The Power of the Ocean 🌊 (Private NFT)

In ancient Greek mythology, in addition to the well-known persons, there is one who remains as if in the shadows, beyond all the gods, titans and other characters. The Ocean is not only a God, but the Original of All Things, the “Ancestor of the Gods”, from whom “everything originates”.

The Ocean (Water) is a Being with a consciousness all its own…

A visit to the beach always leaves you feeling alive and cleansed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Is the most natural and easily accessible form of magic & therapy available to mankind. The Ocean is as restorative for our minds and spirit as it is for our bodies. Elegant, compact but powerful concept, with the addition of

Blueprint of Life - famous and most important concept; Oxygen and weightlessness; Inversion therapy; Spinal traction; Automated swimming; Emotional balance, Magic of the Elements "Water"; Salt water therapy; Saturation of the body with minerals and trace elements; Cleansing the energy system.

It is as if it were some kind of poetic reference to the Original Source, a connection to which has a profoundly magical effect not only for the body and the individual, but more broadly for all Being. It is like a trance-like immersion in restorative, amazing and mysterious substance through which the vibration of a reference tuning fork passes, which carefully tunes and aligns the inner architecture, following some Ancient Original Blueprint, while carefully preserving and manifesting the Uniqueness of each individual, adding Unprecedented Power, washing away and dissolving the superfluous and alien, filling the depleted, splicing the divided and reclaiming the lost…

Much gratitude to @Ugninis :heart:


This reminds me of this picture, looking forward to amazing results from this nft :sweat_drops:


Gentle, subtle, almost unnoticeable at first sight but very powerful. It works like magic providing everything that the ocean provides (inner peace, healing, happiness) and much more.

Wellness, sea, spa, comfort, and wordless psychotherapy. Perfect when you need a break but have no time for vacation. This “Ocean lab” alters the brain chemistry and improves body functioning which then changes your mood, your perspective, and the way you feel in your body.

Breathing got deeper. Every cell in the body feels oxygenated. Shoulder mobility has improved in just two days, pain is almost completely gone. Also, a feeling of serene happiness stays with me long after I finish listening.

I noticed some other changes that could be attributed to mineral balancing, but I’ll wait a little longer before posting, just to be sure.

Thank you for this wonderful creation :two_hearts:


I agree with every word @Anya says.
I dont have chronic back ache. But I get lower back pain when I first use new fields that affect me in special ways, like BOL & KalaBhairava. It’s quite intense for 2-3 days & then goes with no specific therapy. I got Hard Detox Friday and didn’t really expect to get pain. But I did, very badly & it wouldn’t go even after days.
Then I saw the messages about my beautiful :ocean: ocean.
I couldn’t get it immediately as I was busy doing everything with a painful back. I didnt realize when the pain lessened and by afternoon it was almost gone fully, even before the nft was in my wallet.
That I got the one nft that specifically helps a bad back with its magical features out of so many that could have been released is a blessing.
Many thanks for this priceless gem


Project base, in addition to what was written above

:eight_pointed_black_star:BLUEPRINT OF LIFE

The Flower of Life symbol is a powerful and ancient symbol associated with a number of healing and balancing properties (as it is believed to contain the patterns of creation). Its association with the number 7 makes it a particularly powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. Whether used in meditation, ritual or energy healing, the Flower of Life is a powerful and transformative symbol that can help the user connect with our innermost self and the source of all creation, to heal on all levels of being.

:eight_pointed_black_star:OXYGEN AND WEIGHTLESSNESS

Feel weightlessness, free your body and nervous system from unnecessary tension and fill your body with healing oxygen. The dry immersion method (a technique used in astronaut training) helps to simulate weightlessness on the ground. About an hour of being in such “weightlessness” reduces deformation of tissues and organs, redistributes blood and lymph, and restores ligaments and joints.

:eight_pointed_black_star:INVERSION THERAPY

This practice is a therapeutic procedure that is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus and nervous system. Inversion therapy contributes to the general strengthening and rejuvenation of the body, helps to cope with pain and discomfort in the back, neck, shoulders, limbs. Inversion therapy is an effect on the body by suspending a person upside down. When turning the body itself straightens and relieves the load on the musculoskeletal system. According to the idea, the spine at this moment stretches due to the removal of gravitational pressure from the nerve roots and discs of the spine.

:eight_pointed_black_star:SPINAL TRACTION

Spastic muscle contraction flattens the intervertebral cartilage between the vertebral bodies in a spinal segment and is accompanied by tumescence and stretching “from the inside” of the fibrous ring of this flattened intervertebral cartilage. Irritation of nerve endings in the fibrous ring from its overstretching causes a sensation of pain. Stretching of the strongest and most enduring muscles leads to their relaxation from fatigue and overstrain. In the case of painful spinal manifestations - the contracted intervertebral muscles relax, the flattening of the cartilage decreases, the tensile strength of the fibrous ring decreases, and the pain subsides.

:eight_pointed_black_star:AUTOMATED SWIMMING

Swimming is of great benefit to human health, as it harmoniously develops all muscle groups, strengthens joints, helps to keep the body in tone, contributes to the formation of correct and beautiful posture. It is an effective way to get rid of excess calories. Water massages the skin, gives it elasticity and tone. Feel yourself in an elite pool! Swimming lessons improve your heart rhythm and increase the efficiency of your heart.

:eight_pointed_black_star:EMOTIONAL BALANCE

Staying near water sources is good for a person’s mental and emotional health. Water relaxes, calms, relieves stress, improves appetite, normalizes sleep.

:eight_pointed_black_star:MAGIC OF THE ELEMENTS "WATER"

Water is fluid, smooth, unhurried. It is able to circumvent obstacles or absorb them and carry them away. Magic of the element Water is connected with the past time, with memory and emotions, with the work of the subconscious. With this magic you can: appeal to the senses, intuition, wisdom of the mind, gentleness of action, observance of traditions. Gives access to the collective unconscious. Water will help in finding a conflict-free solution to a situation, in revealing the gift of empathy, in the manifestation of deep feelings of love and faith, in the harmonization of relationships. The balance of Water shows calm emotionality, gentleness, the ability to see different ways of solution, gives awareness of past experience and reliance on it. Creates inert mass and resistance to external shocks and changes in life. Professional magicians use its mystical properties in order to achieve balance and harmony. It helps to establish connections, defeat problems with communication skills.

:eight_pointed_black_star:SALT WATER THERAPY

The adult human body is approximately 70% water and its dissolved salts, bioactive organic and inorganic compounds. The salt content of sea (ocean) water is similar in many respects to the composition of ions in blood plasma. Therefore, bathing in salty sea water is good refreshing, tones the skin, saturates it with useful minerals and is not very drying. Water in the sea has a certain bactericidal activity, helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes, pustules. Useful minerals from the water are actively absorbed by the pores of the skin, replenishing the need for essential trace elements.


:heavy_check_mark:The high bromine content helps to calm and tone the nervous system, treat neuroses and relieve stress;
:heavy_check_mark: Iron in seawater helps saturate the blood with oxygen, which red blood cells deliver to all cells of the body;
:heavy_check_mark: Selenium helps protect cells from free-radical oxidation, preventing the formation of cancer cells;
:heavy_check_mark: Sulfur helps in treating skin problems, inhibits the activity of fungal infections on the skin;
:heavy_check_mark: Zinc helps in strengthening the immune system, regulates reproductive functions and fights malignant growth;
:heavy_check_mark: Calcium helps strengthen bones and muscles, ligaments and cartilage, stimulates immunity, normalizes the rheological properties of blood and its coagulation, promotes healing of small cracks and wounds on the skin, eliminates depression;
:heavy_check_mark: Potassium regulates blood pressure and kidney function;
:heavy_check_mark:Silicon strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the structure of connective tissue;
:heavy_check_mark:High magnesium content normalizes metabolic processes, relieves muscle spasms, eliminates swelling of tissues and inhibits allergic reactions, calms the nervous system;
:heavy_check_mark: Manganese stimulates immunity, helps renew bone structures;
:heavy_check_mark: Copper prevents the development of anemia and stimulates the synthesis of new red blood cells;
:heavy_check_mark: Chlorine eliminates swelling, stimulates tissue and skin regeneration;
:heavy_check_mark: A large amount of iodine helps in the work of the thyroid gland, accelerates metabolism, reduces the synthesis of harmful cholesterol, normalizes hormone levels and activates brain functions;
:heavy_check_mark:many other components that are not listed.

:eight_pointed_black_star:CLEANSING THE ENERGY SYSTEM

Bathing, washing and other water procedures cleanse not only the body but also the energy system. In many religions and traditions, bathing or ablution is included in cleansing rituals for a reason.

