Mathematics/Physics/Computer Science Community Project

I’m not sure if I want to join this project, but I’d like to pitch the idea of knowledge download, specifically for theorems and how they can be used differently. I’d also like to mention the obvious boost in mental math capabilities.


I would love to join :slight_smile:


Math has pretty much ruined certain career/study paths for me. Numbers are a nightmare and yet I’d love to be able to get math on a deeper level. So much fascinating stuff goes unnoticed if you’re struggling with numbers. Very interested.

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I would love to be a part of this! would this help with finances? surely yes! consider me please!

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Im in on this one please, definitely was looking forward to this as a computer science major

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This forum is on fire now :muscle:

A terrific project for the spiritual minded. I wish you all good luck! Oh, and I don’t seek to be included in this project.


I am in


so basically another Chiron?

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Let me guess you ask because you’re thinking about joining ? :rofl:

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I’m in


No, but I was a little bit impressed by one very different thing. Can you guess it?

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That’s what I thought :slight_smile:

Sorry for the diversion OP

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I’m in

would love to get this

In in

This project was finished long time ago.

And its updated version:

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Are thy still available for buy ?

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Well, these were private projects, so were available to buy only for the members, and it was venly, so no left out copies were there. Available may be only in the buying/selling thread.

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There might be a copy or two of the Numeracy Advantage that haven’t sold… but you’d need to ask the leader if you could be added to see