Simple answer
No, but you can
Simple answer
No, but you can
Not sure if this can be attributed only to the Psychologist (I also listen to Alchemical mind expansion blend) but, suddenly everything that is going on around me makes a perfect sense. No more wondering “what was he/she thinking?” or “why is this happening?”
Intentions of others are crystal clear and I’m able to accept them, admit how I really feel about them (without a sense of guilt or denial) and act on them. It makes me feel exeptionally well. Also, my own ego-based thoughts and actions are exposed, leaving me with no other choice but to NOT act on them.
This level of clarity regarding the human behavior is essential for preserving your mental health. However hard the truth can sometimes be… It’s going hurt you just once.
To this day, I still haven’t encountered a behavior, situation, or human interaction of an unclear cause.
It’s quite a perk to have this level of understanding. Almost like an alchemy that transforms potentially painful into bearable. Difficult into easier. Complicated into simple. Prevents you from engaging in any kind of drama. Shortens the unpleasant, leaving more time to enjoy what’s pleasant.
I have no words to explain how grateful I am to have this.