The Quintessence of Marrow

Does this audio help to remove radiation from the body?

Great for anemia :pray:


See these for radiation removal

Would certainly help with general recovery from radiation.


I love the use of metaphysical healing ( fajin + chi ) in the mix
bought, think it’s an essential field for health maintenance
thanks !


On my second round after the day break. The energy on this one feels so rejuvenating - love the lo-fi beat and rain sounds as well! @Captain_Nemo the rain/fire beat god


I was deciding if i should get the iron gullet field because…

Tho Im Vegan (which easily accelerate metabolism) i also eat super clean and lots of water etc.

But for majority of my life i was very sporty and active and then i got 2 accidents one after the other and for like 3-4 years i couldnt do any exercise :disappointed_relieved: just barely yoga and super watch my food.

My metabolism was totally a wreck and super slow and then Ms Luna decided to choose a job that keeps the mental rush (fancy word for stress) kinda high lol :roll_eyes: and the eating schedules all over the place.

But then i felt that i didnt needed that field because nothing to heal there (from description)

So this was recommended instead by Mr Captain :man_pilot:


Put your hands up in the air bap bap bap :bomb:

Perfection :ok_hand:t4:

Yesss pancreas one + diabetes keep you on your ideal weight :ballot_box_with_check:

Yes enhanced fat metabolism nicely helps digestion after meals :ballot_box_with_check:

Yes all Lymphatic audios help with retaining liquids :ballot_box_with_check:

Yes Glycolysis with UCP gene activations is dope to burn sugars :ballot_box_with_check:

But… with my schedule i cannot be watching and doing that so end result:

Me feeling super full easily for hours :confused:

Now? Only 2 plays a day and voilà :relieved: i dont need anything else. At - all.

Disclaimer: im not losing weight or anything, just fast metabolism for now (3 days) i think once i up my work out along with this i could def see more.

You also really feel everything up there in you lol being rapidly detoxed.

I had long time ago used here and there the Bone Marrow one from Youtube which feels very similar in terms of detox but with this i def feel the difference with the other things added.


I nap to Fa JIng Gong, as well. It’s sooo relaxing.






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oh yes bone marrow transplant ( so healthy bone marrow ) has many benefits :

organ regeneration :

systemic rejuventation

slows aging :


it’s where blood is produced
blood goes in all your body tissues
so really beneficial for overall health


Fell asleep by accident for a few hours with this looping, today my joints feel full of energy/pressure. It’s that feeling of when you need to stretch your legs or arms, but has lasted all day. I’ll take advantage of it and listen to some height fields


I’m still having this tension of almost too much energy in my joints, not saying it’s this field. I always cross my legs and am stretching. Anyone have any suggestions to relieve this constant tension? I doubt it’s restless legs syndrome but who knows

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you can try the spa day album on sapien medicine, utter relaxation on dreamseeds, and finally grounding


nice email

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do I still need to listen to DNA Repair System?


Hi @Maoshan_Wanderer , just wanted know how has your experience been by stacking both this and the Ojas marrowed ?


Works for back pain???

Can this replace the jing, ching and shen audios?

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no man it has only chi in it and only on marrow

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