inches in on each side. Thats the area that the needle pain continues, but mostly when I am reclining/laying down/trying to fall asleep… At first I thought maybe it was a thumbtacks/pins I was being stuck with trying to go to sleep. I trained myself to sleep on my back. Felt the bedding with my hand, no needles or sharpness. But everytime I would recline/lay down I would feel it! The first night got it only on the right side, the 2nd night (last night) I also got in on the left side, so both sides now. I also developed what feels like an allergic reaction> heat and burning sensation like a sunburn over my entire body (like a “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome”, <diagnosis which I have). I turned red.

So this has been 2 nights this is happening. I am going to check my back in the mirror today. ( Didnt do it yesterday, thought it was just a weird occurence for the 1 night. ) So got up yesterday and played the Exorcism Rite, Curse/spell removal all 3 Soul Restorations. Today played the Healing egg twice in a row and it helped about 50% Ended up having to take a 25 mg. Benadryl and 1 aspirin to try to help the reaction last night and try to get some sleep.

At first I assumed the needle reaction was sort of like accupuncture, to relieve some energy blockages. Asked my servitors to work on it, they found the areas, yeah, they found the spots all right, but it is still painful when I lay down/recline, now on both sides .


Which better for healing Advanced healing or this?


Or to the darkest timeline


Update: I looked in the mirror and there is only slight redness in these 2 areas. BTW already played all the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant fields, Virus Disruption, etc.
Thanks to all who are sending healing to me!! :pray: :woman_white_haired:


Can’t wait to hear of your full recovery, prayers your way! :raised_hands:t4:


I used it 3 times today. What I percieved is a gentle warm feeling on damaged or sick body parts and a feeling that I can only explain as “release” it felt similar to trauma release, emontional release or ego dissolution for example but for physical sickness and it worked really fast. It also seemed like the field is intelligent and communicates with one or at least it tries to. Um as some emotional things came up I wondered where does this come from again and immediately I felt something guiding me to the body part where the correlating issue is and healed this place. OM did mention that it can teach one if one is inclined to listen so maybe I can communicate with it a bit more in the upcoming days :slight_smile:


Many thanks!!


Gotcha Boss. Actually, I was going to buy it at Amazon but they won’t accept Paypal. Also, Amazon Music app is not available in my country.


After my little session today I already feel a lot better . BUT I had to rush to the bathroom immediately ,something had to leave my body ASAP. I haven’t eaten anything bad so I guess it is the field that caused it and I do have digestive issues for a long time ,so theres definitely something to clean out.
I have found the following guide lines ,it pretty accurately describes my situation :

Have there been any negative reactions to the Theraphi field in the world experience and, if so, is it known to what these effects can be attributed, i.e., how they can be avoided?
A: There definitely can be issues from too much- primary among them issues related to dehydration (for example lymph won’t flow). Anything like Theraphi which releases toxins- needs time for detox – hydration / grounding/ rest – even nutrition. Many agree that often the detox period – after Theraphi comes before they then feel stronger than ever. Too much charge often triggers angst/ impatience (need to process). To make this gentle – is why we recommend only 1 or maybe 2 sessions of roughy 5 min or so- per day. Psychologically also- if your thoughts speed up- this necessitates being able to locate the centripetal still point –
before you add even more spin. Near death visions are electrically contagious for similar reasons.


Haha, I was thinking the same yesterday, so many GREAT fields recently, and I have not done proper justice to any of them recently … So finally created a “New Fields” playlist to spend some quality time with them!

  • Ego Dissolution X 1
  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver X 1
  • Love Gratitude & Appreciation X 1
  • Conceptual Realizations X 1
  • Torsion Field X 3
  • Love Gratitude & Appreciation X 1
  • M-State Gold X 2
  • Cosmo Volt X 3
  • Plasma Light X 2
  • Automated Grounding X 2
  • Love Gratitude & Appreciation X 1

Felt really good waking up today morning…


what does this mean?

I can very,very much recommend the testimonial section on this site , it gave me a little better understanding at what theraphi does and how it works . Here some examples:

“This could also have helped the improvement in my vision. Already after the first session I felt more energized and more focused. This was not a state of over stimulation, however, and I slept easily and deeply. Normally I have headaches when I travel, but this time the absence of such headaches was noteworthy. I am aware that I have more willpower and have become more outspoken and self-assertive. Another interesting phenomenon is an increase of synchronicities: I think of something and shortly thereafter a related event occurs in my outer world.”

“Let me be clear, I have been to the ends of the world in search of awakening. I have traveled to the feet of many great masters, I have trekked through the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan meeting the great Sages of our age and almost passing of altitude sickness, I have walked through the heart of hell and back seeking what the Theraphi was able to do in the first two sessions! I looked into my own eyes and saw a clarity I hadn’t seen in years.”

“From my experience, it would take one at least a week in deep retreat doing strenuous yoga and meditation with a master teacher to receive what I obtained in two session lasting min each. This is not an aggregation, this is fact based on my own experience with Eddy and the Theraphi.”

“I fell into a deep meditative state and began feeling that I could send this plasma energy to friends and family. I had no idea this was already being done by the Theraphi group until I told Eddy of my experience. He verified my experience with a loving grin. I now know that this gift can be sent to anyone in the world as one receives the Plasma field. My intuition about this possibility goes even deeper than this but I will not speak of this publicly at this time.”


you think playing plasma and cosmo one after another will affect the field properties because they change the cell frequencies?

isn’t better to listen plasma in the morning and cosmo at night?


Hmm…good question. I only tried this one time, and they did seem to be quite synergistic and I did not notice any imbalance/issues when used together.

But you may be right! Perhaps when used alone (and not together), they may have a different distinct effect. But I did like the combined effect so far …


Thanks for the idea, close to bed here and the Cosmo is indeed very nice & soothing :)

About the cell frequencies, I guess I would focus on one or another over a listening session, to allow a bit of integration indeed. But both feel complementary, hence the good idea of day for Theraphi and night for Cosmo :)

Edit: did the Cosmo after Theraphi this morning, they do feel complementary, never mind about the integration thing haha


Another thing I noticed today thanks to this stack - at work, I had so many great ideas…it was like I was firing new ideas left, right, and center! At least three of my colleagues told me, “you are on fire!”

A lot of creative, out-of-the-box-and innovative thinking is happening after using this stack …


Ha! I used this book in my dissertation as a reference. I’m listening to the field now and totally get why this specific book came to mind! The flow we sought somewhere out there in the informational field is now live streaming from within :wink:


thank you… :smile:


If you have not heard it today… I Love you brother! Gratitude Eternal.


awh i like this part as i’ve been fangirling about love graviton!