The Real Reason Male Enhancement Won't Work

Stop spreading this toxic incel mindset here.
You are a victim of your own victim and defeatism mindset.
Have the balls to spend 50 € on a professional prostitute who will help you with the experience you so desire.

This is a spiritual forum.
Spiritual means growing and working on yourself.
Which means you either work on yourself or don’t comment your victimhood here.


On the one hand, 50€-tier hookers sounds like guaranteed herpes.

On the other hand, 50 bucks adds up, a couple times a week, every week, that’s thousands upon thousands per years.

It’s both too expensive and not enough, if you feel me

Prostitutes won’t provide the illusions of purity and exclusivity that a non-professional can, it’s gonna suck.


Philp spit some wisdom man, we know you got more to say with that 500IQ brain man


Bro philp it reminds me, appraently, France is shutting their internet down for hours at a time, because of the riots the people are causing, is that true? have u had ur net go down?

That’s basic, 50 bucks a pop to fix a recurrent/daily need. That’s inflation


Were i live, u can get it for 4 pounds. If u budget it right, i think u can feed ur addication.

capital governance :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Don’t you feel guilty afterward ?

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woah man, it was a joke, I am a very good muslim

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Yeah, right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Just because I go past the 2x limit on superhuman genius, doesnt mean am any less muslim

Where did you hear that ?
Some random tweet

It’s France, not Iran or China
We don’t cut people’s internet even if there are a couple deaths and burnt buildings.

Even the mainstream English news they twist the story to fit their cultural war

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Holy shit i just check, it was a lie, but how are so many media outlets allowed to post such statments if they know its fake.

I thought Macron did censor the media coverage of the riots…?

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That’s BS
The international news is straight up lying, who knows what they say on social networks/

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nevermind, commented above

The government is bullying the cops to not uphold the law fully and ignore many crimes. They even limit the amount of ammunitions and equipments the cops have.

As per the law, the cops have the right to start shooting for real if people attack police stations. The government is letting all that happen and pressuring the cops to not react. Police stations get burned :man_shrugging:

All the cops are afraid to make a move and then be blamed.

So much for the dictatorship

How many riots did we have this year alone ?


Is Macron just a WEF puppet? Their globalist agendas will bring whole Europe to its knees due to not enough regulated immigration. Japan and Canada should be role models in that regard.

But I understand too that people dont get enough children and form families.

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We’ll see what happens :slight_smile:

But taxes will go up, our riot budget is low these days

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Don’t 60+ % of the world population have herpes already?
Doesn’t everyone kind of already have it, get it sooner or later automatically?
Never made out with a girl in a club?
I guess you have, but most of those folks on those black pill reddits didn’t have a regular teenage life so for them it would be a reason to rationalize why they can stay where they are forever and just keep complaining for being born with the wrong genetics.

That is correct.

But if you add a few thousand Euros into dividend stocks first, it is basically “free” for the rest of your life, lol.

If these losers would simply work instead of complaining all day on their couches, they would at least have money.

You are fully right on this one.

But you know what always bothers me about these people in the “black pill” / “incel” communities?

These dudes want to 100% be loved “just for their personalities” alone, while on the other hand expecting that only Stacies and supermodels throw themselves at them.

When a “regular woman” shows interest in them, it is apparantly not enough and they still want to rope themselves.

In their crazy heads, only attention from supermodels counts as any attention at all.

These dudes will always find reasons to remain in victim mode (like a dude with a 7 inch long dick believing he can’t get laid because “it is not 8 inches”).

That’s the fastest PUA get-laid-tactic ever.
You get laid guaranteed on your very first approach.
No self development required.
No need to buy a 1000+ USD course or boot camp.
Highest ROI for a PUA tactic ever.

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You guys kill me every-time :joy:

The irresistibly attractive thread talked about “destroying a girl’s self-image” and mentioned it was not a good thing. But some people came up with those plans.

Rational thinking :muscle:

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