The Power of Love đź’—

The Power of Love

Another project about Love?

“Don’t talk about Love, everything has been said about it…”, sings a song. Nevertheless, the theme of Love is inexhaustible at all times. In this project we will also talk about Love from the perspective of Light and structural connections. If Love is Light, then the ability to love is the ability to exchange this Light. Any human being, any living being is luminous. But this is not the whole Alchemy of the project…


Love is an inner state, as opposed to falling in love with an object. Since the person himself is responsible for his inner state, it is important to first recognize that the lack of love in life is not due to the physical absence of a suitable object, but is caused by internal blocks and deficiencies. Instead of suffering from their absence, it is better to work on oneself to attract the object of love imperceptibly and without the need to search.

To find love, you must first love yourself. Many people misunderstand this phrase: loving yourself is not about indulging your own weaknesses, but about working on yourself. Love requires nurturing within oneself as a relationship with the world and space, not just with a single object. Sages say that the more evolved a person is, the more objects he or she can build loving relationships with. It is necessary to move away from the socially imposed position of exclusivity of the beloved object.

The exclusivity of the beloved object is generated by the reflexively motivated love of modern man. Instead of working on his blocks and cultivating a true sense of love for the whole world, man begins to look for the causes of problems outside. Perhaps it seems that not having the right object is just bad luck. Often we think we can only love a person with certain characteristics: gentle, caring, handsome, and so on. Instead of placing demands on ourselves, we place them on the world around us. But the world gives us exactly as much as we have developed in ourselves. Love is an inner state and does not depend on external circumstances.

Intro to the concept

This project aims to harmoniously build different types of relationships, taking into account your personality. Now you can not only create appropriate romantic connections, but also build strong friendships and healthy business and academic contacts. The project takes into account the specific energetic differences between feminine and masculine, recognizing that each person includes both, a result of the dual nature of personality formation.

“The Power of Love” will help you actively develop and manifest self-love on many different levels, from the emotional to the domestic. By cultivating love for yourself, you will be able to extend it to others and to the world. Love can be expressed in many ways: acceptance, understanding, caring, compassion, and even simple contemplation of the beauty of the world. Viewing people and relationships through the lens of love and gratitude rather than scarcity and need will make a significant difference in the nature of your relationships and your inner state. A good indicator that you are building your relationships out of a sense of love will be a growing sense of happiness and comfort for everyone involved in the relationship.

Project Goals

  • Increasing the expression of love in user’s life: to teach users to be more active in showing love in their daily lives;
  • Strengthening self-esteem and self-sufficiency in relationships: to help users feel more confident and independent in their relationships;
  • Fully unlocking the ability to love and be loved: develop users’ ability to build deep and sincere relationships;
  • Reducing the fear of rejection: working to reduce anxiety and fears associated with the possibility of rejection or disapproval;
  • Reducing tension in relationships: promoting more relaxed and harmonious interactions between people;
  • Forming new relationships as opportunities for mutual support: encouraging the creation of supportive, positive connections;
  • Enhancing feelings of closeness and contact in relationships: developing a sense of emotional connection and understanding between people;
  • Creating additional ease in relationships: promoting an atmosphere of ease and comfort in relationships that strengthens the bonds between people;
  • and many other positive states :slight_smile:

Design with detail

Anahata Opening

This point is the adjustment and fine-tuning of the sensual-emotional sphere. The inner joy that occurs after the opening of the emotional center is not just an emotion; it is a departure from a reactionary type of consciousness. From childhood, the emotional center tends to contract rather than expand, because expansion requires certain conditions on the levels of object, energy, social and domestic, which are not always created. Reflex compression is conditioned by nature itself.

Specially created festive days serve as external conditions for the opening of Anahata and the manifestation of inner joy. On weekdays the emotional center remains in a compressed state unfortunately. Staying in a state of inner joy every day is similar to a holiday and is associated with deep relaxation, similar to relaxation in sleep.

On a physical level, Anahata is associated with the work of the pituitary gland and pineal gland, its opening removes many blocks - emotional, physical and mental. It contributes to the normalization and circulation of energy, regulating the sensual-emotional sphere, which helps in the correct understanding of love, the discovery of aspects such as self-love, unconditional love, opening the source of inner love and regulating the channel of giving-receiving energy.

The energetic aspect of the emotional center determines the level of a person. Developed Anahata allows you to better understand individual rhythms, natural cycles and create nodes of connection with other dimensions, controlling your expressions as a human being.

Enhancement of light personality characteristics

We can talk about love in terms of light and structural relationships. If love is light, then the ability to love lies in the ability to exchange this light. Every person and living being emits light. The purpose of this point is to reduce the level of interference that distorts the light of love between people by increasing the quantity and brightness of that light. When the user begins to illuminate others more intensely, they create the conditions for their own light of love to manifest, which increases its attractiveness. The light begins to unite people not only in space but also in time, contributing to an increase in attraction. Light relationships with such characteristics become more harmonious and stable. The level of mutual claims and demands is reduced, interdependence and control are weakened. As a result, trust increases between the people with whom you are building relationships.


This point will allow users to expand their scope of interaction with others. Perceiving a higher dimensionality provides a deeper and more holistic view of the processes in which a person is involved. With a more complete picture of events, the user can more accurately determine what is appropriate for them, which opens up new opportunities for communication. For example: understanding what and when to say and when to say it to increase trust and understanding; understanding with whom you will be happier; knowing which people are more suitable for you to build different types of relationships (friendships, work study); feeling where to put your efforts to build harmonious communication.

Development of emotional intelligence

This aspect of the project aims to develop an understanding of other people’s feelings and motives, as well as the ability to put yourself in their shoes. When you put yourself in the other person’s shoes, you begin to see that everyone is striving for happiness, and you have no desire to teach them or be condescending. You begin to see the other as an equal and are able to engage in adult dialog with respect, understanding, and empathy.

A broad view of circumstances allows you to see the whole system of interrelationships and the direction of forces, not just words and arguments. The ability to perceive the world around you, to expand and become one with it, is the magic key that allows you to see and feel the aspirations of others as your own. This expansion of perception is an increase in dimensionality, when you are able to access unconventional points of view and the ability to go beyond established patterns.

The ability to combine several different perspectives allows you to move towards synthesis - creating your own, more multi-dimensional and accurate model of the world. Seeing the spark of divine love and the Creator’s unified plan in every moment of communication opens up the possibility for you to behave like the Creator, creating your own reality based on harmony and mutual understanding.

Expanding the abilities of intuition

Expanding intuitive abilities can greatly enhance creativity in relationships. By deepening the boundaries of perception, users will begin to experience people on a new level. This will improve their ability to predict the motives and actions of others, allowing them to more effectively direct effort and attention to achieve overall well-being and happiness in relationships.

The inner tuning fork helps determine the best course of action based on true feelings rather than external pressures or obligations. This is especially important in crisis or conflict situations, which are an integral part of any growth and development process. By remaining honest with themselves, users will be able to overcome tensions and find ways to resolve difficult situations.

In this way, deepened intuition allows users to penetrate, recognize and accept Life Lessons, contributing to personal and mutual development.

Strengthening individual gender qualities

This aspect of the project aims to strengthen certain qualities of your personality that contribute to building healthy relationships in a gender structured way:

  • For men, emphasis is placed on strengthening traditionally masculine qualities such as displaying will, perseverance, charisma, grit and confidence. The importance of a clear analytical mind combined with the ability to think strategically and forecast is also emphasized. Disclosure of these qualities will allow men to more vividly show themselves in relationships and take a high position in communication.

  • For women, emphasis is placed on strengthening traditionally feminine traits such as gentleness, patience, moderation, tenderness and emotionality. Special emphasis is placed on listening to others, opening one’s heart and providing timely care and support. The manifestation of these qualities will help to direct communication towards constructive dialog and strengthening mutual understanding.

Adapting to current global processes

In today’s world, we are daily confronted with accelerating processes of information exchange, creation of new knowledge and emergence of new technologies. This indicates the increasing internal interaction between different parts of the world and, as a consequence, between people. Within the framework of this point there are possibilities for self-organization and adaptation to new rhythms of life. This point allows you to synchronize your internal time with the time of the external world, providing automatic attunement of your vibrations with universal vibrations. Such synchronization contributes to the alignment of your individual structure with the structure of the space-time in which you are. The unity of the world’s and user’s life-time helps prevent any misalignments that other people may experience.

Speeding up the process of finding a suitable partner. Tuning in to your soul mate

The world we live in is saturated with relationships and interactions. Development, which is the basis of all relationships, is impossible without interaction.

When building a new relationship, whether it’s a friendship, a work process, or a romantic connection, we strive for complete understanding. So that the soul sings and thoughts resonate in a single impulse. And this is indeed possible. This point is like a tuning fork that will help you unmistakably determine how close a person is to you. You will be able to feel how your system interacts with the other person’s system and what reciprocity there is between you. This does not mean that you will find common ground with everyone, but it will make it much easier to weed out those who do not suit you, and will allow you to surround yourself with close people.

In the process of communication you will have a sense of harmony or dissonance. Those who make you feel uncomfortable or “something is not right” are most likely not those with whom you are in harmony. On the contrary, the people with whom communication brings ease, energy and a desire to meet again and again are your “soul mates.” Mutual communication with them will strengthen and enrich you.

Also, wherever we go, an information trail is formed behind us. This is invisible information in space that can be perceived by other people. The brighter the luminosity and stronger the energy of a person, the more stable and noticeable is his trace. In reality and in the world around, a person becomes more influential. Those who fall into this trace can feel its impact. Being attuned to a soul mate allows the user to more quickly and easily meet and recognize among other people those who are most suitable to him in spirit. Being in the same space, it becomes easier to find a common language and transform yourself and the world around you for the better.

Acceptance of the Universal love

This aspect of the project will attune you to harmony with yourself and the world, opening an understanding of the Universal love that permeates everything around you. Opening to this feeling, a person undergoes a transformation, one’s thoughts and motivations change, and the actions that come from the feeling of Universal Love become beneficial and transforming. The user becomes a creator of the world in the noblest sense of the word. Being in a state of synchronization with the Universal sense of love, the user experiences absolute acceptance of others and self-acceptance. Acceptance of love as a driving force of development. In this blissful state, every movement and action will be creative and constructive.


Love begins with self. Many people forget that the foundation of all relationships is self-love. If a person does not know how or is not able to love themselves, they will not be able to truly love others. In our relationships, we are only able to broadcast what is present in ourselves. If a person is dominated within by addictions, fears, rejection traumas, or a selfish desire to control a partner, these are the traits that will manifest in their behavior.

Cultivating self-love begins with prioritizing one’s own needs and interests. It is important to treat yourself with care, provide adequate rest, please yourself, and gradually direct your life toward your desires and dreams.




no wayyy


my boyyyyyyyyyyyyy :heartpulse: :fire: :laughing:





:heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::heart:đź©· :yellow_heart::orange_heart::heart::heart::yellow_heart::heart: :yellow_heart: đź©· :heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart::heart:đź©· :yellow_heart: lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@anon73693188 About LOVE & its Endless lessons ❤️
:sparkling_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love having the super detailed descriptions on these new fields. They are so well thought out and thorough. You helped “create” it Ugninis?


Amazing dear Ugnis! :heartpulse::heartpulse:


I don’t create fields
me and others offer ideas to the Captain
in this case I offered him this project

and always thank the Captain
he is a real Alchemist :slight_smile:


Oh I meant create as in the ideas.
Yes, thank you both!
What a beautiful creation


Attract Love NFT
Lucky Love
Power of Love
Kamadeva Rati Homam

lol your love life will be on easy mode


I also wanna tag @veh :slight_smile:

And a song?

I need Delle’s version:


Your effort is still much appreciated :relaxed:


This one is a big one.

I was just talking with a friend, he was telling me you have to start trying more, and not be afraid of

And he was like yeh you need a girlfriend for sure man, after telling him my story lol.


Your gf needs you too ;)


How long is the audio for this?

1 Like

3 min ;)


I have a healthy relationship but I see a lot of value in this in terms of loving my inner child.
Loving myself. I think it can work great for any attachment or codependency issues, based on this


This is simply amazing. What a lovely surprise, just at the right time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you for writing the project & thank you for making this field :heart: