The Plasmatron

I was actually thinking of starting with Plasmatron as the first (or second after the KQC) in my morning stack, since it contains The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach, which was said to be kind of booster to all the fields coming next, then move on to Neg Jing, Mutant RNA etc. Please correct me if I’m wrong

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i also use the thread from Luna. i usualy take it so: torsion field, plasmatron, other audios , acu-autom or grounding
i have all the so called primers boosters and distributors and begin the day with the stongest for the first stack and then go for the weaker or mild for the other stacks and i dont use the strongest every day.


Generally Captain puts a lot of thought when he combines audios as a package. So I generally use the three in the same stack. That said, I also loop the Divine Will very often for meditation/chanting.


You have some novel ideas my friend. You should create a thread and share your stacks.


readily so…thank you for your support!


Just bought it.
I can’t help but notice that the music would really fit well as background music for some retro 2D jump n run game


Has anybody yet discovered what the new additional effects are?


hey bro

I am currently in the process of healing a injury. This one somehow gives me more movement in my rotator cuff. I mean its kind of accelerated the healing process. I use it like x 3 before i use advanced healing.


I just bought it and I have a tingling sensation in my mouth


How’s it been with this one guys?!


the vibes here match this gif


Btw guys,
Just because most of us are currently flaunting their plasma (imagine that phrase on a dating app lol), doesn’t mean other fields become redundant…!

Just today, i burned my lower arm and thumb a bit on a hot baking tray. I wasn’t feeling right playing plasma flaunt, so i thought of either plasma light or plasmatron and settled on the latter, looping it for quite some time.

Need i say it?
While the area on my skin is still a bit pink-ish, there’s no pressure pain, it simply and smoothly feels healed. I didn’t add any cold water or any cooling aid.

So yeah, remember your plasmatron while plasmaflaunting, ok?


I enjoy playing Plasmatron as a Booster before Plasma Flaunt!


Love love this field! It’s freaking amazing! Futuristic sounding electronic music that is functional and potent!

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Could someone please sum up the benefits here?

Energy giving? Boosting effects?

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Definitely boosts effects. Play it after a file but be careful how many times you do this in a day


Yes and yes! Energy boosting as well as anti-cancer effect! It’s a pleasant feeling that is not easy to put in words! I also own Order by 3 which also takes it to another level by adding the effects of gold in the mix. Don’t go past 3 times in a listen. Think of it like doing push-ups for your own aura! Plasmatic energy which is very similar to Mehran Keshe GANS plasma and Dan Winter’s work too. I make my own plasma for quite some time and there are so many benefits that it’s a god send to me. Great for plants and animals too


How does this compare to the Plasma Light field?

Plasmatron combines both Plasma Light and Orgone Accumulator, making it a stronger field than the OG.

I’ve had this field in the back burner for a while but I just recently added it into my shower stack to help with overall healing + boost the fields after it.


Just an overall energy booster?