The Prince NFT (Private) šŸ¤“

Thank you for the suggestions. I have Woven Worlds - Millions. Iā€™m a premium subscriber on Patreon for Dream. I guess I should go back to grinding Wealth Generation + +. Sorry for the negativity brought here. It wasnā€™t intentional.


ay sir

ą¬˜( ā‰§ā–½ā‰¦ )ą¬“

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Im new (as in user account)


thank you ā½ā½ą¬˜( ĖŠįµ•Ė‹ )ą¬“ā¾ā¾

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I sent the money to a friend of theirā€™s to receive the transaction. They sent me a request via PayPal to give them a considerable amount of money. I knew something was wrong. I checked the profile of the person I made the exchange with and they were banned.

This is them.

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Please report all these people to forum mods.


Sorry to hear that my man, this forum is filled with genuine people but thereā€™s always that one guy that does stupid shit like this!

Hope you get what youā€™re looking for eventually and stay vigilant out there


If people donā€™t read the basic safety thread and pay to receive PNG files and not actual NFTs. Itā€™s not gonna matter.

The system is already pretty much full-proof if people apply existing recommendations. Do you think the guy that paid for a .jpg file would have compared the address to a database of known scammer address ? He didnā€™t even ask for one.

It takes less than a minute to create a new address in Phantom. Click the ā€œ+ā€, name it. You have a new wallet address in like 3 literal secondes.

If people follow basic rules, these things wouldnā€™t happen.

Now, I insist every time that we the mods find an automatic way to deal with things. Hard rules: ā€œNew accounts canā€™t post in the Buy/Sell threadā€ and many other healthy restrictions.

ā€œTrusted trader badgesā€ for proven reliable traders.
ā€œInexperienced, untrusted people send their hand firstā€
ā€œUse an intermediary to secure your trade like a modā€. The mod receives the NFT, then you can send the money, the mod will give you your NFT.
We thought about when there isnā€™t a trusted trader in the bunch.

We came up with redundancies and what not. We spent time. We put in the effort to create a great system.

We still do, investigating stuff, complaints. Suspending and banning people.

Iā€™m about to get some Booo on this one, but Me, Rose, Nice. We all have real jobs outside the forum you know.

Itā€™s easy to ask others to do stuff, takes typing on the keyboard then the other guys have to sit down and do it and it always sound easy when youā€™re not the one doing it and maintain a new extra steps in the process, upkeepking more lists and registries for people to ignore.

There an entire threads and tutorials about wallets, NFTs, groups, stores and fees besides the security threads too.



I was surprised that you had to make that recent post about people being responsible for their trades.

If one doesnĀ“t bother paying attention/understanding what he does, especially in financial matters,
thatĀ“s not the responsibility of others (children excluded). Thinking like this leads to stuff like these ridiculous refund-claims Dreamweaver recently faced (surely happens more frequently than he mentions publicly).

Some basic common sense and self accountability goes a long way in not allowing filth any ground.


Thanks for the reply. I agree with you. People just need to learn to be more self-responsible and read and follow the safety rules.



we would probably need some pre-entry course for someone to be able to write and reply to messages, just idk it may be quite muchā€¦

Maybe the next collective meditation can be about warding off ppl like that from our spaceā€¦


I just acquired an authentic, genuine copy of it from InfiniteCreators. Iā€™d like to give special acknowledgement and thanks to them for the secure trade and professionalism on their part.


@Dyst0p14n I am sorry for what happened to you.
Next time, if you have any concerns, sense any red flags or anything else making you suspicious, invite us mods into the chat and we will resolve it.

The same applies to everyone else.


Itā€™s ok now. Ignorance on my part was to blame and while I am fairly sensitive to energy (much more now thanks to Captain Nemo and Psychic University) I knew something was wrong about the file I received. That and I received a request for a considerable sum of money out of the blue from the person I sent the money to in exchange for the fake that I received in return. I have a genuine copy now and the Solana website shows that it was recorded and is legitimate. My advice, for anyone who might want to consider it is, if anyone wants to trade with someone who does NOT have the ā€˜Trusted Traderā€™ insignia by their name, invite an administrator as a witness or adjudicator to the chat to monitor the activity and exchange, if any are available so this doesnā€™t happen to them as well. The profile of the person I made the original deal with had a history of having been active in the forum for a while but did not have the ā€˜Trusted Traderā€™ insignia by their name. Iā€™ll never make an exchange with another person again who doesnā€™t have that after this.


Amen to that :pray:


If you are interested, I would like to lend you The Prince for a month or until you have saved enough money to purchase it from a Trusted Trader.

It angers me that this happened to you and I think it is only right that you should have access to the energies of this field now while you seek out an authentic copy. Feel free to message me if you would like me to send this NFT to you.


:muscle: :muscle:


I have an authentic copy of it now. I managed to find someone who had it and I was able to acquire it from them. Thank you for the offer however. :pray:


How my face feels after using The Prince NFT + The Deep Facial Remodelling field + Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork for an hour each.



I like how this turned into something beautiful ;)