The Power of Numbers NFT

"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding."

This right here is the ultimate math nft


  • Makes the owner a mathematical genius

  • Knowledge Base of Einstein, Tesla, Ramanujan, Euler, Gauss, Newton, Bohr, Galileo, Fibonacci, Faraday, Von Neumann, Alan Turing, Richard Feynman, Edwin Hubble, Maxwell, David Hilbert, Da Vinci, Mendeleev, Lomonosov, James Watson, Vilfredo Pareto

  • Greatly improve the owner’s fluid and crystallized intelligence

  • Make it so that the owner has genius levels of logical and abstract thinking, problem-solving ability, and mathematical reasoning

  • Make it so that the user obtains genius levels of pattern recognition/awareness

  • Make it so that the user masters mathematics (physics and computer science

  • Full Brain Coherence (Including a constant powerful connection between both right and left hemispheres of the brain)

  • Conceptual Realizations

  • Makes the owner a mathematical genius

  • Development of superhuman levels of spatial visualization ability with vivid imagery.

  • Make it so that the user easily understands all concepts in mathematics/physics and computer science

  • Make it so that the user learns everything quickly.

  • Download and easy access of all knowledge of relevant subjects as needed

  • Greatly enhanced connection of subconscious with conscious mind for information retrieval and communication

  • Subconscious download and integration of programming languages as you need them

  • Download, integrate and master all known computer algorithms

  • Greatly enhanced ability to creatively apply knowledge and problem solve.

  • Superhuman levels of mental processing speed, focus, productivity, memory retention and retrieval.

  • Gives the user the mental capabilities and insights of past geniuses such as Einstein, Von Neumann, Newton

  • Subconsciously understand how to assemble mechanisms, how to solve practical tasks, laboratory work, how someone tells you how to do everything right

  • Make the user have a love for mathematics/physics/computer science/

  • Eliminate previous traumas related to learning mathematics, heal those traumas

  • Have mental confidence in in your mental/cognitive abilities.

  • The user will have a broad understanding of sacred geometry and how geometrical patterns help link our body and spirit with the sacred language of the universe.

  • The user will intuitively understand numerology, the mystical meaning of numbers and the effect they have on our surroundings.

  • The user is able to remember the solutions to all the problems that he has ever solved. And is able to use these solutions to solve typical problems

  • The user has a sincere love for all natural sciences. The user is able to solve any problem

  • Get the knowledge of your ancestors about the sciences in the past. Gain knowledge of higher civilizations in mathematics, physics, chemistry and alchemy

  • Become a genius in the practical part. Have a conceptual understanding for solving practical problems. Know how to read drawings, diagrams, be able to correctly understand the conditions of tasks. Be able to assemble complex structures and etc.


  • Increase/improve neuronal connections between the parietal and frontal lobe (frontoparietal network)

  • Increase the grey matter density in the whole parietal lobe

  • Electrical Stimulation, BDNF, NGF on the parietal lobe (intraparietal sulcus, angular gyrus, supermarginal gyrus, posterior parietal cortex, etc)

  • Increase the number of glial cells and astrocytes in the parietal lobe

  • Lateral frontal cortices (frontal and prefrontal cortex), Temporal cortices hippocampus, Orbitofrontal cortices, Anterior cingulate, Fusiform gyri, Temporal lobes, Parietal lobes, Cerebellum - increase/improve neuronal connectivity between all of these parts in the brain

  • enhance the interhemispheric frontal connectivity between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and premotor cortex

  • GABA and Glutamate in the parietal lobe

  • KIBRA, COMT, DRD2, ENPP6, ROBO1, RGS 14 - temporary (similar to Sapien’s ENPP6 audio)

  • All math brain related areas and proteins/enhancements seasoned with negentropy.

  • makes the listener a mathematical, physics, computer science genius

  • greatly increases the listeners intelligence

  • Development of hyphantasia - increase neuronal connections between visual brain network and decision making network.

Huge thanks to @Dreamweaver :pray:


This one sounds incredible! Congratulations Stlouis and team! Thank you Captain!


Discovered an added language benefit yesterday after listening to the audio. I watch French tv shows to polish my language skills. Mostly the actors speak way too fast for me to comprehend it all without captions. For the first time I noticed that I was understanding more of the nuances, like my brain was opening up a window to allow actual hearing of what they were saying, word for word, and having immediate translation. This is truly a gem. Thanks Captain and Stlouis! :pray: :partying_face: :rose:


Very Interesting


Amazing! :heart:


Is this still available for sale brand new or I have to search the resale market?


Resale market.


I’ve noticed this as well!

Might be to added benefits of shared network area hubs in parietal cortex etc. for language processing and the works.
Auditory processing has been a game-changer for myself as well.

Of course will update later with results with the mathematical/physics and computer science aims that I seek to benefit with. Especially quant finance, trading,etc.

Thanks to everyone involved and Captain as always.


@anon14224340 Any math updates to share yet? :slight_smile:


I have some updates.

Had a final math exam and had printed out the NFT and had been using the audio whilst studying. So far, this is the best brain nft so far that I’ve bought when it comes to improving my mathematical ability.

The exam was easy. We were given three hours to complete the exam, and I would finish in only one because it was just that easy. I would ask my peers what they thought of the exam and they said that it was hard etc, but not for me.

Also, my mental calculation is better. Before I couldn’t multiple and divide three to four digits numbers but now I can. Programming is much easier as well (I’m learning both C++ and Python atm). In general, I’m just smarter. When listening to the audio, I feel the buzz in my brain all over - the new neuronal connections being made and the stimulation of my parietal which is highly regarded when it comes to mathematical ability

So yeah, those are my results when using both the audio and nft (mainly the audio). Also note that I’m inconsistent with my listening schedule so if you are more consistent than I am, maybe you’ll get better results.


Has your visualization improved?

My mental imagery is top notch with this and so is my digit span.

This also helps when I memorize characters in other languages etc.

Very useful, and will always be an invaluable NFT for me

Thanks @lawliet and Captain



And I haven’t been listening to Enhanced Visual Processing. Soon, I’ll have hyperphantasia.


Yeah this has been my go to.

Wear the mandala when I work and the audio has this calming effect on my brain


I bought this NFT on Venly a few weeks ago but I don’t see the audio file with it. I do have others where I can easily access the audio but this one doesn’t give me the option, even when I click on the image. Any advice sincerely appreciated.


The audio was not minted for this NFT, but the group will provide you with the audio file :)


Thank you @Kay! That would be awesome.


Where can I buy the NFT + audio?


Welcome flowers

Check this thread for a forum member that might be selling it. Also check Venly.

If you have an NFT to trade for it, check here.


I’ve just messaged you!

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I have bought the nft from Venly but I don’t find the audio. How do I access it. Thanks in advance.