The Reality Blocker

That’s not needed it already lasts for 24 hours after being used


I like it. I experience it more as creating space for self. Upon initial use there is like an emptiness. But as I go throughout the day, maybe because how its described, I can better see my energetic attachments and patterns. An opportunity to detach, and potentially make changes.

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As many of us, I daily work with different creators, different energy fields, morphic fields, do shadow, emotional work and even sometimes listen to some subliminal programs.

My intuition tells me that adding more when it comes to protecting myself and my energy improves my overall tolerance to working with more. And that is why I am considering this field.
Right now my listening list is balanced and does not overwhelm me. I am trying to determine if at the state I am in right now, adding just this will bring imbalance and cause havoc or if its light/subtle to the body systems.

I have some questions which if you can answer will help me decide. I know even though I try to give full details there is no way for your answer to be accurate and a definite answer as you will not have full details of my workings or can predict how my body system will react. However I thought of asking in the hope I understand and take a more responsible choice with the insights by myself.

  • ls listening to this audio daily, heavy/taxing on the nervous system/body system or energy-wise heavy?
  • How many times should we listen? (and if you remember, what is its listening duration?)
  • I know you said this a lot of times, if its not in the description then it is not available so, testing this is not available. Is it something you will consider to add? Like a test which will be for one time, and last 24 hours?
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This one feels quite light from my experience at least and those that used never had issue with taxing. And in general the way I create stuff can actually never tax your system. They work in a manner your system can handle and will stop working for the time being if it gets too much. Using it once is enough as it will last for 24 hours. Testing won’t be added to this anytime soon but this is more to take things away rather than adding. But if you’re doubtful I’d recommend not going for it unless you’re fully sure of something


Thank you.

I was never fully sure of anything in my life the last six or so years.

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Does this field include the ability to return our power that has been taken away up until now?

It’s not anything like that. It’s to edit your reality by taking problematic things away from it and to block certain external reality influence (thats considering the person himself isn’t the problem otherwise there’s no much helping if one doesn’t take responsibility for their own action so it’s not some kind of coping mechanism). By extension it allows you to have more control over your own reality. Use the healer servitor for this purpose of you can.


Okay, thank you

is there a recommendation of how many times to listen? Are two listens at a specific time in a day enough?

More than enough. Even once or a few min listening is enough as my fields doesn’t depend on how long you listen. It will last as long as needed (depending on the field) even if you like it or not. Also I stated above that just playing once can also last 24 hours. More play doesn’t mean will last longer


I know you said you won’t bother saying more about this but I would appreciate it if you did answer a related question.
It will make my life easier and bring faster results of my experiment.
I am experimenting with this feature to figure out its extend so I can use it more and also report back for helping others.

The question I have is if I ask the field to take information/energy away from my reality do I ask again the next day for that same information and energy to be taken away? Does this ability work for 24 hours only for this ability?

Thanks for extending the sale period.

Why would you need to do it again? Unless you feel like you are in the same situation again then there’s no need. And I can’t tell you when as I don’t live in your reality. So no you don’t need to do it many times.


  1. Had a great result/experience blocking/removing some negatives from my reality bubble and (I believe) allowing a great experience to manifest.
  2. Read last paragraph for more details on what I experienced.

I am reporting the initial results of my work in this field:

First off, regarding the main function of this field, I have been influenced by others (of course, I am the one allowing this at various levels), but the field is indeed doing an excellent job of blocking these situations… moments… from manifesting in my life. The difference from one day to the next is noticeable.

Now, another function I have been experimenting with, which I found very interesting, was this:

I believe it is too early to share findings, and most of the time, when I work with something new, I acknowledge it in that new practice/field/tool only when at least two events occur. In this case, only one event has occurred, but it is so significant that I cannot ignore it.

In the first few days of use, I noticed that whatever I asked to be removed or blocked from my reality indeed had the effect of being blocked. I don’t know if it’s a placebo, but sometimes I would have a thought, a trigger would come up for a second, and then it would vanish. This happened several times, and I worked on abstract concepts like removing information/energy, which implies I am not confident.

Regarding the main result, my experiences of abundance, or rather the astonishing moments of abundance compared to what I receive on a daily basis, have been compromised for some years now. The reason is not important for now; the fact remains.

I utilized this ability using the template: “Remove and block any and all information and energy from my reality which…” while listening to this audio. I created 10 statements related to my net worth, abundance, etc. And I completed these 10 sentences with whatever I felt needed to be said for me.

Note that one of these 10 statements was related to removing information and energy about not being perceived as an honorable, respectable, important person, a celebrity.

I did this in the morning. At night, unexpectedly, something was planned, and I went out with a new group of friends. I spent the night at a luxurious club in the VIP section. I won’t delve into how great it was, but the whole experience was a first for me. I had a great time, was served everything I needed and more, and paid nothing. The reason I definitely associate this with the field is that, having no such experience in six years and then having it the day I used the field in the way I did related to abundance and being a celebrity, cannot be a coincidence.


Love hearing about your experience! Keep telling us more stories :))


I have had some additional experiences but have been taking a break from this field to work on something else.

I also used the ‘solving specific situations’ upgrade, which caused some uncomfortable healing along with results.

What I’ve been doing with this field seems like cheating. I stay conscious all day and take notes on energies and information I dislike so that I can remove them the next morning.

I will return at some point with more. I have taken enough notes on what works and what doesn’t and will be adjusting and experimenting more in April.

Some other experiences I had include:

  1. Experiencing a spicy sexual encounter, a desire I’ve long held.
  2. Encountering more abundance in general, with simple things like craving something specific to eat and then, an hour later, someone preparing or inviting me to eat that very thing. This happens in a general sense; what I seek or desire, I tend to find or receive easily, sometimes even better than what I had in mind.
  3. Mentally, I find more peace; my daily life is more harmonious, with far fewer conflicts of any kind. Sometimes, I find myself avoiding conflicts and situations as if on autopilot. The difference from one day to the next in this last point is so significant that it cannot be ignored.

All these are directly correlated with the work I’ve done.

I generally keep journals, and I have for this experiment. One day, I will post everything I did and be as specific as possible, so maybe others can find benefit in it. I’m not sharing more now as some conclusions might be rushed or incorrect.


Thanks for updating, I find your experience so cool and you write in a very specific way so it’s really fascinating


Can we use this one for block reality where peri have body pain or to dissolve specific health condition of manifesting in not desired way ?

Or to block reality where co workers behave ugly etc


Not meant for health related use but should help to some degree. Won’t guarantee anything. Instead use healing based stuff like light healer etc

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I have been working with other practices and fields and I wasn’t able to experiment as much as I wanted with this field. Especially when I have very limited information on how to formulate experiments and it will take me a lot of time and effort.

However I had a happening in which I knew it would be suitable to work with this field.

I had to attend a gathering. A gathering which the experiences of it wouldn’t have been great, I know from… past experiences.
I wanted to avoid these past experiences and situations but “I had” to go to that gathering.

The situations of the gathering (which later will be my experiences); I see them as being realized because of some energies and information.

With this thought, I requested form the field, by talking to it out loud, to remove information and energies which relate to the energies I knew would cause the situations to happen. Energies like someone being a bully over another, ego bursts, discussions of specific topics, etc.

I also requested to remove information and energies which relate to the actual bad/negative experiences I could have (as I knew them exactly).

I hope I am not confusing you.

It worked like a charm. It was like the movies where a synchronicity happens to skip this or that or make this not happen or that to be interrupted. Seeing reality being malleable and shifting. Quite the show.